Pumpkin is Healthy; Here are the Facts!

Pumpkins not only make great Jack-O-Lanterns, but they also are a great addition to a healthy meal plan! 
Here are some quick facts about pumpkin:
  1. 80 calories per cup of canned pumpkin or 5 per TBSP (Like the Libby's Canned Pumpkin)
  2. Rich in minerals: copper, manganese, zinc, iron, selenium, magnesium
  3. 19% Daily Value for Vitamins C, 10% Daily Value for E & riboflavin
  4. Contains 5.125 mg beta carotene (a form of Vitamin A)-found in orange fruits/vegetables
  5. Rich in cartonetoids: lutein & zeaxanthin-associated with eye health and reduced risk of cataracts
  6. 1 cup has 564 mg of Potassium-more than a banana!
  7. 4g protein (4g) &  fiber (10g) per cup
  8. Botanically it is a fruit
  9. Is a winter squash
  10. A typical pumpkin contains 90% water
  11. 80% of the US pumpkin supply is available in October
  12. Pick pumpkins that are firm & heavy for their size
  13. Pumpkin seeds are high in protein, manganese, magnesium, & phosphorus and also contain heart healthy mono- & polyunsaturated fats.  (1/4 cup seeds toasted in oil = 190 calories)
  14. 1.1 Billion is the number of pounds of pumpkins annually produced in the U.S.
  15. Top producing states: Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, & California
  16. More than 90% of the pumpkins grown in the U.S. are for canned pumpkin
If you haven't already, try it in a dish today: roast with other vegetables, puree to make a base for soup, pancakes, waffles, quick breads or muffins.  Find a pumpkin recipe to try HERE!

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