hi guys, paul from ultimate fat burner.comhere and today i'm going to hit you up with 8 tips for losing all the weight youwant, without setting foot in the gym. i'll be right back in just a couple of seconds,stick around, don't go anywhere. alright welcome back.

Weight Loss Goal Calculator, if you're ready let's tear into those 8 tips... tip #1. tear up your gym membership. ok, so this is a little controversial, solet me explain.
first let me be clear; i'm not suggestingthat exercise isn't beneficial or that we shouldn't all be doing some. we absolutely should. personally, i love exercising, but not everyonedoes. exercise is great for stress relief, bloodsugar control, blood pressure and the cardiovascular system, for muscles, joints, tendons... youname it, exercise helps it. what's exercise is not particularly effectiveat is burning calories. if you've ever checked out one of those exericsecalorie counters that show you how many calories you burn doing various different exercisesand
activities, you'll already know how depressingly long you need to work to burn just a few hundred calories. you can spend half an hour on a stationarybike busting your ass, and you'll burn less calories than are found in the donut you treat yourself to after your workout. the bottom line is that if you hate exercising and your primary goal is to lose weight, you can make much quicker progress by focusing on what happens in the kitchen, rather in the gym. tip 2: do the easy stuff first there's a lot of opportunities for most ofus to reduce our caloric intake fairly significantly,
without actually having to do anything dramatic. so for exmaple... replace calorie rich beverages with low calorie or zero-calorie ones. eat more slowly (so you'll feel full faster),and decline seconds. if this hard for you, try reading somethingor watching t.v. while you eat - if you're distracted, you'll eat more slowly. reserve desserts for one or two nights a week. try to do a healthy food swap every day; forexmaple instead of having a glazed donut on your break, have an apple and a handful ofpeanuts.
so yeah... focus on the easy stuff. tip 3: know how many calories you need here's an unfortunate truth; you may neverlose a pound of weight just by "eating healthy." that's because it's pretty easy to consumeway more calories than you need even by eating foods that are actually pretty healthy. you can'tguess at this stuff. knowing how many calories you need on a daily basis is absolutely critical to the success of any weight loss program. so how do you do this? youuse a special type of calculator.
we have one our web site and i will includea link to it in the description under this video. tip 4: know the caloric value of the foodsyou eat in addition to knowing how many calories youneed daily, you also need to know the caloric value of the foods you eat, because if youdon't know this, you're guessing at your calorie consumption, and if you're guesing, you can't possibly know whether or not you're maintaining the caloric deficit necessary for weight loss. luckily there are all sorts of great tools around that will help you find the calorie content of the food you are eating - including some very popular mobile apps.
i haven't tried it, but i've heard all sorts of things about myfitnesspal. it's available for both android and apple. tip 5: portion sizes, portion sizes. portion sizes weighing and measuring food is a pain in theass, i will admit it. but you should do it once in a while so youunderstand what a serving looks like. for myself, it's important because i findmy servings to tend to creep larger and larger in size unless i have a regular reminder. and that reminder is weighing my servings. tip 6: drink lots of water.
you've probable heard this one a million times and you may not even believe it's true, but drinking water actually helps - and it helps in 4 different ways, and i have a video on the topic that i will linktowards the end of this one, so make sure you stick around for that. tip 7: don't set a goal! this tip runs contrary to the recommendationsof just about every success coach and self-help guru in the world. and i understand why goals are recommended;without something specific to set your sights on, it's too easy to flounder around, getdistracted or discouraged, and quit.
the problem is that weight loss is a uniquely personal venture, and it's very difficult for anyone to set a goal that is both motivational and practical - and by practical i mean something you can actually attain. too often weight loss goals are not practical, which means when we inevitably fail, we're more depressed than ever. and it just contributes to the "i can't do this"mindset. so forget this "10 pounds in 30 days"stuff. instead, set small manageable daily goals. things you can acheive.
like drinking your water. or replacing a high calorie snack with somethingmore nutritious. going for a walk after work. small attainable goals you can actually accomplish and feel good about. small successes build on larger ones! tip 8: do some basic meal prep and no, i'm not talking about slaving for hours in the kitchen making 15 or 20 elaborate meals for the week. i'm talking about doing a few simplethings so there's plenty of good food in
the fridge to grab when you're in a hurry. doing things like... hard boiling some eggs. cutting up veggies for simple snacks. making a simple bean saladcooking 6-10 chicken breasts at a time or any low fat protein source to have as a base for wraps, salads, sandwiches, and so on. if you do this stuff it ensures that there'salways something healthy to grab as a base for smart meals and snacks. i can tell you that from my own experience,food prep makes
all the difference. if there's something ready in the fridge,i make smart choices, no problem. if there isn't, i often make an easier choice...which is rarely a better one, nutritionally, or for my diet plan. tip 9: forget the high priced weight losssupplements contrary to what some folks will tell you,the best weight loss supplements do offer most dieters some benefit, but in the grandscheme of things, the effects are very subtle and moreoften than not, they do not deliver anywhere near close to their promises. so there you have 9 tips to losing all theweight you want without setting foot in the
gym. if you liked this video, i'd love it if yougave it a thumbs up, and if you think your friends would like it too, a share would beawesome as well. if have any questions or comments, or youwant to share your own experiences with weight loss without exercise, please leave a commentbelow. and of course, if you haven't subscribed tothis channel yet i have to ask you... what are you waiting for? it would be awesome to have you aboard. youtube will send you a quick note whenever new videos so you'll never miss anything.
thanks again for watching, and i'll see youreally soon.
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