fitness and workouts how to count a calorie? only working our ass off does not help us to get our dream physique diet as we know, diet is the most important thing that we have to look after for our body transformation

Calorie Intake For Weight Loss, thats why today i will be telling you about calorie and how to count it very easily without weighing your food in scale so what is calorie? calorie refer to energy consumption through food and energy usage through physical activity in your daily life. now lets get into how to count a calories in your daily basis.
first find out what is your goal? is it fat loss or bulk up? after your decision go to calorie counter website (link in description) after you find out how much you have to eat to get your desire physique make a list of food that you are eating regularly on your daily diet for example i will show you a reference so total amount of calories is 2678. so we finally counted our calories, now according to total we are having 2678 calories of food. now you know how much you should eat through the help of that calorie counter website. compare this 2678 with website calories counter result and increase or decrease your calorie intake as needed. remember! you have to write it down and calculate each food that you eat. dont cheat yourself. discipline, dedication, hard work and knowledge will make you what you want to become.
be strong, eat wisely :) dont forget to like subscribe and comments, thank you for watching :d
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