hi i'm certified nutritionist mira calton and i'm doctor jayson calton and togetherwe are the founders a calton nutrition and the authors of rich food poorfood and naked calories we are also the columnist for first for women magazine. we answered your nutritional questions in every issue of worriessolved column

Katie Cassidy Weight Loss, every monday will post amore in-depthvideo answer to one of the questions that wefeatured in the column so, what do you say lets just jump right in and get started this week's questioncomes from the sept 2nd
issue of first for women magazine andreads a friend said toxins in my disposable water bottles causes weightgain isn't that only if the plastic is heated?great question many plastic bottles contain a toxin called bisphenol a or bpa that can leach into the watereven if the plastic isn't heated in fact harvard researchers found thatpeople who regularly drink cold water from bottles containing bpa had significant increase in the levelsup these toxins after only one week this a problembecause evidence suggests that ingesting
even a tiny amount of bpa disrupts the endocrine system triggeringhormonal imbalances that slow metabolism and promote weight gain okay so in our book rich food poor food wealso highlight that canned foods are often linedwith this same bpa that is why it is really important to look forcans labeled as the bpa free you can be assured thatcanned item we chose as a rich food in our book is mostcertainly bpa free bpa is especially good at leaching into canned foods that are acidic
salty or fatty like coconut oil, coconut milk, tomatoes, canned fish soup and vegetables and it isnt just weight gain they have to beworried about according to the environmental working group it's also linked to impaired brain function cancercardiovascular system damage an adult onset diabetes if you're in a pinch look for a waterbottle that does not have the three or seven in the recycle symbol on the bottom orbetter yet bring your own water bottles
with you made out of either bpa freeplastic or stainless steel that's what we do. so regardless if you say bisphenol likeamerican or bisphenol like they do in the uk or just plain old bpa to keep things simple thetake awayis just diss the biss don't forget tosubscribe button youtube so you don't miss out on any future worries solved questions like the video and share with others tohelp us spread nutritional knowledge and if you keep the fabulous questionscoming in we promise to keep supplying
you with good answers see you soon ca:
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