- what's up everyone, welcome to yoga with adriene, i'm adriene. today we have a nice,full practice for you. this is part of our yogafor weight loss series. definitely gonna work thecore, open up the hips,

Final Trim Weight Loss, find what feels good inthe neck and shoulders, strengthen legs. you name it, we got it on the mat today. so, let's get started.
(mellow fingerpicking guitar) alright my friends, sotoday we're going to begin lying flat on our backs. take a second to getsituated, get settled in. (deep exhale) and then with a great deep breath in we're going to reach thefingertips up and overhead, so nothing fancy here, just full body stretchas you take a breath in
(deep inhale) and a long breath out,pointing and flexing the feet, maybe spreading the toes, spreading the fingertips,rotating the ankles, the wrists. notice, or remember, a little reminder that it's all connected, so as you flex the feet you find this sitbone to heel connection. as you point the toes you might notice
what happens to the tops of the legs, the hip creases (deep inhale). then we'll float the fingertips down and hug the knees into the chest. scoop the tailbone up andwrap you arms around the shins and you know what to do here, just take a couple breathsto find what feels good, rocking gently side to side, you might peel the noseup towards the knees,
keep your shoulders relaxed. you might point the toes,you might flex the feet, so just nice consciousnessthroughout the entire body. (exhale) and we continue to deepenthe breath (deep exhale) and just notice how youfeel today. (inhale) if you feel a littletired or a little weary or you're maybe not sureif you have it in you to do this video (deep inhale)
just stay focused on your breath. let's take one moment at a time, we'll let just things unravel, we'll let one thinglead to the next, here. (deep breathing) openingour minds and our hearts to a new experience here. and we'll keep the rightknee hugging into the chest, keep the shoulders relaxedas you send your left foot up high towards the sky.
again, you can't point and flex here, you might rotate the toes alittle in and out. (exhale) so, we're letting the blood flow in the opposite direction here, really maybe imaginingthat right hip socket kind of dropping downwith each breath out. and we squeeze the rightknee in towards the heart. take a deep breath in, on an exhale, on your exhale, so follow your breath,
be true to your breath. slowly lower the left heel down. and we begin to connect what for me, and i think for most we canagree our hatha yoga's all about which is this balancingof two opposing forces. so if you're like, "say what?" basically we're letting thephysical practice kind of embody or imbue theprinciples of yoga here, so what that means is i'mpushing through my left foot.
i'm really firming downthrough the left thighbone as i pull up through the right knee. so i find a little easeor i seek a little grace as i press and pull, push and pull. again, playing withthese two opposing forces throughout today's practice. and you might throw yourselfoff balance, you might fall. and that's okay that's whywe practice. (exhaling) one more deep breathin here, (deep inhale)
then on your exhale take your right knee overtowards the left side of your mat and find a nice open twist here. we can open up through the right arm, we can soften through the toes now. you might use your leftpalm to gently pet the outer edge of your rightthigh or your right leg. and you might use your exhaleto gently melt the heart open, relax the right shoulderdown, down towards the earth.
now close your eyes here,trust that life is good and find your breath. (breathes deeply)(birds chirping) the birds are chirping superloud here today, it's so nice. (deep inhale) so youmight notice the sounds around your practice space today, you might notice thequality of air in the room as you begin to settle in. gently melting back tocenter whenever you arrive,
take your time as we switch. left knee hugs in and right leg goes up high towards the sky. so again, just a couplemoments breathing here to let the blood flow inthe opposite direction, to spread awareness throughoutthe sole of the foot, and just squeeze the left knee in without clenching theshoulders or the neck. (deep breathing)
if the leg doesn't straighten, if you have a nice bentright knee, no prob. in time we'll be able tostraighten that, no prob. so be where you're at todaywith nice full deep breaths. and on your next exhale,follow your breath, be true to yourself as you lowerthe right heel down slowly. you might close your eyes for this move, imagining what's happeningin that right hip socket. and as the weight ofthat right leg releases
down to the earth (exhale)should feel really nice, we begin to again connect to this idea of finding balance or ease,maybe even a little bit of grace in between this push and pull,these two opposing forces so i'm pressing throughmy right heel strong guys, flexing the right toes up toward the sky. i'm firming down through thetop of that right thigh bone. shoulders are relaxed asi squeeze the left knee in towards the heart, i might even find
a little movement here if that feels good. maybe drawing (exhale)nice little line from the shoulder to the heart withmy left knee (deep exhale). (deep inhale) and then on a big breath out i'll take the left kneeover towards the right side of the room, or my mat, andi'll find this nice open twist, relaxing through the hands andfeet as i open up. (exhale) now close your eyes here and trust as you breathe into thelower belly. (deep inhale)
nice long, sweeping breathsup and down the spine (deep breathing)(birds chirping) then gently, we'll release back to center. hug both knees into the chest, cross the right ankle over the left, we'll grab the outeredges of the feet like so. maybe take a moment here to find a little spaciousnessin the lower back. if it feels right you mightbend the elbows left to right.
and, if you're like, "girl,i can't even reach my feet," no problem, just reach here, (inhales), breathe breathe breathe,maybe you grab the big toes, or your pants. that would be like this, yeah. then wherever you are,take one more breath, deep breath in (inhale) and then exhale, choose to let something go (deep exhale). we're gonna rock front to back now,
anchoring a little bit of awareness now in our core, naval to spine. you might get a nice, spinal massage, nice back massage out of this (exhale). and this will, of course, lookand feel a little different for everyone. in time you might come toenjoy this playful rocking, but maybe today one or twois just enough for you. after you've had enoughwe'll come up to a nice,
cross-legged position,getting situated here, doing whatever you have to do to finda nice, beautiful sukhasana. for me it's itching my nose,excuse me, austin allergies. tuck the chin into the chest, and roll up through the spine, lift and lengthen throughoutthe crown of the head, nice awareness in the belly here. if you're familiar with the mula bandha or the uddiyana bandha.
half my viewers just went,"ugh, what!?" (laughs) if you're familiar with those locks, you might begin to play with those. if you're not, consider this: energy, lifting up from your pelvic floor. "say what?" just, play with it. so rather than just sitting up collapsing and channeling third grade, you know, when you're asked to sit up tall.
see if you can like cultivatesomething a little bit deeper. so, again if you're new to the practice and this is stressing youout, all this yoga talk, don't let it. you're better than that,you don't need that. just play. what if i were to closemy eyes and imagine lifting up from my pelvic floor. energetically lifting upthrough the center channel,
the sushumna, the centerchannel, lifting up. the crown of the head lifts and lengthens. (inhale) my heart lifts... collarbones long, chest open. the shoulder blades drawtogether, elbows tag a little bit of weight down. naval draws in just slightly, i kind of dial my outer rib cage, my lower rib cage in alittle bit, maybe (exhale).
and if all this mula-bandha-uddiyana-bandhaenergy, lifting is a little odd for youand a little too much, just close your eyes fora moment and think about places where you can lift and lengthen. and think about placeswhere you can ground. maybe even the tops ofthe thighs grounding down. then return to your breath as you draw the palmstogether at your heart,
take a quiet moment here, myfriends to set an intention. this can be anything you like. it could be "find whatfeels good" for the next, however-many minutes. this could be one word, it could be reconnectingto a new year's resolution, a personal goal. maybe it's just a feeling, an essence. so just take a moment toconnect to something positive
that will serve you,right here, right now. (breathing deeply) when you feel like you have it, go ahead and repeat it to yourself, just kind of honoring the power of word, the power of thought (inhale). continue to breathe deeply, fully. gently bow the head to the hands, really stretching theback of the neck here
feeling this nice stretchin the back of the neck as we bow our head to our hearts. mind intelligence tothe body intelligence, just kind of conferringthose intentions... considering them already done, already so as you take a deep breath in, we connect together (deep inhale) and then on an exhale we release. open your eyes and open your palms.
take a look down at yourhands literally, hang with me. take a look at the lines of your hands, spread the fingertips wide. notice the spaciousnessbetween each finger. then we're gonna take thisawareness of the hands and just notice what it channels. i see some ink from yesterday... such an artist! just kidding (laughs), it's marker
from a label from the fridge. i see my mother here, you might see someone inyour family, my grandmother. just notice what it brings up. and then we're gonna take this awareness, whether you connect itto something or not, and we're going to take thisawareness with the hands and come onto all fours. so, nice and easy, comingto a table-top position.
again, connecting one moment to the next and letting it unravel. so really letting things evolve here. so we take that moment with our hands down with us to all fours. no yoga-robots here, so we'repressing away from the earth and we're pressing intothe tops of the feet. we're drawing the shoulders back
and we come to a nice table-top position. so just check in with the lower back, if you feel like you may bedipping down a little bit you might consider huggingthe outer ribs up and in and drawing your navelup towards your spine. then check in with your neck, maybe you're looking at the video or maybe just we forgot to remember that the neck is a nice, beautifulextension of the spine
and so we remember thatby sending the gaze maybe straight down, andimagining a little teacup, or a little whiskey shot being placed on the backof the neck (laughs). stay here, playing with theintegrity of tabletop position. if you want to challengeyourself a little bit you can press into your foundationand lift the knees, let them hover here for justa breath or two (inhales). nice, strong breath here (exhales).
we welcome a little heat tothe body, a little tremble. we're not collapsed here, butwe're pressing into the earth, and then we'll lower theknees, curl the toes under, and walk the palms forward. inhale, look forward, drop the belly, and exhale, send it back. we come into this kind ofextended child's pose variation, but i'm gonna swing a littlebit, stretching the shoulders, arms actively reaching towardsthe front edge of the mat.
i can relax the forehead down, maybe it kisses the mat, maybe it doesn't. i'm gonna take two more full breaths here. i'm stretching my feet,i'm reaching the fingertips towards the front edge, and i'm breathing into the armpit, chest, the upper back body. (deep exhale) great, then i'll slowlydraw my navel to my spine, come back to all fours, findyour tabletop position again,
wrists underneath the shoulders, knees directly underneath the hips. my friends, notice what'shappening with your toes, maybe they've come in here, maybe they're splaying out. see if you can get a nice line here from the knee toankle, ankle to toe bones. so nice right angle. here we go, tabletop position.
inhale in, on an exhale,maybe again you practice lifting the knees. so i'm just checking inwith this line of the spine, drawing my navel up (exhale)one more breath here. shoulders draw back... and then i'll exhale release, cat-cow, let the floodgates openhere, find your breath. so for cat-cow i'm moving with my breath, maybe inhaling, dropping the belly,
opening the heart forward. and then on an exhale,starting at the tailbone, connecting all themuscles of the front body as i find this beautiful arc in this line. take your eyes off the videoand trust yourself here as you maybe close youreyes and go inward. moving with your breath, slowing it down. and then when you get boredof this cat-cow my friends, go ahead and be a little rebel,
and veer off the railroad tracks. we might shake the hipsa little left to right. if it feels available to you,you might even rock forward, maybe send it back towhere we were (exhales). so we're working in a littleevolving cat-cow, here. checking out how you feel today, stretching any tight places,sore spots (exhales). if you haven't been onyour hands in a while, or you're totally newto yoga and you're like,
"what in the world!? mywrists are killing me," then you might take this moment to come up and give thewrists a little love, little rotation, maybe even reaching the arms up as you do that so the blood can flow inthe opposite direction. so take a little freestyle moment here to find what feels good, and connect to a little spinal flex.
then we're gonna take the organic energy, and the good vibes of this movement, and for some it'll be a littlebit hard, 'cause it's hard. sometimes we just wannabe told what to do so... go with the flow. we're gonna take this kindof seaweed-like movement and we're gonna curl the toes under, and we're gonna send itto downward facing dog with the same kind of energy.
so no rigidity, basically (inhales). we're gonna get into a little flow later, but we're really wanting to kind of start with a soft, easy breezy stretching. full breath (exhale). being really kind toour bodies we check in. so in down dog we pedal the feet, we press away from theearth, we don't collapse in we melt the heart back, then the knees,
as generously as you need (exhales). then once again hugging theouter ribs in just a hair here, drawing the shoulders away from the ears, you might imagine your biceps rotating towards the front of your mat. and the tops of the thighsspiraling towards the back. take one more deep breath inhere my friends (inhales), and then on an exhale we'regonna go for a nice, slow walk up towards the front edge of your mat.
together we'll land in forward fold. take a nice, wide stancehere to start (exhale), bend the knees generously,stretching the lower back body. and we let the weightof the head and the arms and the shoulders go. (deep breath) you might shake the head "yes, no" here, you might grab the elbows,rock a little side to side. find what feels good, maybe connecting
to an ujjayi breath now,that victorious breath, audible breath. and we'll take one morebreath wherever you are. then on your next inhale, slowly lift up to a flat back position. so, for this shape the palms can be on the tops of the thighs, the tops of the shins oreven fingertips on the earth. and you can mix and match thisthroughout our flow today.
deep breath in, inhale whereveryou are, nice, beautiful line from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone (inhales). and then follow your breath down, so wait for your exhale, let's get used to moving with the breath as we (exhales) come back to that forward fold. great smile, remember your intention, press into all four corners of the feet,
bend your knees, tuckyour chin into your chest, and slowly roll up to mountain. stay connected to yourbreath as you lift the heart, lengthen through the crown of the head. we'll just take a couplemoments here on your own to loop the shoulders. you might fix your pants, fixyour hair, itch your nose, whatever you need todo, kind of go through all those wiggle moments.
draw circles with the nose,did i already say that?, checking in with the neck. and take as much time as you need to, so just use myself in thevideo as a guide, here today, but take as much time as you need to to really move from a real place. again, if your wrists aretight you might take a second to veer off and massage your wrists at any time during the practice.
and whenever you feel readyagain, take your time, you'll come to a nice mountainpose with the palms open. we allow the armpitchest to really lift here as if someone were liftingus up from a shoulder strap. and then, as we begin to lift the heart, the tailbone's gonna want to peel towards the back edge of your mat, so we're gonna lengthen the tailbone down, you might find soft kneesto help you with this.
and we're gonna imaginethe hip points shining up towards the sky, north. so we kind of go fromhere, just to exaggerate, to tops of the thighs spiraling and tailbone lengthening down. and these two hip pointsgetting a little sunlight. if you're like, "i didn'tget that," let it go. another day, maybe another year from now. deep breath in (inhale) andlong breath out (exhale).
on your next inhale, we'regonna sweep the fingertips up and overhead just getting used to working with the breath, here. fingertips kiss up andoverhead, and on an exhale we float them back down,palms open towards the front. move with your breath,inhale, reaching up. taking up space, spreadingthe fingertips (inhale). and exhale back down. now begin to integrate the neck,
so you might trace your fingertips with your peripheral vision, or maybe just move yournose with your thumbs. so, really integrating the neckhere, careful not to crunch as the fingertips comedown we breathe out. and chin to chest. just a couple more roundson your own (inhale). getting used to moving with the breath. and on your next inhale, we'll reach up,
palms will come together up and overhead, and then on an exhale we'llbend the elbows, open the heart as you float it down to forward fold. inhale, halfway lift, just likewe did before, your version. (inhale) and on your breathout, take it back down, forward fold. inhale, sweep thefingertips left to right, reach up towards the sky,full breath (inhale), and exhale hands to heart,
soft bend in the knees,not locked (exhale). awesome, here we go, inhale,reach the fingertips up. palms come together up andoverhead, and now on an exhale we open our hearts (exhale) andsend it forward, uttänäsana. inhale, halfway lift, long beautiful neck, take a deep breath in (inhale). use your exhale to slideit back down (exhale). awesome. bend your knees, this time plant the palms
and we're gonna step the right toes followed by the left toes back to plank. don't panic. top of a push-up here, wepress away from the earth. we fill three full breathshere, so how you fill them is entirely up to you. holding, clenchingwaiting, hips dipping down is not a good idea. so, become alive here, just like you did
in this hovering cat orthat tabletop position. if you need to lowerthe knees, no problem, fill your three breaths here,pressing away from the earth, drawing the navel up towards the spine. everyone, make sure thatyour shoulder blades aren't collapsing here butwe spread the shoulder blades left to right, and lift the heart. one more breath (inhale)about three breaths here and then we'll all lower the knees,
draw them to the centerof the mat, lift the toes. you can cross the ankles herejust for fun for style points, careful not to let the hips dip here. keeping that integrityfrom the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone. deep breath in, look forward (inhale), open your throat chakra (laughs), draw the shoulders away from the earth, hug the elbows into the sidebody and slowly lower down.
gaze is forward, nice and slow. belly comes to the earth,we release our feet down, press into the pubic boneand on a big breath in lift up baby cobra. so careful not to push it up too hard, let's keep it nice and low, here. we have plenty of caturaá¹…ga opportunitiesand vinyäsa opportunities so let's do a littleback strengthening here.
pulling the elbows back,pressing into our foundation you might close your eyes now and reconnect with your breath. tuck your chin into yourchest just slightly (inhale) and then on a breath out, we'll release. so we have two optionsduring the practice today, one is to curl the toesunder from this place. for more strengtheningpractice, we'll press back up to that top of a pushup,
and then send it to downward facing dog. if you're working on strength building and you prefer not to do that, you wanna go a little slower, alittle softer then we will always move from here to all fours, curl the toes under, andthen peel up from the tail. so we have lots of options together we'll meet indownward facing dog. when you're there, takea deep breath in (inhale)
and then let a big exhale outthrough your mouth (exhale), bend the knees, slowly look forward, repeat the slow walk that we did before, or hop up towards thefront edge of your mat. inhale, halfway lift, your version and exhale, softly release, back down. inhale, sweep the fingertipsall the way up and overhead, full body stretch, pressinto your feet, and exhale hands to heart.
alright so we're gonnaadd on a little bit now, dancing in the moves. if you need to take a break at any point you can come to a niceextended child's pose, or come back to standing inmountain to watch the video and find your breath, and justbe where you are today, okay? here we go, inhale, sweep thefingertips up and overhead, full body stretch. exhale, diving forward,follow your breath (exhale).
inhale, halfway lift (inhale)exhale, forward fold. inhale, plant the palms,step or hop it back to plank. fill three breaths here. after three breaths we take a vinyäsa. so we can repeat what we did before, lowering the knees down, practicing caturaá¹…ga here, or maybe we stay up on the toes, shift our weight forward,
hug the elbows into the side body, and lower down, caturaá¹…gato upward facing dog. so we have lots of optionshere, we can mix and match. follow your breath, inhalein, and on an exhale send it back, downward facing dog. (exhale) melt your heart back,press away from the earth. pressing into all ten knuckles firmly. great, now we're gonna drop the left heel and on an inhale slidethe right leg up high.
we're gonna fill three breaths here, how you fill them is entirely up to you. so you might have a tendency to kind of wait or need to see the video but, your body knows what to do here, we know the downward dog shape. we might stack the hips, we might work on squaring them right away, we might have our leftheel high up in the sky
so we're just working on anchoring down through that left heel. after your three breaths (inhale) slowly bend your right knee and squeeze it up and in towardsyour heart, gaze's forward, so no nose-to-knee here today we're drawing the shoulders awayfrom the ears, looking forward and then we'll step that rightfoot up into our lunge, whew! good work everyone.
slowly lower the left kneedown, inhale, look forward. stack front knee over front ankle and then exhale, send it back (exhale). inhale, come forward,and now it's all you, so we're gonna play alittle bit here in low lunge or runner's lunge. maybe pulling the right hip crease back, maybe widening your stance. stretching the muscles of the legs,
noticing how they're attached(laughs) to the torso. you might lift thatback knee here (exhale), or you might keep itnice and low (inhale). after a couple breaths,everyone loop the shoulders, let your heart radiate forward,extension through the spine, take a deep breath in(inhale) and on an exhale we'll plant the palms,slide the right toes back, plank pose. deep breath in, on an exhale,choose your own vinyäsa here,
lowering down to thebelly, coming up to cobra, or caturaá¹…ga to upward facing dog. take a deep breath in, smile, and then exhale, downward facing dog. deep breath in (inhale), longbreath out (deep exhale). now drop the right heel this time, inhale, slide the left leg up high. three breaths my friends,to fill (inhale). be true to your breath (deep exhale).
stacking the hips, pointingand flexing the feet, maybe you work on anchoringthat right heel down. pressing into both palms evenly (inhale). after three breaths, three-ish breaths, we'll squeeze the leftknee in towards the heart, gaze comes forward, holdhere, take a deep breath in, and then exhale, left foot comes down. go ahead and lower the back knee, we come to a nice low lunge.
inhale, look forward (inhale), and exhale, send it back (exhale). and now we have a littleroom to play here, so you might rock front and back, you might come to a nice,low lunge or runner's lunge and breathe here with theknee lifted (deep breath). find what feels good here,stretching any sore spots. connecting. and then with the knee lowered or lifted,
together we'll loop theshoulders, inhale, look forward, let your heart radiate forward. and exhale, once again planting the palms, we'll slide the left toesback and take our vinyäsa. follow your breath (deep breath). together we'll meet, downwardfacing dog (deep exhale). awesome, deep breath in (inhale),long breath out (exhale). bend the knees generously, belly comes to the tops of the thighs,
tops of the shoulders rotate down, away from the ears sothere's lots of space here. then we'll inhale, look forward, exhale, hop it up towards the front edge. inhale, halfway lift andexhale, forward fold. inhale, spread the fingertips, sweep the hands all the way up. reach for the sky, andexhale, hands to heart, tuck your pelvis.
just take a moment hereto notice how you feel. observe your breath. remember your intention. find that lift in the heart. then we'll find soft knees again and inhale, sweep thefingertips up (inhale), on an exhale diving forward (exhale). inhale, halfway lift (inhale) and exhale, forward fold (exhale).
bend the knees, step or thistime you can hop the feet back to plank. inhale, shifting the weightforward, caturaá¹…ga practice, hugging the elbows inwe slowly lower down. cobra, or upward facing dog(inhale) take a deep breath in and on an exhale todownward facing dog we go. this time walk the bigtoes to the center line, and we anchor down through the left heel. inhale, slide the right leg up,
this time square the right hips, so you might turn the righttoes down towards the ground, and flex the right foot strong. press into both palms evenly,take a deep breath in (inhale) and then on an exhale we'llslowly, nice and slow, bend that right knee,hugging in towards the heart once again as the gaze moves forward. inhale, exhale, step the right foot up. now check it out, here we go,we're gonna walk the left toes
all the way up, liftingthe left foot up here. now i take a nice, slow entranceinto this standing split, and i want you to just,kind of forget what you know about standing split shape. work on the sensations here,so i press on all four corners of the right foot. i really keep a soft bend in my right knee as i stretch to the right leg. i'm gonna pull my righthip crease up and back,
as i stay alive through my left foot. so how high you get thatfoot up is no matter, in fact we wanna dial the left toes down, and really flex throughthe left foot, as if you're pressing into the balljoint of that big toe. if you have blocks, or if youhave a chair, you can lift it (laughs) lift the earth up to you so you can work on this here. if you're wanting togo a little bit further
and play with balance youmight walk the fingertips in line with your foot. (exhale) maybe evenwrapping around the leg. take a deep breath in wherever you are, really bright through the legs,press into that left heel. (deep inhale) then on an exhale,anchor, navel to spine here as you slowly bend that right leg and release the left toes down. strong breath in here as webend the front knee and inhale.
lift the fingertips up and overhead. high lunge. so we're hugging energy into the mid line. great, bend your left knee here, lengthen tailbone down,just like we did before and allow the hip points here,to get a little sunlight. so i'm going from here,to bending the left knee, really scooping thetailbone under and letting those hip points shine up.
strong high lunge here you mightstraighten the back leg in. again take a deep breath in(inhale) and then exhale, bend the elbows, thumbsare gonna spread back towards the back edge of yourmat, spread your fingertips, inhale lift your heart, tuck the pelvis, and exhale, bend the elbows (deep exhale). inhale, fingertips kissup and overhead (inhale) and exhale, bend the elbows (exhale). awesome, let's do onemore, inhale (inhale),
exhale (exhale). excuse me, my voice broke there (laughs). and then we gently release. plant the left palmnext to the right foot. feel free to lower your back knee. on a nice sweeping breath i'm gonna reach my rightfingertips all the way up towards the sky, coming into a twist. again, back knee can be lowered.
take a deep breath in here,pull your right hip crease back, careful not to collapse intoyour foundation but press away. (inhale) and then on an exhale release. great, plant the palms,slide the right toes back, and take a vinyäsa. you might take a break here instead. find your own bliss here today, choose your own adventure,and stick with your breath. together we'll meet downwardfacing dog (deep exhale).
bring the two big toes together, this time anchoring down strongthrough the right heel. inhale, slide the leftleg up high (inhale). take a moment to squarethe hips, maybe notice what's happening with the shoulders, if you're dumping all yourweight into your right shoulder drop the left shoulder down. inhale in, squeeze theleft knee all the way in towards the heart as youexhale out, gaze is forward.
(sharp exhale) then we'll step theleft up into our lunge. great, here we go, withfingertips on the mat, i'm gonna soften the right knee andstep the right foot up, standing split. now again, especially forour practice here today, just forget what you knowabout standing split, that shape here, right?, we're gonna work onsensation rather than shape.
so, pressing into my foundation strong, staying soft in that left knee, engaged. i'm gonna lift my rightleg up high (deep breath). nice awareness in theshoulders, right toes dial down and i'm gonna really press into the ball joint of my big toe. spread the toes (exhale) breathe. maybe you'll walk thefingertips in, maybe not, maybe again you're on two blocks here,
kind of like two stilts. so we're making do,finding what feels good in the challenge (exhale). and the thing about balancingpostures is you do sometimes throw yourself off balance, right? we practice dealingwith that, too (exhale), and if you fall, i'll catch ya. one more breath here (inhale), on an exhale anchor navel to spine,
soften through that standingleg, send the right toes back, and with one bold sweeping breath in we reach the fingertips up high, high lunge. also known as crescent lunge,we pull the thumbs back and we do a little housekeeping, here. so especially in yourhome practice, right, it's yours to exploreand yours to tend to. so when you're in a fastpaced vinyäsa class,
hopefully you're stilldoing the same, but, you know, you kind of go toclass to move with others, breathe with others. so here you have a chance to tend to it. bend the back knee, lengthen tailbone down,scoop the tailbone down so you can lift those hippoints up towards the sky. then you might straightenthat back knee (exhale) breathing deep.
inhale, looking up, wemight begin to maybe integrate the neck onthis move as we exhale, bend the elbows, chin tochest this time (exhale). inhale, challenging ourbalance with the gaze. reaching up, looking up. and exhale, bending the elbows. if that's too unstable for you you can just keep youreyes focused on one thing. working slowly but surely
towards a place of morebalance and stability and ease. one more, inhale (inhale) andexhale, bending the elbows great, inhale, reachit up, exhale, release. we find our twist on the otherside, right palm comes down, we can lower that back knee if we need to. and inhale, sweeping the leftfingertips up towards the sky. pull the shoulders away from the ears. press away from the earth (exhale). one full breath (inhale)
and then on an exhale we release, awesome. plant the palms, slide the left toes back and take your vinyäsa. we're gonna take three breaths in child's pose or downward facing dog. so you can choose yourown resting posture here, coming into an extended child's pose or resting in downward facing dog. feel your three breaths here,nice long smooth deep breaths.
see if you can extend the inhale, extend the exhale, nice and long. if you're in extended child'spose, slowly make your way back up to downward facing dog where we'll take a deep breath in (inhale) and on an exhale bendthe knees, look forward and hop towards thefront edge of your mat. inhale, halfway life (inhale), exhale, soften and release down.
inhale, sweep the arms up andoverhead, full body stretch (inhale) and exhale back downwe go, forward fold (exhale). inhale, lifting up, flat back (inhale), exhale, uttänäsana. plant the palms, stepor hop the feet back, exhale, shifting forward,lower down cobra, or upward facing dog. after your heart openertake a deep breath in and on an exhale down dog (exhale).
from here we'll walkthe big toes together, drop the left heel down, again inhale, slide the right leg up high. exhale bend the right knee,squeeze it in towards the heart, gaze is forward, open your throat. step the right foot up. then immediately we go intothe standing split practice. (inhale) so this time (exhale) pulling the right crease back,
this time you might begin to wrap the right hand around the calf. maybe the left (exhale),and maybe you're like, "girl, mm-mm, 'nother day." "'nother year, dude." breathe, press into your left foot strong. and then we'll soften the standing leg, connect to your core as yousend the left toes back. inhale, sweep the arms up and over head,
nice strong crescent lunge (inhale) and then exhale all the way back down. take your twist, inhale, right fingertips reach up towards the sky. we press down through that right big toe, so make sure your rightknee's not coming out here. and then exhale, down we go. slide the right toes back, and vinyäsa. in downward dog we'll dropthe right heel and inhale,
lift the left leg up high (inhale). deep breath in, exhale,bend the left knee, squeeze up and in towardsyour heart, gaze is forward. then we'll step the left foot up. in your own time findthe softness of buoyancy, as you practice here, standing splits. right toes down, left hip creasepulls up and back (exhale). connect to your center,your core, and we play here. (inhale) and it mightbe here ya'll, no prob.
so, one thing i want to saythat i would absolutely say if i was teaching public classis if your right butt cheek is stacked over your leftbutt cheek, then we're kind of going into more ofa half moon situation here. so dial your right toes down to the earth, drop your right butt cheek,and breathe into the sensation. one more breath (inhale),then connect to your core as you exhale, soften throughthe standing leg (exhale). right toes back, inhale, whew!
on an exhale releasingdown we find our twist. right palm to the earth,inhale, open up (inhale) and exhale back down. take your vinyäsa and then together we'll meetin child's pose, everyone. take three breaths here,fingertips sweep, swim towards the toes and we restthe shoulders, the head down. (deep breath) take a rest. and slowly we'll reach the fingertips
up towards the frontedge and take your time, enjoy the transition asyou come back to all fours. inhale lots of love in, andon an exhale send it back, downward facing dog (inhale). awesome work my friends, stick with it. we inhale, look forward, and exhale, hop towards the front edge. inhale, flat back, draw theshoulder blades together, (inhale) and exhale bow.
inhale, sweep the fingertipsup, reach towards the sky, and hang with me, exhale, enjoy this move, back down we go (exhale). inhale, halfway lift (inhale),exhale, forward fold. plant the palms, step it back. vinyäsa, caturaá¹…ga to up dog. or, lowering all the way down to cobra. together we'll meet indownward facing dog, where we'll walk the two bigtoes together once again,
and drop the left heel down strong. inhale, lift the right leg up (inhale), exhale, squeeze the rightknee in towards your heart, gaze is forward. step the right foot up,pivot on the back foot, and slowly we'll rise up fora little grounding moment here in warrior one. super strong warriorone, tend to it (exhale) (inhale) and when you'reready inhale, arms up high.
(exhale) deep breath in here. now, check it out. this isn't your momma'sbalancing practice, here, so you might have thoughtwe're gonna do a bunch of tree pose and stuff,but we're not, yay. we're gonna anchor navel to spine here, hug the outer ribs in. i'm gonna slowly pivot on theback foot, i'm here (inhale), and then on an exhale (exhale)
i'm gonna turn towardsthe right side of the mat, sending my right fingertipstowards the back, and also pulling gently, right hip crease towards the backage of your mat. so i'm coming into atwist here, remember this, tailbone lengthening down, hip points high up towards the sky. so yours might be heretoday, no prob (exhale). breathe (inhale) then we'regonna turn the right thumb down,
reach towards the outeredge of your left thigh, and inhale, left fingertips up high. so, you can see what's going on here, i'm dropping the right thumb down, and i'm reaching the leftfingertips up towards the sky. inhale in, then think aboutmoving from your center, dialing from your center,your navel or your heart. i'm gonna open up to warriortwo on an exhale (exhale), pivoting on the back foot (inhale).
awesome, inhale, reach forwardand exhale, reverse warrior, sink deep into that front leg. inhale in, and exhale all theway back down to your lunge. awesome, plant the palms, andtake a vinyäsa, or skip it! together we'll meet,downward facing dog (inhale). deep breath in (inhale) andlion's breath this time, long breath out (fierce exhale). drop the right heel, inhale,slide the left leg up high. exhale bend the left knee,squeeze it in towards your heart,
gaze is forward, super strong. step the left foot up,pivot on the back foot. ground for a moment herein vira one, warrior one. these pants are wack-a-doodle, today. reaching fingertips up high,take a deep breath in (inhale) then on an exhale, connectto your center (exhale) full body experience aswe pivot on the back foot and find our twist (exhale). so this'll be a little bitdifferent for everyone (exhale).
tend to it, deep breath in (inhale). now we'll send the left thumb down now to the outer edge of that right thigh. reach the right fingertips up and overhead and breathe deep. hug energy into the mid line, inner thighs squeeze intowards the mid line (exhale). deep breath in. and then on an exhale enjoy this move,
we're going to pivot on the back foot, dial the heart in the center around, come out to your warrior two. awesome, inhale, reachforward, up and back, take it into reverse warrior. inhale in and exhale all theway back down to your vinyäsa. feel free to skip it! from downward facing dog, we will repeat, dropping the left heel, here we go.
inhale, lift the right leg up high. stick with it my friends. squeezing the right kneein towards the heart, gaze is forward, you got it. step the right foot up,take a moment here to ground in warrior one as you inhale,reach the fingertips up. and exhale, pivot on the back foot. open up towards the right. right fingertips back as youopen your heart to your twist.
then right thumb down aswe lift the left fingertips up and overhead. stretch, and then enjoythis unraveling as we-- ooh, i just saw a cardinal! there's a cardinal rightthere, that's cool. inhale in, exhale, warrior two, that was cool, there'sa cardinal behind me. pull the pinkies back, strong vira two. inhale, reach forward up and back.
reverse warrior. and then exhale all theway back down we go. vinyäsa. last side, from downward facingdog we drop the right heel. inhale, slide the left leg up high. exhale, squeeze the leftknee in towards your heart. then step it up into your lunge. warrior one. exhale, pivot on the backfoot, connect to your core
as you open up into yourtwist (sharp exhale). inhale, left thumb comes down as you reach the right fingertips up and overhead. stretch, breathe. and then enjoy this unraveling,out we go to warrior two, pivoting on the outeredge of that back foot, nice and strong. remember, lengthening thetailbone down (exhale). peaceful warrior, reverse warrior.
last chance for a vinyäsa,feel free to skip it. and then on an exhale,back to downward facing dog for three final breaths (deep breath). in through the nose, maybeout through the mouth if you're feeling really hot. and then slowly we'll lowerto the knees, awesome. sweep the toes to theright side of your mat, come to a nice, cross-legged position. just like we did before.
take a moment to rotate outthe wrists if you need to, (exhale) catch your breath. then we'll flip the palms up and inhale, sit up nice and tall. close your eyes (deepexhale) and let something go. (cardinals chirping) just notice how you feel. (soft exhale) and then we'll take itinto a nice, gentle twist.
so right fingertips walk behind, left palm comes to thetop of the right knee. this is the journey, here,tucking the chin into the chest, and rolling up tall. taking a deep breath in asyou do so and then exhale, imagining your heartmoving towards the right. so careful not to muscle this, right? use this pattern ofinhaling, rolling up... and exhaling, journeying into the twist.
inhaling, rolling up (long inhale) and exhale, we journey into the twist. soft in the neck (deep exhale). (inhale) take one more breath,wherever you are (inhale) and then use your exhale to switch. right palm comes to the left knee, left fingertips behind. careful not to crank it up,but let's move with the breath, inhale, rolling up (inhale).
head over heart, heart overpelvis here, and exhale. maybe it's a physical journey, but maybe it's just imaginingyourself twisting, turning. maybe it's an energetic thing. so play here, this is so valuablefor the body (breathing), for the mind, for thespirit as well (exhale). take one more breath, wherever you are, and then exhale, we'llrelease back to center. awesome work, my friends.
send the legs out long. press into the heels, then send the fingertips out in front, and then turn the fingertips down so you're really pressingthrough the palm here, this should be a nicestretch for the wrists and the tops of the arms. kind of come into this zombieor this thriller move here, and we connect to our core,
the tops of the thighbones firm down, and we get a little bootymassage here as we roll down. at least for me, icracked my tailbone once, many moons ago, ugh, terrible. and so this is always a nice move for me. who would have thought iwould ever do this again. (exhale) so gratefulfor the healing process, take a full body stretch when you land. deep breath in (inhale) and exhale,
i don't care who's in yourpractice space or near you, go ahead and sigh it out (loud exhale). bend the elbows, we come to football, goalpost arms here, cactus arms. and you take a nicemoment here to just chill and relax (exhale), tonotice how you feel. notice how your yoga mat, andthis moment, this channel, this community, your breathliterally has your back. your yoga mat has yourback in this moment.
it's pretty cheesy, but it's pretty cool. from here we have a couple of options. if you're short on time, or youjust need to get boogie-ing, go ahead and make yourway to shavasana here. otherwise we'll bringthe soles of the feet up towards the sky, grab the inner arches or the outer arches and take a happy baby. play with this tilt ofthe pelvis, so you might,
instead of imagining thetailbone going up towards the sky you might imagine it peeling towards the front edge of your mat. creating a little bit ofspace in the lower back body. and then you can findwhat feels good here, rocking a little back and forth. maybe stretching one leg, then the other. itching your foot, popping your toes, whatever feels awesome.
keep the shoulders relaxed, let your breath begin to soften and the body begins to cool down. (inhale) then we'll gently release, soles of the feet aregonna come to the mat and we're gonna windshield wiper the knees over towards the right side of the mat, just letting them fall naturally. hands can rest whereverthey naturally lie.
then you might just stay here, for a little bit deeper ofa stretch you might gently lift your right foot andbring your right heel or your right ankle tothe top of your left leg, just letting gravity do the work here, so nice, soft, easy (exhale) stretch here. (inhale) you can begin torelax your jaw (exhale), soften the skin, maybeeven close the eyes. inhale in, release.
and on an exhale, we'llslowly shift the knees towards the left. this might feel awesome just right here, you might not even needthis extra little move, but if you do gentlylifting the left leg up, crossing the left heel ontop of the right thigh, and again softening throughthe fingers, the jaw (sigh). if that sigh felt awesome youmight let a sigh out here. (deep sigh)
letting it go. awesome, then we'll release,take a deep breath in (inhale), long breath out (exhale). interlace the fingertips,bring them behind the head, elbows left to right. inhale, send both legs up towards the sky, scoop your tailbone. inhale in, exhale, lift your head, yourneck, your shoulders up.
breathe here, one lastconnect to the core (exhale). for more here you could beginto scissor the legs (exhale). keep the elbows nice and wide. then send your gaze up and away, so up and behind you, so that you are really taking any unnecessary tension out of the neck. couple more breaths here,you got it (exhale). and then we release everything down.
hug the knees into the chest, crawl your shoulder bladesunderneath you, oh yeah. deep squeeze here, bighug, take a deep breath in (deep inhale), and then on an exhale, shavasana (deep exhale). sending the legs out long. traditionally, we let the legs splay out, we let the arms rest gently at our sides, but you can break it up here,
you can be a rebel if you want to bringthe hands on the belly. maybe have a pillow or something handy to cover the eyes or pillow the head. set yourself up for amoment of relaxation, a moment of letting go, of stillness, and a moment of surrender. we all are very busy. we spin a lot of plates, wehave a lot of things to do,
things to manage,emotions to wrassle with, to deal with. but it's pretty freakin'awesome that you took this time to work it out on your mat. so what's 60 secondslonger here in shavasana? give yourself permission hereto do absolutely nothing. to allow the mind and thebody and the heart to absorb the nutrients of your practice. stay here for a minute at least,
or if time allows stay here longer. i'll bid you farewell here,by bringing my palms together and saying "namaste." thank you for sharingyour practice with me... thank you.
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