(construction noise) what's wrong? do i really have to say it? i can't get a full thought formed before that jackhammer blazes away and knocks the thoughts out of my mind. why don't you come back to bed and jackhammer me until you knock these thoughts out of my mind?

Forest Whitaker Weight Loss, careful what you ask for. (jackhammer) (laughing) thanks for ruining the mood.
it's for the best anyway. i needto get going on this dissertation if we ever want to move somewhere without the everpresent sound of jackhammers. for the best? maybe i've got thewrong guy up here to take care of me. my boyfriend doesn't have time for me right now, can you come up? and bring the jackhammer! what are the neighbours going tothink? that i'm a lustful woman and you're a dowdy intellectual. dowdy? i'll show you dowdy. i give up. i can't do this. i can't do you.
well let's do something. jeane: come on! jeane: we're leaving. (muttering) care to fill me in so i can jointhe conversation? what? did you say something? not nearly as much as you were saying to yourself. sorry. i've just been staring those books for so long it's starting to pour out my ears.
and your mouth apparently. anything you want to share? do you really want to hear the outdated theories of some lunatic doctor? i would love to hear your theories honey. and here we dangle, until the lord raises the lake and tears our love asunder. that was a pretty daring move for a third date. any girl in her right mind would've run. good thing you're not in your right mind. until you finish your phd. then all of your patients will be outof their right minds and i'll belost in the crowd. i need to finish this dissertation so we can move on. move on and move up. but you don't have to rush it artie.
what, are you going to pay all the bills for another year? that's the plan. i can stick to it if you can. i can, i suppose. i just can't concentrate lately.until the construction stops i don't know how i'm going to finish my dissertation. maybe you need a quieter spot. how about your parents'? are you ready for the phone calls from my mother asking what's going on and why you threw me out? there's more chaos there than inthe middle east. besides they'd probably feed you. lord knows i can barely afford to do that. between rent and our phone bills this month we're going to be eating beans and rice. speaking of family, don't forget, you need a dress for thewedding.
our wedding! how wonderful. haha. my cousin emily. it's on the twenty-fourth. oh, emily. of all your spoiled, slef centered cousins i'd say she's my favourite. how's the groom? fine i guess. banker. tall. handsome if you like that sort of thing. i do. where'd they meet? tennis club, i think? em just signed up so she could meet a man worth her weight in gold. well he must be worth a fortune.
i guess that's what you rich people do. find someone who willraise your pedigree and wed them. it's like mating horses. and i never even checked your teeth. how are they? spectacular. when can i inspect the rest of you? in six hours? i have to get to work. can't you stay a little longer? take a cab in a half hour. we can't afford a cab. we can barely afford bus fare. then i'll wait six hours. write lots. and stay dry!
i'll try. jeane: you're going to get the salad? salad's up. what's going on? i can't take it. (jackhammer) it's still going on? it's been going on all day. non stop. so you're leaving. well what does it look like i'm doing?
i just need to not be here. our entire future depends on this. once i finish my dissertaion, dr. anders can push my application through for that jobin b.c. then everything changes. we won't have to be scrounging to pay rent. you can finally quit serving and open that shop. i just need to be clear headed to do that. and i can't do it with all... thank-you!(jackhammer) where are you going to go? my uncle dan's place. he's on assignment so he'll be gone for a few months.
what are you doing? well i can come with you, can't i? i don't think that's a good idea. and why the hell not? because i can't breathe! i just need room to be on my own. no distractions. just for a little while. to get through the writing. what's a while? i don't know. two or t?
i've gotta do this. for us. i know. (clock ticking) (arthur's muffled voice) can't sleep? no. not really. not since my bo away. separation anxiety. not quite. although it's hard to get used to an empty bed.
i don't know if it's the heat, or the latent jackhammering i hear even hours after they've left, but i can't to stop tossing and turning. tell me about it. i just moved in june first and there hasn't been a quiet day since. i'm joe by the way. -jeane. nice to meet you. may i? -please. so jeane, you always come outside to smoke electronic cigarettes? i know, i quit two years ago buti really like the routine of stepping outside and sitting down to smoke. i think that's why i started in the first place, it's an excuse to take a break. that and i thought maybe i'd sleep better after getting some air. i totally agree. it's a shame weneed an excuse to take breaks. i quit five years ago myself.
oh yeah? how's that working out for you? not well. i picked up a construction job for the summer and well, occupational hazard. don't tell me, you're the jackhammerer. no. i'm doing renovations on a house in the east end. no jackhammering though, i promise. you write? yeah. it's for fun. when . working on a novel? -no, that's too big a commitment. poetry mostly, short stories.i. my boyfriend's working on his dissertation. psychology.
masters? no. phd. good for him. it's really stressing him out. that's why he left. he needs a quiet place to write anddo research and, well... construction season. what about you? working on your thesis too? no, i've been out of school for a while now. what did you study? -fashion design. so you're a designer then? no, i just work at a cafe downtown. it's a job to pay the rent for now.
once arthur finishes and we settle down somewhere, i'd like to open a little shop, sell my designs. but, it's all up in the air right now. anyway, it was nice to meet you.i should really try to get some sleep. goodnight. goodnight jeane. see you around. hi beautiful, how are things? okay, how's the writing coming along? not bad. i'm starting to make some progress. at least i've put all my ducks in a row. i've got my sources, a lot of coffee... i feel like . i mean, there just aren't enoughhours in the day to get through all the research again.
between clarkson, denison, a wh abagail scenarios. which remindsme, i need to get some stuff fr. hi. remember me? oh, sorry, just drifted away again. it's been happening a lot lately. -has it? i don't know. i just need to getthrough this. i've got a lot on my plate. everything fine there? yeah... i guess. no, i feel like someone's following me. following you? who?
i don't know. it's just a feeling. i was at the grocery store, and i felt like this guy watched me and then followed me home. who was it? no, it wasn't anyone in particular. last night, in bed, i felt like.this is syupid. its not stupid. it could just bethat you're not used to being alone. we've been glued to the hip for three years. it's a big change for me too. are you ok being in the apartment alone? i was until you said that.
i'm sorry. you'll be fine. if you think someone's following you again, call me. i will. -why don't you do something to take your mind off it? go shopping or something. what am i, made of money? [b? i know, doesn't mean we can afford it. i'm sure you'll think of something. -i'm just a bottomless pit of ingenuity. (typing) arthur: uh-huh maybe i'll rob a bank. that's great darling. well, i don't want to keep you.. i love you jeane. -i love you too. i can't wait t.
(phone disconnects) (calypso music) more sex on the beach? what kind of a question is that?i'm a lady. and ladies never getenough sex on the beach. where are my manners? don'. well isn't this just fabulous? such a gorgeous day. -perfectly splendid. jeane: chin chin. emma: chin chin jeane: ahhhh. emma: ahhhh. (snickering)
emma: i thought he was european.(drunk laughing) jeane: that was awesome. i really needed it. thank-you. you're welcome my love. any time. really. (giggling) now stumble on home. it's late. jeane: get home safe. . joe: jeane! [br] -jess woah! hey. i didn't mean to scare you. i tried to call yo.
no, i- ah! i just- i thought sosfollowing me. i wasn't following you, i swear.i was just on my way home. no, no. not you. nevermind. well i'll escort you home if you're worried. jeane: no it's fine i just need. a little sugar to calm your nerves. if you think it'll help. i do. joe: so you stole a patio umbrella?
well, it was raining and there were six of us. and then what? amazing. you just went for it, eh? did they end up calling the cops? no, but after a few too many swigs of the rum bottle we must have woken the master of the house. he came outside, and he was totally cool about it, he just asked us to keep it down. seriously? nice guy. although, what guy is going to call the cops because there are six bikini clad babes in his yard? who said anything about bikinis?
anyway, that was years ago, before i met arthur. how long have you been together? almost three years, living together for two. what about you? is there a special lady in your life? no. not for a while. i tried the online dating thing a few years ago but it was too depressing. i'd really prefer if it happens organically, you know? without forcing it. yeah. arthur and i met online.
he was the third person i went out with off of that site. but i know what you mean about the pressure. my first two datesfelt more like job interviews. but artie was different. joe: i'm glad it worked out for you. some of us are luckier in love isuppose. yeah, i'm very lucky. i meant arthur. i should... i should probably get going. i'm starting to get aheadache from all the sun and... oh!
joe: can i have a drag? jeane: sure. what do you think? not bad. vanilla? well. thank-you very much for dessert, and for walking me home. you're a real gentleman. my pleasure. and if you ever need a bodyguard, night or day, you have my number now so don't hesitate. i mean it. thanks. i think i just need a good night's sleep. i'm starting to see things.
sleep well then. have a good night jeane. goodnight. (phone dialing) hi, this is arthur magnusson. i'm not here right now so leave me a message. (phone vibrating) what do you want? (arthur mumbling) (heartbeat)
sorry, just taking some notes. you couldn't have left your dissertation for an hour? jesus arthur. i'm sorry. i'm just making a lotof progress and i wanted to keepthe train of thought running as long as i could. it's alright. i'm sorry, i'm just freaked out. arthur: why? what's wrong? someone was definitely followingme. i ducked into an alley to get away from him, but he just waited until i stepped out of itand kept following me. did he hurt you? did he say anything?
no. he tried to but i couldn't understand what he said. maybe you just thought he was following you. and he realized it so he wantedoapologize. maybe. i don't know. it didn't feel like that. well, you're fine here now. you're with me. safe. i know but i don't feel safe. i feel like a basketcase. i meanwhy would anyone be following m. jeane, is there something you'vebeen keeping secret from me?
no. what would i keep secret from you? are you a spy, jeane? it's not funny. relax. i'm teasing i was really scared. i can't sleep lately. i keep waking up in the middle of the night. the apartment feels weird without you. cheer up beautiful. why don't you have emma or one of your friends stay over? you've been spending too much time alone.
now have a look at your menu. woorder. jeane: you're smoking again? just until i finish my dissertation. it helps me focus. but you worked so hard to quit. and i'll quit again. whatever. shall we? my uncle's place is this way. well, i bought some wine and i.
sorry beautiful. not tonight. get some sleep. you look exhausted. can't you come up for an hour? imiss you. i've got to get back to work. i finally started making progress and i've still got a lot of res do. you'll be fine, jeane. get to bed. i'll be home soon. (jeane gasps) (choking)
(phone clicks) hi, um, did i wake? no. no, i'm fine. it's ... i had a nightmare. it was really... vivid. can you come over? thank-you. jeane: hi. thank-you so much forcoming. joe: no problem. i was awake anyway. coulddn't sleep so i started another poem.
so, what is it? well it's inspired by you actually. an ode to my beauty? how sweet of you. not quite. all your sleepless nights just got me thinking. and i wanted to try something a little different. something a little less working class than my other stuff. a little more anne rice. well, go on then. from the cacophany of noise, a sudden silence spread.
and yet when she lay down, no silence filled her head. the dreams she dreamed were waking ones, and filled her heart with dread. for in those silent nights, strangers often tread. faceless spectres rising, risingfrom the dark and black. she slipped across the nothingness, to hold those spectres back. jeane: i don't... - don't feel like you need to say something about it. it made me uneasy is all. i'm sorry. i'm supposed to be here to make you feel better, not creep you out instead.
you kind of are creeping me out. (nervous laughing) alright. let's try something different. alright, this one's better. guaranteed not to creep you out. ready? ready. i saw a bug, down on my rug. he looked so smug, that little bug. so with a tug, i grabbed that rug.
and now that bug's not there. now that's more my style. good. it felt right. a little derivative of the worksof dr. seuss but... well that is the last time i write a five second poem for you. you'll only write epics for me then? we need a distraction from my sorry excuse for art. let's see what's on the idiot box. any requests? anything that will turn off my brain.
that shouldn't be too hard. i'll make us some tea. last night, for the first time since artie left, i slept a solid six hours. no nightmares. it was beautiful. cheers to that. what inspired the blessed sleep? there's this guy that just movedinto our building. his name's joe. oh my, and who is this joe? he works in construction. don't get any ideas, we're just friends.
oh, okay. where do you want this? just put it in the bowl, don't change the subject. sorry, there's not much to say. we keep running into each other and he's really nice. he writes poetry. tortured artist forced to work in construction? he came over the other night when i couldn't sleep, read me some of his poems. he comes over? that was the first time. really,we're just friends. i wish my friends were hot construction workers slash poets.
i never said he was hot. sorry, i jump to conclusions. just your average, average looking neighbour? well, no, he's pretty hot. i could tell. honestly, it's totally innocent. i'm sure it is. what's his sign? can you set us up? so any progress on the dress forthe wedding? ugh. the wedding.
i like it, but i'm not sure it'sgood enough for the magnussons. how is artie? we met for dinner on tuesday, that's about it. he's probably in the zone, doesn't want to be interrupted. where'd you go for dinner? guisseppe's? ooh, nice. how was it? i don't know. i don't even remember. that bad eh?
he's just... he's been acting weird. all he talks about is his dissertation, it's like i'm not even there. have you heard from him? seen him at school? anything? no. why? he hasn't been at his office at school for the past few days. i haven't even seen his army of assistants around. what's going on, j? he's not answering his phone. i'm really freaked out. on my way to dinner on tuesday, i'm sure someone was following me. whoever it was actually chased me down the street, it was terrifying.
when i met up with artie and told him about it he completely dismissed me. he said i was tired. i don't want to freak you out, but have you ever heard of gangstalking? no, what's that? it's group harassment. where oneperson is targeted by many individuals. well why gangstalk me? well there haven't been any documented cases. the theory is that groups will target individuals who have donesomething they politically disagree with. and then there's my theory.
which is? that it's a delusion by paranoidindividuals who assume they are being stalked by people who are just a little less friendly thanthe average person. well that puts my mind at ease. sorry j, i wasn't implying anything. really, it was just a thought. well i should get going. jeanie, i didn't mean anything by it. it's fine. that's just how you people think: clinically. i've never written a thesis so i wouldn't know. j, come on. i didn't mean any disrespect. -no disrespect? and suggesting that i'm paranoidand delusional because i can't survive without a man in my lifeis meant to be respectful?
don't twist my words, it was just a theory. a theory! i am so sick of theories and studies and hypotheses. what about real life? thank-you for dinner. call me ifyou hear from arthur. (sobbing) hello. i'd like to report a break in. officer: is there anything missing that you can see? no, not that i've noticed. officer: is it maybe an ex-boyfriend? someone you know? i told you. i didn't recognize him, whoever he was.
officer: ma'am, are you on any sort of medication? you think i made this up? officer: no need to raise your voice, just covering all the bases. officer: you said now that therewas a man in your apartment, anda different man that followed you? unless he could teleport, i leftthe other guy far behind wheni got home. (doorknob rattling) hey. i saw the cop car outside and the neighbours were talking.are you alright? i'm fine. someone was in the apartment. what? who?
ma'am, is this your boyfriend? no, he's just a friend. i noticed a man's items throughout the apartment. those are my boyfriend's, he's away for a few weeks. is it possible that he was here or gave the keys to someone? no, it wasn't him and i don't know why he'd give anyone his key. well, withouth signs of forced entry or anything missing, all ican suggest is lock your door and windows and perhaps change your locks. i suggest you call your boyfriend, let him know this happened. in my experience, stalkers don'twork in tandem.
if anything should turn up missing or you have another incident, call us. well that did a lot of good. to serve and protect. i've got to get in touch with arthur. i have a voicemail, maybe it's from him. arthur: jeanie, it's me. i'm sorry i've missed your calls. i can't believe i've gotten myselfinto this. i don't even know what i'm doinganymore. i should've been there for you. i'm so (sighs). can i borrow your car?
arthur: ...not here right now soleave me a message. arthur. i'm on my way to your uncle's condo. someone followed me home tonightand someone else was in our apartment. the police don't believe me, emma doesn't believe me, i'm noteven sure if i believe me. i don't know if i'm okay. i don't know if you're okay. i just know that i need to see you. what are you doing here? you didn't get my text? i realized how dumb it was that i just gave you my car and let you go.
i mean you've got a crazy guy following you, another one in your apartment. and your boyfriend might be missing. and i just gave you my car and didn't offer to help. how did you find me? your address book in your apartment. i take it arthur isn't here. not a trace of him. did he maybe go to his parents? if his parents had to take him in, i'd hear about it.
so what are you going to do? (phone ringing) emma: jeanie, i'm glad you called. arthur's gone, missing. i don't know where he is, he's not wherehe said he would be. earlier tonight you said something about arthur, about his army of assistants. what wasthat? emma: he keeps posting these adsup around the school. bulletin boards, columns, stairwells... he's been hiring assistants for something. i think he was even giving some of his bachelor students extra credits for helping out. maybe he's there. thanks. i'm going to check it out.
emma: if you need anything, call. let's go. great. so much for that bet. i just want an answer. one, solid answer about what's going on. well, in my experience, the mostinformation you're going to get from a university wasn't in the school buildings themselves. what do you mean? where are you going? concerts, movers, underground movies... here.
receptionist: strachan hotel. hi, um, can i get extension one one five please? (dialing) nothing. okay. well at least we know where he is, right? come on. it's practically around the corner from our place. has he really been here for the last two weeks? i don't know. let's go inside and find out. this is arthur's handwriting allright.
all this time he was two blocks away? looks like he's been busy too. what is all this stuff? these are all psychology studiesbut they're so varied, i don't know what he thought he was going to piece together out of all of it. (beep) arthur: arthur magnusson. dissertation notes. separation anxiety in children. (jackhammer) arthur: god dammit. (fast forwarding) arthur:arthur magnusson. dissertation notes. separation anxiety in adult subjects.
does the removal of a romantic partner affect an adult's life as it would a child's loss of a parent? (fast forwading) arthur: symptoms include fear ofseparation, difficulty sleeping and somatic symptoms. how does subject respond after afearful episode? will sh- they reach out to the separated partner in hopes of alleviating fears? arthur: met with several candidates to test the fear hypothesis. some candidates were hesitant atfirst to follow the subject but as milgram's obediance to athority experiment showed, a little reassurance goes a long way. jeane: it's just a feeling. jeane: i was at the grocery store and i felt like this guy watched me and then followed me home.
arthur: with just the first minor fear stimulus, the subjectis showing signs of anxiety. arthur: how will she react to more prominent stimulus? a third party has entered the picture. late twenties adult male seen inthe subject's company send observer one to follow and report back arthur: august 8th, 2:08am arthur: just had a report from observer two that the subject, jeane graves, has been seen in the company of the same third party. arthur: august 12th, 11:14pm arthur: observer four was sent to follow and interact with the subject in a higher stress environment.
arthur: observer four to give chase arthur: observer six is on hand at the subject's domicile waiting to provide further stimulus i can't even believe it. arthur! arthur: i know where you are jeane. by now i'm guessing you put it together. how could you do this? arthur: not on the phone jeane, at least give me that. where are you? where we started. it seems a fitting place to end it.
i've got to go see him. i need to talk to him alone. it was only two weeks ago, we were standing here, drinking coffee and laughing. it feels like so long ago. time is the greatest distance between two places. where did it all go wrong? when you left. when you lied. when you had me followed. god, arthur what were you thinking? i was thinking.
i was thinking about me and you. maybe i was thinking too much. i was thinking that we could finally escape this rut of barely scraping by. that i'd write a dissertation that knocked their socks off. and we could get out of here andfinally live the life we deserve. that you'd get a chance to finally do all those things you said you'd do since you finishedschool instead of wiping up crumbs to pay our bills. but watching me? having me followed? jesus arthur... i was doing it for you. -you were doing it to me! i don't know what's going on inside your head.
but i listened to those recordings and those weren't thethoughts of a rational man. your actions haven't been the actions of a rational man. we had fun together, didn't we? that we did. all the struggles but we had fun. and we had love. had it. -had it? you've been running around with that big galut since two days after i left. left to spy on me! -that's not how it started!
i started writing about separation anxiety in children, but that's been done to death. i just had an idea that first night after i left. i wanted to see how you were reacting. you were the perfect subject to study. subject? is that what i am to you? i don't know what we are to eachother. am i your boyfriend or the otherman? there's nothing going on betweenjoe and i. you've been pushing me away and he's been a good friend. three years and you can just throw it all away in the blink of an eye just because i'm not home and someone else comes along?
well damn it jeane, that's a hell of a thing. nothing's happened between him and i, there's no passionate affair. let me tell you a secret arthur. i've been in love with a man. a beautiful, dowdy scientist that i wanted to spend the rest of my life with until he threw it all away. what, i wasn't jackhammering youenough? i'll bet he's got all the time in the world for jackhammering. are you mad because he's been comforting me when you should have been, or because him showing up ruined your thesis? i told you, i was doing all of this for you. i was going to give you the lifeyou deserve.
maybe you don't deserve that kind of life. maybe you don't deserve any kindof life. hey! not hiding behid your little minions anymore? are you okay? i'm fine. it's nothing. arthur no! jeane: and the cat just sits there the whole time. emma: i'll check it out. you know, that's the first time i'veheard you laugh since...
jeane: i'm almost there. emma: do you want me to stay on the phone with you? jeane: no, i'm okay. emma: okay. if you need me, callme. jeane: thanks emma.
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