what's up, guys? jeff cavaliere, athleanx.com. today i'm going to show you something thatmight surprise you. as a matter of fact, it should surprise you. and i don't whether to laugh, cry, or putmy fist through the camera because of it. but let me set the stage for you.
Best Fat Burning Supplement For Women, do you guys all remember jesse, my internfrom this past summer? if you don't, this is jesse. so, jesse helped me film the top 10 workoutsongs of all time. matter of fact, he did more than just help me film them, he sangthem.
if you haven't seen that video, it's definitelyworth a look. it's right up here. that being said, the day that we were shooting that, we actually had some time in between takes.and the topic of supplementation and the supplement industry as a whole came up. now, i told him about how i felt about thesupplement industry and that there are some major problems. and he had actually read the blog series thati did, and i'll link that down in the description if you haven't yourself. but he told me something that i just didn'tbelieve. he said that he had walked into a
popular supplement store a week prior to usshooting and had been sold fat burners. without even asking, he had been sold fatburners. now, let me show you jesse one more time. this is jesse. [cartoon chuckling.] so, i said, 'there is no way that they'regoing to sell you fat burners even if you went in there and you asked for fat burnersbecause that just would be beyond irresponsible.' so, we made a bet. i said, 'i'll send youin there undercover to go see what you can do about getting supplements.' and whetheror not they would sell them to him. what happened next is actually pretty damnshocking.
[actual film footage] ok. so right there i have 3 major problems.number 1. he whistled and snapped his way right back to the fat burners, apparentlyhere, without even a hesitation, without even aquestion of asking jesse if he actually meant what he said. secondly, jesse said he's not even reallyinto working out. but meanwhile, there's no hesitation again on whether or not this kidactually needed fat burners. and thirdly, my big problem here is, it'sstarting to look like i'm going to lose this damn bet.
[more footage] so, uh, ok. he went there. he's getting onthe fat burners. and not just that, he's getting him one of the better fat burners because we all know jesse really needs a betterfat burner, right. take one more look at jesse in case you forgot what he looks like. jesse: 'never gonna' give you up, never gonna'let you down. never gonna' run around and desert you.' jeff: [crickets chirping] [back to the film]
yeah. by all means, why not the intense one?we know that 5' 11, 140 pound jesse definitely needs that intense fat burning effect. and also, i'm not trying to pick on this guy,but i'm a little bit suspicious of that pronunciation of conjugated linoleic acid, i'm just saying. [film] you gotta' be shittin' me. if he wants tomake it work fast, he could take it twice a day? people, if you don't see what's wrongwith this, then we've got an even bigger problem than i thought. the supplement industry is certainly a shadyindustry, but when it's led by misguided advice
like this, we have major, major problems. now look, i'm not trying to pick on any onesalesperson or any one supplement store. the fact of the matter is, i've been here. you've been there. you've gone into a supplementstore looking for advice. jesse clearly went in there looking for advice. and this is the kind of advice he got. itwas a straight sales pitch to get the strongest fat burner he had in the store, and then doubleup on the dose. and if you take one look at jesse, you shouldknow, this kid doesn't deserve a fat burner. wow. so that actually happened. that actuallyhappened. that's the most discouraging thing
to me that this actually went down. not the fact that i lost a bet, but more onthat in a second. the fact is, i feel if you are a sales person, and you're going to dispenseadvice on, especially in health, and especially on supplementsthat could actually truly harm you if taken the wrong way, then you better be a hell of a lot more responsiblethan that. now, i don't know how you feel about that. some people feel like it's notthe responsibility of that person to make sure that jesse's well-being is takencare of. i, on the other hand, do. i think that it's the utmost responsibility of thatsalesperson to make sure that his goals are
clearly defined. he asked him for help. that's not help. that's'let me go here and make a quick, fast sale.' regardless of whatever jesse asked for. fat burners? you got 'em kid. here's yourfat burners coming right up. what do you feel about it? do you feel that this should havebeen handled differently? are you as appalled by this as i am, or ami out of line? as for that bet and the payoff? go ahead,jesse. soak it in. enjoy it. i will tell you this. even though you got 20 years on me, i stillwear this shirt better than you do, and you
know it. alright guys. in the meantime, make sure youleave your comments and your thumb's up below. what do you feel about this video? again,does it make you laugh, cry, want to punch the screen? i think for me, a little bit of all 3. i'llleave you guys your chance to vent below. and i'll be back here again in a couple dayswith another new video.
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