The Buddy System

"I will not leave you comfortless:
I will come to you."
John 14:18
Why do you suppose it is easier to lose weight when you have a friend doing it with you? When I started this journey I could have just decided to keep a paper journal and learn how to lose weight through scripture and on my own. But, instead I decided to start a blog.
Why? I need friends. I need buddies. I need to know there are others out there who are struggling the same way I am.
And guess what? YOU ARE THEM!
I wanted to learn from God's scriptures as I lost weight and that's what I'm doing. I'm also following a weight loss program. I'm making myself accountable to others but most importantly I am making myself accountable to God. My body is His temple.
Now there's an uncomfortable thought, if this is His temple it sure is BIG. I'm joking, well sort of. It is an uncomfortable thought that my body is His temple and I've neglected it's upkeep but as I explained in the last blog post, God isn't angry or mad at me for the shape I've allowed His temple to become. He is happy I've decided to become healthy and He offers me comfort when I'm down on myself. He gives me friends to confide in when I want to give up and just be a food junky.
I think that God sends friends and family to us to help us, comfort us and encourage us to keep on working toward the goal of a healthy temple.
I'm thankful for John 14:18 it reminds me that He's my friend. He will come when I need comfort, often in the form of a friend here on earth.
Thank you all for coming on this journey with me. 

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