"What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?"
1 Corinthians 6:19
Okay, Christmas feasting is over. How many of you are beating yourself up for eating all the goodies or even some of the goodies that you ate during Christmas? All I can say is, STOP IT!
God isn't mad at you. He uses your body as a temple. Do you really think He would be angry at you for filling the temple with food? I don't.
God gave us food, all kinds of food. No where in the bible have I read thou shall not eat cake, pie, candy or Mama's yams. He gave us these foods to eat. So I really don't believe there is any food that is off limits. Now having said that I also don't believe we should stuff ourselves and go crazy with our eating. We are the temple of God and should keep it clean. When we over fill it with food, it becomes like an overstuffed building and looks cluttered.
So now that you know He isn't angry with you, that your body is His temple and your job is to keep it clean, move on.
It's a new day, week, month, and soon to be year. So don't beat yourself up or allow Satan to beat you up for the way you ate during Christmas feast. God isn't mad at you so you shouldn't be either.
Let's get back to the business at hand and that's losing weight so that we can get our temple clean and clutter free of excess fat.
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