hello my name is dr. andrew phillips and iam an independent member of consumer health alerts located in houston texas. today i'mgoing to talk to you about the latest "miracle diet supplement" garcinia cambogia and answerthe question everyone is asking... does it really work? garcinia cambogia was dubbed the miracle fruitby celebrity tv personality dr. oz where he
Holy Grail Of Weight Loss, described it as the "holy grail of diet supplements". here is why... ---- first off, garcinia will burn fat even withouta calorie restricted diet or exercise.
it supports appetite control. inhibits fat production and it is one of the least expensive waysto lose weight today. so, does it really work? well, many clinical trials have shown someserious promise when it comes it it's effectiveness in weight loss. however, we have seen the most promise whengarcinia is combined with a calorie restricted diet and moderate exercise... in clinicaltrials we have seen patients lose 6-10 lbs per week under these conditions which is about2-3 times what you can normally expect without
the addition of garcinia supplementation. --- garcinia camgogia gained extreme notorietyin february of 2013 when it was introduced by doctor oz on his television show featuringleading scientists and doctors in nutrition. at that point it became extremely difficultto get a hold of and sold out in all local markets with limited supplies available online. okay, what are the benefits of garcinia cambogia? well, it helps you lose weight naturally (evenwithout doing anything else) it also purifies your intestines and cleansesyour digestive system.
whats really amazing about this super fruitis that it increases the production of blood cells and balances your lymph node system.so overall it has some amazing effects on our bodies beyond just weight management. and because garcinia camgogia contains aidsin the production of serotonin it also improves our sleep and mood. ----- what kind of results can you expect? well,take a look at these for starters. remember results were during clinical trails so actualresults may vary. how do you choose a good garcinia camgogiaextract?
first off, where was it produced? was it madein the us or another country such as china? is the extract 100% pure or is it combinedor diluted by other sources? does it contain the 1500 milligrams per servingof hydroxy-citric acid that is generally recommended for best results? is it manufactured under strict us food anddrug administration guidelines? finally... be careful when buying online many garcinia cambogia manufacturers are locatedoutside of the united states where they don't have the same quality controls. only purchase through reputable manufacturerssuch as the ones provided in the description
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