hello, my name is dr ed carlton. if you want to lose weight, and you`re lookingfo an all natural way to burn fat quicker and easier, lipotropic b-12shots are an excellent choice. let me explain to you why. to begin with, what does "lipotropic" actuallymean?

Hcg Injections For Weight Loss, it means "fat burning". the shots themselves are an all natural combinationof b vitamins, and amino acids. the shots in our office consist of 5 different components. the first one is methionine.
methionine helps your body burn the fat you`re consuming as part of your regular diet, but it also helps improve digestion, and while you`re losing weight, it helps build lean muscle mass. protecting your health while you`re losing weight. the next ingredient is inositol. this also helps your body burn fat, but at the same time, it helps improve your cholesterol numbers, and it also improves your mood. imagine this, you`re not only going to be losing weight, but you`re going to be in a good mood while you do it! choline is next. choline has two different effects, both of them very useful.
first of all, it also helps you burn fat from the food that you eat. but, if you are on a diet, and you`re losing weight, it will also help remove the stored fat that`s stuck in your liver. making you that much healthier. vitamin b-12: as most people know, vitamin b-12 is useful for forming healthy red blood cells. but it`s also good for improving the central nervous system function, which will help keep you calmer, and again, happier while you`re losing weight. and, like the others, it helps improve your metabolism, allowing you to lose weight more effectively and efficiently. finally, there is l-carnitine. this helps you burn fat like the others, but it also improves your overall energy.
this gives you the added benefit of decreasing your hunger pangs, allowing you to be more energetic, and again, in a better mood while you`re losing weight. lipotropic shots are easy to use. they`re all natural, so there are typically no side effects. and furthermore, you only need one shot per week, only one visit to our office to get all the benefits we`ve been talking about. however, if you want to maximize the benefits from our lipotropic package, you need the proper diet, designed around your bmi to maximize your weight loss using lipotropic shots. that`s why in our office we offer a free consultation to everyone. the consultation has no obligations, and it takes about thirty minutes. we will provide with your bmi. your body mass index, and a customized nutrition plan to maximize your weight loss.
so, if you`re ready to lose weight, we have an excellent approach for you. call our office today and schedule your free initial consultation. and we`ll be seeing less of you tomorrow! have a great day
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