This time of the year is very challenging for most people. A study published by the New England Journal of Medicine noted that most Americans appear to gain only one pound during the holidays which is better than most people think actually happens. However, this one pound is never lost after the holidays are over. Therefore, over several years weight accumulates!
In order to maintain during the holidays, you may need a few tips in your back pocket:
1) Decide to attend only the parties or events that you MUST go to (ie. family gatherings, other one time ever events like an awards banquet) and steer clear of the ever-so-famous indulging typical events (ie. cookie exchanges, progressive dinners, or buffets).
2) Take a fruit or vegetable tray to the functions that you do attend.
3) Avoid hoovering around the food all. day. long. Better yet, don't allow food with in an arms span!
4) No matter what still track calories.
5) Make a list & stick to it while grocery shopping. The "special" goodies that are out can be too tempting for our own good.
6) Start a new tradition by doing a 5k run/walk or some other form of physical activity around Christmas. There are tons of runs specifically in the month of December: "Sleigh Bell 5k", "St. Nix Six", "Frostbite 5k", "Jingle Bell Run", "Gingerbread Pursuit", "Santa Hustle" and these are just in the Indiana area. Google your state and 5k races to see which are available near you.
These tips can be applied to any other "special" time of the year when food is abundant & temptation is high. Don't fall into gaining one pound and not losing it after the season is done and over!
Don't know how to start? Contact Us we can help.

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