hey what's up guys, sean nalewanyj here ofseannal.com and bodytransformationtruth.com and in this video i want to outline my recommendedmacros for cutting that are going to maximize fat loss while minimizing muscle loss duringa fat loss phase. so without question the single most important factor that you needto pay attention to when it comes to losing body fat consistently is dietary control,so managing what you eat, and how much you

Weight Loss Calculator For Women, eat throughout the day. a good combinationof weight training and cardio is definitely important in order to encourage muscle retentionand to actively burn more calories, but nutrition is the one area where the overwhelming majorityof fat loss trainees go wrong. and this is simply because it allows for a way largermargin for error. at the most, you're probably
going to be spending around 3-5 percent ofyour total time at the gym, and that means that the time you spend outside of the gymeating and recovering makes up the other 95-97 percent and that’s a lot of time, a lotof meals and a lot of food choices where things can go off course. in addition, it’s wayeasier for you to consume a significant number of calories than it is for you to burn them.45 minutes on the treadmill might help you burn around 400 calories, but just 10 minutesspent consuming one additional medium sized meal and you're going to replace those caloriesjust as quickly. the fact that consistent exercise also stimulates your appetite doesn’thelp the cause either because many people will train hard in the gym and then simplyover-eat in the hours afterwards without even
realizing it. it really doesn’t matter how“healthy†you eat. if you go overboard on the total number of calories that you consumeyou're not going to burn an ounce of fat. so if you really want to strip off around1-2 pounds of pure body fat consistently every week (and this is the general recommendedpace that i recommend you go at) then you must consume a properly structured diet thatallows you to maintain a net calorie deficit over time from a well-balanced combinationof high quality proteins, carbs and fats. otherwise, you may end up just completelywasting your time at the gym altogether. so here’s how i recommend structuring things.put your calories at 15-20 percent below your maintenance level. put your protein at 1 gramper pound of body weight daily. fats at 20
percent of your total calories and carbohydratesat whatever amount of calories remains after your protein and your fat is calculated. idon’t care how you lay this out, whether it be 6 small meals a day or 2 to 3 largemeals, just focus on hitting these macronutrient numbers each day and you will lose fat ator near your maximum potential. in fact, this one step alone will be responsible for thevast majority of your fat burning results. there is of course no such thing as one absolutebest macronutrient structure for cutting that's going to work optimally for every single personin every situation, but this is a very reliable breakdown that will work well for the majoritypeople. it will keep you in a net calorie deficit that is large enough to stimulatesignificant fat loss, but also small enough
to keep your lean muscle tissue intact. it'sgoing to provide you with enough protein in order to maximize muscle recovery and retentionin between workouts, enough fat to keep your mood, your energy levels and your hormonebalance in check, and enough carbohydrates in order to keep your training performancenear its peak. also note that the exact macronutrient numbers outlined should be treated as an overallestimation. hitting your total calorie target is quite important and should be aimed forwithin a hundred calories or so every day if you do want to see the very best results,but it’s not absolutely critical from a fat burning perspective that you consume exactly178 grams of protein and exactly 68 grams of fat every day. obsessing about this couldactually do you more harm than good, and as
long as you come somewhat close to those numbersyou're going to be fine. so if you want to skip the manual calculations altogether, youcan just go straight to my free macronutrient calculator that automates the entire processaltogether for you using this exact macronutrient breakdown and i'll link that in the descriptionbox below, or you can can learn how to figure this out all on your own using the followingsteps. for calories, first you're going to need to calculate your basal metabolic rate,which is the number of calories that you burn at rest, and i'll put that up on the screenhere in just a second. then take that number and multiply it by your activity level. andthis will give you your calorie maintenance level, which is the total number of caloriesthat you’d need to consume each day in order
to maintain your current weight. so now you'rejust going to take that number and multiply it by 0.8 and 0.85, and this is going to giveyou a daily calorie target for fat loss that is 15-20 percent below your maintenance level.protein intake is going to be based on your overall body weight at 1 gram per pound daily.so, if you weigh 190 pounds, you’re simply going to shoot for 190 grams of protein. andkeep in mind that 1 kilogram is equal to 2.2 pounds. this obviously isn't a perfect figureand it can vary depending on your lean body mass as well as a variety of other factors,however, it is a very reliable starting point for those on a cut, and obsessing about afew grams of protein here and there really isn’t going to do you any good anyway. fatscontain 9 calories per gram, so you’re simply
going to multiply your total calorie intakeby 0.2 and then divide by 9 and that's going to give you the total grams of fat to consumeeach day. and for carbohydrates just add together the protein calories (protein contains 4 caloriesper gram) and the total fat calories which you already have from the previous step, andthen subtract that number from your total daily calorie intake, and what that's goingto do is give you the total number of calories in your diet that will be derived from carbohydrates.then you're just going to take that number and divide it by 4 because carbohydrate contain4 calories per gram and that's going to give you the total daily grams of carbohydratesthat you need. so you now have a very reliable starting point in place for your total dailycalories, protein, fat and carbohydrates for
maximum fat loss. so follow this breakdownconsistently in combination with a properly structured weight training and cardio routine,and you can expect to lose somewhere between 1-2 pounds of pure body fat every single week.it may not sound like a lot, but it does add up very quickly and that represents a totalfat loss of between 12-24 pounds over just a 3 month period. remember, you always wantto go about your cutting phase in a controlled and gradual pace, otherwise you’ll be puttingyour hard-earned lean muscle tissue at risk. as you lose more fat and get leaner, you caneither re-adjust your calories and macronutrients or increase your activity level. so when yourweight loss has stalled for a period of about 1-2 weeks, go ahead and decrease your caloriesby about 150 and then re-calculate your macros,
or throw in an additional cardio session ortwo throughout the week. and you can also do a combination of both of course. for example,you could shave off 100 calories and then perform one extra cardio workout for example.so thanks for watching this video lesson. i hope you found the information useful heretoday. if you did enjoy the video, as always please make sure to hit the like button, leavea comment and subscribe to stay up to date on future videos. also make sure to checkout my complete step-by-step muscle building and fat loss programs over at bodytransformationtruth.com.the link for that is in the description box below, and make sure to join the facebookpage for daily tips and updates. the link for that is also in the description box. talkto you again soon.
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