hey guys it's kevin kreider more thanjust muscle how do you use calculations or have you calculate your propercaloric intake to drop body fat and that's the key phrase to drop bodyfat your mon drop muscle or lose muscle you want to just drop body back and ifyour calculations are 2-under you will end up burning muscle because you'redoing too much of a caloric deficit your

Weight Loss Calculator For Men, goal is to probably lose one to twopounds per week and i'm going to share with you the calculations to do that ifyou're going for more of an aggressive fat loss such as losing two pounds perweek i will take your body weight and multiply it by 11 that will give you aproper cords intake calories that you
need to put into a that will give youthe proper caloric intake you need to burn body fat over an extended period oftime and that is if you want to lose twopounds per week and if you're going by kilograms what you want to do ismultiply your body weight in kilograms by 2.2 and then do the calculationadwords multiply it by 11 let's say you only want to lose a pound a moremoderate amount or you're about 10% body fatyou just want to start slowly decreasing in body fat because the lower the bodyfat percentage you are the less you should lose per week because you don'thave that much anyway you'll end up
losing a little bit of muscle if you gotoo much of attracted to cuts when you're about 10% body fat or less irecommend multiplying your body weight by about 13 because that'll give you amoderate amount of calories to reduce every single week so you're losing abouta half a pound to a pound per week and let's say you want to maintain i knowthis isn't for poor that was it but to maintain then what you want to do ismultiply your body weight by 15 to get your game tape now why do i choose thismethod over others the reason being is because most of the methods are going tobe off by the 5 to 25% when you do the calculation is based offof a lot of variables that you might not
be able to control so for instance somecalculations require you to do a lot of other calculations outside such as youneed to know your body fat percentage to get your lean body fat mass and even ifyou do a dexa scan or hydrostatic weighing it's filtering off by aboutthree to five percent and let's just say use those little calibers with yourhands they're going to definitely be off by three to five percent anyway and thenyou need to know your body weight and the thing is a lot of times people wantto say they're lighter or heavier based off those whatever reason they want sothere's a variables that you can't believe that you can control but likevarious variables that will mess up the
calculations a little bit and i'd ratherjust go to easier simpler way which are these calculations and they're veryaccurate from what i've been able to do with other calculations as well and sowhat you're going to do anyways troubleshoot it so out there about aweek you're going to weigh to self and then with weigh yourself after anotherweek and see if the calculations are correct if for instance you don't loseany body fat and you maintain then you want to cut your calories by two tothree hundred calories per day until you start losing about a pound or two poundsper week and let's just say you gain you lost like five pounds the first week youwant to increase your core insane 202
there were two hundred three hundredcalories per day and so you start only dropping one to two pounds per week it'sreally simple guys we we tend to overcomplicate things and the thing iswe're going to be a little bit inaccurate the first week anyway and wewould always have to troubleshoot and add or drop calories or whatever basedoff of what you are achieving every single week i'd rather just make itsimple and why not make things easier for ourselves instead of morecomplicated so those are the calculation guys this is if you really enjoy thisand this is something useful for you just imagine if you took one of myonline virtual training programs it's
just a tipping point of what's in it youtake the body design tools and three quiz you can take and then you can watchthe video afterwards and i'll guide you to the best program for you based off ofyour body type and what you want to do with your goals and your physique soguys i hope you enjoyed this please subscribe to my youtube channel as welljust show some love and tell me that i should be doing more of these types ofvideos questions the comments are welcome i'll always answer the questionsso i'll see you guys next week
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