seizures testimonial audio both your name and what you do? and what yourhusband does? and whatever else in the whole story. my name is paula mctaggert. my husband isbill. i’m a registered nurse and my husband is a paramedic. he has over 25 years in thefield and we have a son, david, our youngest

Topamax And Weight Loss, child. in 2005, we went on a vacation to texasand our son was jumping up and down on a mattress, fell, hit his head on a brick, fire hearthand injured his head. but didn’t seem to be a whole lot more going on with his injuryother than he had a little bleeding. we fixed that, cleaned it up and went on our way.
about a month later, our son started havingseizures so we took him to the doctors and the doctors would just send us home with medicationand tell us to go home and if he had a seizure, take the medication. this went on sometimegoing to two different hospitals to two different ers. again, “we don’t know why but takethe medication and send them home.†he went to a children’s hospital, had a lot testdone, still they had no answers. so again it was, “here, take the medication.†well, our son was about three years old andhe was having 15-20 seizures a day still even on the medication. they put him on topamax.when they originally put him on the topamax, we had to increase it three different timesin one week and still he was having seizures
all day. so our son was either post dictal,seizing or on medication that was causing him to just kind of be in a stupor. fifteenminutes a day i saw my son the rest of the time doing nothing there in his eyes. well, one day it worked. another nurse askedme how my son was doing and she asked me if he was getting better and i said, “no.â€i was quite worried because i had to come to work at night and i was scared that somethingmight happen to him while i was gone because his seizures happen frequently and some ofthem were very long. we would had to rectal valium on our bedroom wall taped in case hehad a crises and we had to give him the valium. well, all through this we kept trying to findan answer but when my friend asked me if my
son was doing any better and i said, “no.â€she said, “have you tried to take him to a chiropractor?†right then and there, iknew that was the answer. i knew. so i made appointment for him and i know he had disappointment.he was still having seizures. we had one waiting for the doctor’s office to open in a restaurant. we took him to the doctors. they took x-rays.they adjusted his back. that was on a thursday. between thursday and monday, he only had twomore seizures. so that week i tried to get off him the topamax. we continued to see thechiropractor and the seizures went away. what level? what level in the neck c1, which is c1 that was out of place andwe can see on the x-rays that it was clearly
out of place. no medical doctor even questionthis. no medical doctor even wondered about this and he was seeing some of the best inthe nation. he went to a very large children’s hospital with a neurologist, a neurologistspecialist and still no answer. but after taking him to the chiropractor and havinghim adjusted and try to take him off the medication, the seizures completely stopped after thoselast two. the smile came back. the twinkle in his eyescame back because when he was still taking the medication and he was still having seizures,there was no sparkle in his eye, like a small child has when he smiles. there was nothingthere. even for some time after that twinkle wasn’t there but after time it did comeback. i know it’s because of the manipulation
that he had in this back. i know that that was the answer because thepressure that was on his spine was causing on this… the pressure on this spinal cordwas causing these seizures to trigger and having his adjustments change that so he nolonger had that. he was a normal little boy again. he wasn’t doped up on medication.he wasn’t seizing all day. he wasn’t post stick to all day. i was scared to death thatmy son might die from complications from his seizure while i was at work. so we’re so absolutely grateful. so absolutelygrateful to find the proper doctors and he’s been coming to doctor frys now over the lastfew years. the changes that… it’s like
night and day to have your son seizing allday long and they’re coming in having his back fixed and the seizures to go away andtopamax. topamax has its own side effects and no parent wants to see your child justlooking like a zombie all day long. but now we have our son back after doing themanipulations on his back. he’s a normal little boy again. so i encourage anybody whohas a child who’s having seizures take him to a chiropractor, have him checked becauseif it is from their spine being out of whack then you’ve got a whole new world aheadof you getting him fixed. god bless. page 1 of 2
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