yeah!9001. 9002.oh! whoo!sorry, guys. you just caught me working out.[laughter] now, plenty of workout videosshow you how to workout, but

Tom Arnold Weight Loss, until now, nobody has shown youwhat kind of noises to make when you work out.you won't believe the progress you can make in just one sessionwhen you stop working harder, and start working louder.i'm going to bring in an
assistant. someone who, let's be honest,has skipped a few of his last trips to the gym.someone who, lets be honest, has let himself go.ladies and gentlemen, please welcome terry crews. [applause]james: now, terry, i think everybody watching can see whatthe problems are here. we have these chubby, pudgyshoulders. we have these nine chins underhere.
this is a four-pack at best, andhere we have these disgusting male breasts.terry: these are called pecs. james: because you go to thebuffet and have a peck of this, a peck ofthat. terry, i know you're not wearinga sports bra but why don't we see how you work out.why don't you show me a couple of lifts with these dumbells.terry: ok. are you ready for this?it is your show. here we go!one!
two! james: that is the problem.here the problem is you have never been coached by aprofessional. why don't you set these down andwatch how the professionals do it.all right. ok.yaaaaaah! [laughter]terry: that is pretty good! james: that's what i'm talkingabout. terry: you know what?i think i can show you a little
bit better.i can do it better. just watch this. watch this.let's see if we can try something here.this is 315 pounds. arrrrrrh![applause] what?huh? james: what do you think you'redoing? that is what you do? this is your idea of fun?you come down here and embarrass
me in front of all of myfriends? terry: you don't have anyfriends. stop playing.getz let's get back to this. really, you don't have any.james: you know what you have done?terry: what did i do, james? what is the problem? james: you poked the beast.you don't want to poke this beast. terry: no, i don't want to dothat.
james: this is about 715 pounds. the problem is you didn't do itin your back, your glutes. your quads.terry: what? poking the beast.poking the beast. james: yaaaaah![applause] terry: you know what?you know what? i poked the beast but you openedup a can of worms. you came close![applause] james: well, you have clearlylearned a lot from me and just
in one session have clearlyimproved. you know what that means?i think it is time to -- james and terry: feel the noise! snoted ♪ [applause]james: ladies and gentlemen, terry crews. we'll be right back with terrycrews, meagan good and dylan o'brien. reggie: james corden and terrycrews show us new moves.
the more you grunt, the more you grunt, the more youpunt
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