alright fitlifer, drew canole. at the endof this video we're going to be giving away a four hundred dollar jay kordich powergrindpro, so sit tight. the fitlife team and i have built this amazing quiz and what it doesis that it indicates eleven factors in your overall health, after thirty five thousandpeople have taken this quiz in the past week, we've realized some things that i want toshare with you today and address on this week's
Best Cleanse For Weight Loss, saturday strategy. some big things that couldcause your body to store fat, okay? and one of our main goals for our community is helppeople get their ideal body, their ideal minds so they can live their ideal life, real simpleand easy. one of the biggest things you guy wanted to hear about was how juicing can effectivelyhelp you lose weight? number two, you wanted
to hear about quality of sleep, how sleepingplays a role and how to get the best sleep possible and lastly you wanted to hear howto crush those toxic cravings that are holding your body back from loving the food that lovesyour body. so, i'm going to talk about those three things fitlifer, real simple and rewind back two and a half years ago fitlifer, i was twenty five pound overweight, i wasaround twenty two percent body fat, i was lethargic, i was tired, i was depressed, ididn't really have a life purpose at that time and i didn't feel fulfilled, i was stressedout, basically and my diet consisted of a lot of macronutrients, you know lean proteins,carbs and fat. what i was missing was one huge thing that deals with juicing and i'mgoing to talk about that right now, i was
missing micronutrients also known as phytonutrients.people say you should get nine or seven to nine servings of vegetables every day, i'llbe the first one to admit fitlifer, i was not getting seven to nine servings of vegetablesevery day. i wanted things cheap, fast, and easy. i was a typical american, i was eatingthe standard american diet and it wasn't working for me, needless to say that's why i manifestedthe physical body that i had at that time. around that time i had a gentleman, mark,introduced me to juicing, he came ad he handed me my first green drink and if you've hadyour first green drink you're probably going to know exactly what i'm talking about rightnow. it's juice high, you could say it, it's your first juice buzz, it's that first greendrink that you have and within fifteen minutes,
on a very cellular level your body startsto consume those phytonutrients, those micronutrients, it's like nature's perfect multivitamins,glorious, it's a miracle, it's a magical thing that you can drink every single day to giveyou energy and completely change your life. when i did that, i noticed something as well,i noticed this long withstanding energy all day long. most people drink coffee and bythe time two o' clock goes around they're ready to take a nap because their adrenalshave spiked and they feel like they're getting tired and they need to take a nap in the afternoon,when you have a green drink, it's this constant, consistent energy throughout the entire daythose mental focus that you have. i've had people report back to me, they're like 'drewmy eyes seemed brighter, i felt like things
were more alive, it's like i looked outside,and all of a sudden it's like i was looking at a painting, i saw with my glasses off forthe first time in my life.' i've heard these things from the thousands of people that havetransformed using our system, and it's amazing which is what springboards me up out of bedevery morning and feel like i have this amazing purpose but i got those micronutrients. now,i've tried starting juicing once a day, i'm like 'what would two juices do a day?' allof a sudden i've started to notice that i didn't eat as much, right? and when i wouldchoose to eat, if i had my juice in the morning i'll be like i don't need those things thati used to like. the doritos, the cheetos, the ice cream, the enriched flour bread thatthey say has all kinds of vitamins and minerals
that you know as well as i do, that probablymade in some laboratory that depletes your body of its necessary b vitamins and the otherthings that you actually need. so when i started juicing it went from one a day, so i encourageyou if anything after watching this video, start juicing at least once a day. then itwent to twice, i'm like 'what the heck?' i have more energy than i've ever had in mylife, i didn't need to eat those things, what would it do if i was to do that's called thejuice cleanse, for three to five days and i tried it. and after doing this juice cleanse,i noticed that not only the macronutrients that i was eating before, the lean protein,the carbs and the high quality fats that i was eating, but my body wasn't utilizing effectively,i was finally able to absorb, you know there's
a huge gut problem in america, people havepoor gut health, so even if they are eating all the proper things like i was, you knowat the time i was eating proper macronutrients but i wasn't getting micronutrients and myfriend that was doing the same thing look like a fitness model because his absorptionwas better than mine. as soon as i fixed that, it was like a light switch that went on andall of a sudden i was able to go from over twenty percent body fat down to sub sevenpercent while using juicing as a weight loss tool, so that's why it works. you know notonly are you getting the nutrients, you're actually healing your gut and internal processesfor what it is, you're getting more vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, things that really causeyour body to come to life. number two, sleep.
how does juicing work for sleep? well, backfifty years ago, there was no such thing as organic or non-organic, everything was organicand the soil was rich, it was loaded with nutrients and when something was planted intothe ground, it had a lot of minerals in it, one mineral in particular is called magnesium.western america today and probably throughout most of the world, people are not gettingenough magnesium, so one of the things you'll first notice with juicing is that you startto sleep like a baby and when you sleep like a baby, what happens, well, all your hormonesare starting to return back to normal again. your cortisol levels which cortisol is yourstress starts to go down again, your body starts to heal and starts to repair, i'd liketo say that sleep is like defragging a computer;
you remember you used to have to do that?you'd set your computer to defrag at night and reprocess all the files that you wentthroughout the day, kind of like the human mind, constantly processing going in rem sleephelps your body do that it helps to repair the tissue the cells he organs that givesyou a rest and that's how it helps your sleep, you're getting the vitamins, the enzymes theminerals, things like that a lot of people eat at night so they feel bugged down, theyhave the giant portions of big potatoes with giant fatty steak or cheeseburger somethinglike that and then they've had indigestion at night, their internal bodies not workingcorrectly, then they wake up in the morning they feel tired because they didn't get deep,restful, peaceful sleep, so juicing can definitely
help with sleeping as well. and lastly howdoes it help with cravings? well, in the book train your taste to trim your waist, i talkedabout toxic taste buds when you have enough sugar from carbs, sugar in dairy wheat, thingslike that your body always wants to eat that and it feels satisfied for a moment but thenit still goes on to crave more sugar and dairy wheat so you get this process. even me now,like if i go on vacation and all of a sudden i have something like a dessert the next dayi'm like 'you know i want a little dessert again and then before you know it, you'reon this habit of having something that's sweet three, four times a day. the problem is notthe sweetness, the big problem is mixing it with fatty stuff as well cause it spikes yourinsulin up, and when you spike your insulin
up it's like a gateway, it's like somebodyholding arms with you as the door to your fat cell and it's just walking in and saying'hey have some more fat in those cells' and your body gets fatter and fatter and fatterbecause you've spiked your insulin up and you're eating fatty food that doesn't giveyou the micronutrients that you really need. so once you start to juice, once, twice aday and you go through the five day detox you'll finally start to realize that you don'tneed those things, those toxic, you don't need toxic taste buds anymore and you cancome in to complete harmony, complete balance, and those are three very physical things i'mtalking about with juicing you guys. there's many more revelations you're going to haveokay? so let's go over the three again, number
one, how to juice for weight loss, it's allabout micro vs. macro and how to get on track for that, i've had a transformation thousandsof other people had their transformation of using this as a tool and then also sleep,sleep is amazing. you know, i tried to get eight to nine hours of sleep at night, manypeople get four to five hours and then they wake up in the morning they have two cupsof coffee and then they need a valium or something at night, some pill that puts them to sleepand makes them rest easier and that functions your whole internal body up, message you upcompletely. so, let's bring your body back, let's start to sleep more effectively. numberthree, how to crush those toxic taste buds, and stop craving the food that doesn't loveyour body, it's simple, you know once you
start to give what it needs, it starts tofeel fulfilled, you're totally going to feel like a brand new person, we've seen thousandsof people's success stories, all of them report the same thing, so this is three things italked about on a physical level. if you want to take the quiz and see exactly what youneed to do, to bring your body back in the harmony, to bring your body back in the balance,to bring your body into its ideal form so that you have the confidence, the longevity,the mental clarity, the focus, everything that you've wanted, take the quiz below, realsimple and easy fitlifer, and also check the blog post below, we're going to be givingaway a four hundred dollar jay kordich powergrind pro, i'm excited. over the next week, we'regoing to look more on the results from the
quiz and we're going to see exactly what you'reinterested in. if you're interested in a certain thing that's holding you back from reallyliving the life that you want to live, leave that in the comments, be like 'drew this isreally helpful, you know the juicing for weight loss, sleep and what you talked about toxictaste buds, i feel like i have toxic taste buds but i need help with my hair, you knowmy hair's falling out'. whatever it may be, you leave it below, and i promise you fitliferthe team and i will do everything it takes to make sure that you're living the best lifepossible. drew canole, remember we're in this together, i'll see you next week.
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