(Hebrews 12:1)
The battle of the bulge...This is how some refer to the struggle with weight. It seems that for every pound we loose, we gain two more....It is a constant struggle for many people.
There are those who do not look as if they need to loose weight but they have a lack of self confidence and it causes them to diet, and even causes some to battle with eating disorders.
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We are a society that pushes fitness, and if some do not fit in this mold they are body shamed. But then we see companies advertise great foods, buffets, and plenty of sweets, it is an endless cycle of good eats, right eats, fitness and be happy with who you are...Exercise, eat, repeat!
We want to blame the candy, the soda, the rich food for the weight problem, we want to blame our parents, our genetics for the constant weight battle. But when it is all said and done, it comes down to us, our will power, and the life choices we make.
Unfortunately we have many obese Christians today, they are weighed down with their past, with the generational curses, and struggle with the lack of spiritual will power. They carry around the pain of their lives, they feast upon the negative, and they hunger after the worlds pleasures.
Like wanting a piece of chocolate cake to satisfy their sweet tooth, many indulge their flesh with temptation, guilt, poverty, and sorrow. We also have those who do not see themselves as God sees them. They see only their failure, their lack, and it causes them to have a spiritual disorder. But that is not how it should be! You do not have to be like that!
You can loose a hundreds of pounds of unwanted weight today! God does not want you to be weighed down with your past, with the failure of today or the pain of sickness. You can be free of the excessive weight that is holding your back from being a strong, anointed, powerful, free and prosperous child of God.
Go on a spiritual diet today, start eating the good things of God, "Oh taste and see that the Lord is good" Eat from the vine of hope, drink the power drink of heaven, and exercise your right to use the anointing of heaven to overcome, to be free, to be healthy, to get wealth, and to bring salvations hope to others.
You can do it! let go of the heaviness of what others have done to you, let go of the heaviness of the past, work out and get rid of that weight you gained. It is has hindered your breathing, and caused you to become slack in your faith. When you get rid of it you will feel great again, and bring a new joy into your spirit, strength into your finances, and energy into your life!
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. (Hebrews 12:1)
We Love and Appreciate You
Jay & Conne Hurt
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