How Yoga Maximizes Your Metabolism
Yoga has been around for thousands of years and has now become one of the most sought after workout routines for many people around the world. Yoga is used in meditation, prayer or physical activity for its wellness and improved health benefits and weight loss Working out at the gym lifting weights or doing any aerobic activity is a great way to lose weight, however, using yoga for strength training and weight loss is a good way to gain movement and flexibility into your routine. Using sequences in a yoga routine for 30 to 60 minutes can greatly improve your metabolic rate in which you burn calories. Yoga takes fitness to a whole new level by incorporating specific deliberate moves going from one pose to the next holding your entire body weight in each pose. You will gain strength, stability while toning and tightening your whole body. Building lean muscle with each pose will help you lose weight, look and feel you best both mentally and physically. Yoga is a great stress buster.
Power Yoga For Beginners Total Body Workout Weight Loss 30 Minute Yoga Class
There great yoga routines that will help you lose weight from beginner, intermediate to advanced. Choose a program that fits your experience and fitness level. As you progress in your practice you will gain more agility, focus, and strength.
Research shows that people who use yoga in their fitness routines are calm, centered, need less medications due to better health practices. Yoga can transform your body on every level and should be practiced 3 times per week to reach the full potential benefits along with a good diet to achieve your weight loss goals.
Yoga History Dates Back To 5,000 Years
Yoga has a long complex history that can be divided up into four main periods of development, Patrice and innovation. In the beginning development of yoga originated by the Indus- Sarasvati civilization over Northern India 5,000 years ago. The word yoga was first mentioned in the sacred texts of the Rig Veda. Yoga has many places of obscurity and uncertainty due to its oral transmission of oral texts and the secretive nature of its teachings.
The early teachings were transcribed on palm leaves and have been easily damaged, lost or destroyed. The development of yoga can be traced back to 5,000 but some researchers have found evidence of yoga practice up to 10,000 years old. Yoga has a long rich history and is considered to have enormous effects on our health and fitness. Lose belly fat with powerful yoga poses.
Yoga is still practiced today using the same techniques that have been proven to work for thousands of years. Routines can vary according to your level of fitness from beginners to intermediate to advanced levels. Yoga can increase strength and stability and endurance while stretching your entire body.
There are many poses commonly practiced in yoga for very specific reasons including weight loss, flexibility, back pain relief, increase blood flow, increase oxygen to muscles and organs, wellness, meditation, strengthening, endurance, and relaxation.
Always work within your own limits and abilities. Avoid certain poses if you have any serious medical conditions. Ask your doctor before beginning any routine. If you are new to yoga you can modify any pose to fit your specific needs.
There are routines for every fitness level and need. When yoga poses are combined into a routine and practiced on a regular basis you will see huge results in your health and weight loss.
Plank Pose for Six Pack Abs
Plank Pose_ Kumbhakakassana ( Koo-bank-AHS-un-um) is an arm balancing pose that tones and tightens the entire core of the body including the abdomen and low back. It strengthens the arms, wrists, and shoulders and is often used to prepare the body for more challenging balances.
Plank pose also strengthens the muscles around the spine improving your posture. Its name comes from Sanskrit- Kumblank which means breath retention. Usually, the breath is held for a for a brief moment, before lowering the body into a low push up position. Practicing plank pose for several minutes at a time will tone and strengthen your entire body and nervous system building strength and stamina.
Downward Facing Dog
Downward Facing Dog _AD ho Mukh asang (Ah-doh-Moo-Kuh-shvan-AHS-uh-nun is a standing pose with mild inversion. Downward Facing Dog name comes from the way dogs stretch their bodies. Eastern states commonly included this pose in most yoga routines to go from a standing position to facing downward.
This pose is great for increasing circulation, strengthening chest, arms, low back and aiding in flexibility. Downward Facing Dog stretches the entire body including hamstrings, back, arms, ankles, wrists, chest and spine. This is considered a light inversion without standing on your head.
Inversions from this pose help alleviate insomnia, fatigue, and mild depression. Blood flow to the brain calms the nervous system improves memory and concentration. Moving from one position to the next will build muscle a key factor in weight loss.
As you progress in your practice you will see dramatic results in your health and strength. Regular practice improves digestion, back pain, and osteoporosis.
Cobra Pose
Cobra Pose (Bhujang Asaa) the asana resembles the serpent with its head raised and is part of a sequence of yoga postures. Cobra pose will give you a deep stretch for your whole body while strengthening your back and core muscles. Reduce belly fat and increase strength in your back, spine, chest, and arms.
Cobra pose is a transitioning to go from the mat into Downward Facing Dog. The Benefits of Cobra pose can open up shoulders and neck, elevate menstrual cramps and make the spine flexible and strong, relieve fatigue, stress and increases circulation.
Toning your core abdominal muscles will help you burn calories as you shed weight. This pose is useful for people who have respiratory disorders. It is recommended to reframe from Cobra Pose if you are having an attack.
Sun Salutation
Sun Salutation ( Surya Namaskar) Energies your whole body with this fantastic pose as you tone and strengthen every muscle group in your body. If you are just starting out you can do this lunge and not lower yourself too low. Raise your arms up overhead and hold the pose.
If you are more advanced you can take this lunge further to the ground in a 45-degree angle. Lift your arms up overhead and slightly bend backward keeping in mind your level and flexibility tolerance. Arching your back can stimulate the thyroid and increase your metabolism.
Burning more calories to help you lose weight. Sun Salutation will strengthen your hamstrings, glutes, back and upper body for a total body stretch. Engage your core muscles as you hold this balance pose.
Increase your stability and endurance by holding this pose for longer period of time 15 – 30 seconds or more. Listen to your own body and go at your own pace.
Warrior Pose
Warrior Pose _ Viarbhadrasana (Verr-uh-buh-DRAH-unt-nuh) is a standing pose named after mythological Hindu Warrior, Viarbhadra. Incarnation, of the God Shiva. As this fable goes, Viarbhadra was fierce and powerful with thousands of arms, hair, and eyes of fire.
The Warrior pose is a powerful pose concentrating on focus and deliberate attention. Holding the pose will strengthen your legs core and thighs as you gain balance and strength.
There are 5 variations of this pose that will tone and tighten your core abdominal muscles, legs hips and thighs, ankles, arches of your feet, stamina and coronation. Hold the pose to increase your endurance and burn calories for weight loss.
Beyond the physical posture, warrior pose creates deep concentration and relaxation. Focusing on the balance of the pose reduces any distractions as you hone in on your strength and stamina.
Side Plank Pose
Side Plank Pose Vasisthasana (VAH-shees-THAH-sun-nun) Challenges your ability to stay calm and focused. Its name comes from Vasistha which means “most excellent”. Side plank pose is practiced with the top leg perpendicular to the floor, is beyond the capacity of most beginners. Align your body in one long diagonal line from your feet to your head.
This pose can be modified by keeping the bottom knee resting on the floor with the top leg straight and extended outward. Advanced levels can raise the top leg while keeping the lower leg straight. This pose will strengthen your core muscles, obleek muscles ( sides of the abdominal muscles), legs, low back, arms, shoulders, and neck.
Jillian Michaels Yoga instructor demonstrates the side plank pose with her video called Yoga Meltdown Level 1. Designed to tone, tighten and sculpt your entire body. This intense workout is perfect for anyone who wants to lose weight with yoga and the routine clearly shows the plank pose form for beginners and advanced levels. The plank pose should be avoided or modified if you have any neck or injury.
Image Courtesy of Wikipedia
Triangle Pose
Triangle Pose Tirkonasana (trih-koh-NAH-sah-nah) is a standing yoga pose that increase stability, strength, reduces stress and tones the body. The name tirkonasana comes from the Sanskrit words “tri” (meaning three”) and “Kona” (Meaning angle) and “asana” (meaning pose) It refers to the triangular shape the is created when your body is fully extended in this pose.
The benefits of this pose can have great effects on your body and aid in weight loss by toning and tightening your muscles, improves flexibility of the spine, improves posture, corrects alignment in the shoulders, relieves back ache, gastritis, flatulence, indigestion acidity, massages and tones the pelvic organs, corrects the effects of a sedentary lifestyle or faulty posture, assists in the healing of neck sprains, reduces stiffness in the neck shoulders and knees, strengthens the muscles and tendons in the abdominal, obliques ( side abdominal area) shoulders, neck and arms.
This sequence is practiced in yoga routines going from a standing position to a side bend and then returning to a standing position again. This movement has great benefits for toning and tightening your core muscle group.
This pose may cause issues with practitioners with low back problems post lateral disk herniation a challenge in the back. Those dealing with any serious diseases or conditions such as blood press issues, vertigo, headaches do not look down at the floor when practicing this pose. Modify this pose by standing next to a wall or holding onto a chair for extra support.
Chair Pose
Chair Pose Tadasana (oot-Kah-THAS-annal) Stand in tadasana char pose with feet together, knees slightly bent and arms lifted straight overhead. Modify this pose by not bending your knees too deeply. This pose is used in the yoga sequence as a warm up to more progressive and intense moves.
Chair pose is a fantastic way to strengthen the glutes, hamstrings, and upper back and can aid in the natural movements we do each day in normal activities in sitting down or bending our knees to a lower position and standing up. Holding this pose for 15 – 30 seconds can build muscle and lose weight.
Intensify this pose by making it more aerobic going from standing to chair pose moving in a faster motion.
Anyone suffering from injuries can greatly benefit from this pose to tone, tighten and strengthen your primary muscles, glutes, and hamstrings, and quadriceps, provided you get permission from your doctor or physical therapist. If you are experiencing difficulty sitting down in a chair or getting out of a chair this exercise is perfect for rebuilding muscle tone and functionally.
If you are a beginner or don’t have a good range of motion just yet you can modify this pose and use a chair. Stand in from of the chair with feet together. Sit down in the chair and then stand up with your arms outreached stretched overhead. Do 15 -20 reputations.
You will see dramatic results in your ability to move and function more naturally in your everyday movements. Add chair pose to your yoga sequence for more benefits in weight loss.
Downward Dog Splits
Downward Dog Splits- Adoha-Mukha-svanassan (AH-doh-MOO-Kuh-shvan-AHS-uh-nun) is one of the most recognized poses in yoga. This variation of Downward Facing Dog yoga pose with one leg lifted high, challenges your balance, stability and strength.
This exercise benefits the hips alignment, low back, arms and upper torso for strengthening and stretching your body. This pose is often done in sequence with downward facing dog incorporating more complex balancing moves in the yoga routine.
Some practitioners perform this pose while doing little baby kicks with the lowered foot or flex the lower foot to get more movement in your ankle. Listen to your body and be mindful of your capabilities and modify the pose to fit your specific needs.
Downward Facing Dog increases circulation, stretches your entire body, opens the hips, reduces fatigue, builds strength, energizes, rejuvenates and restores the nervous system, relief from fatigue, back pain, headaches and digestion discomfort. Avoid this pose if you are pregnant have an infection or blood pressure issues.
Tree Pose
Tree pose “Vrksasana” (Virk-SKAS-shun-nuh) comes from two words- Virksa which means tree and Asana means pose, is considered a standing balance pose focusing on balance and stability. Evoking your core, ankles, and hamstrings to hold you steady and remain still in this powerful pose.
Firing up your muscles with tree pose will help burn more calories as you work on your balance. Holding this pose for 30 to 60 seconds to increase intensively. Working on your strength and balance will not only help you lose weight it will help prevent injury by developing your physical body, building muscle and endurance.
The benefits of tree pose are remarkable and improves your focus concentration, and calms the mind. Tree pose is also beneficial for the treatment of sciatic nerve pain. Building strength in the ankles, calves and tones the abdominal muscles. This pose is great for stretching your torso, thighs, and shoulders.
If you are a beginner and find this pose to be challenging you can hold on to a chair or do this position next to the wall for extra stability. After practicing this pose a few times you will see a huge difference in your strength and balance.
Firing up your muscles with tree pose will help burn more calories as you work on your balance. Holding this pose for 30 to 60 seconds to increase intensively. Working on your strength and balance will not only help you lose weight it will help prevent injury by developing your physical body, building muscle and endurance.
The benefits of tree pose are remarkable and improves your focus concentration, and calms the mind. Tree pose is also beneficial for the treatment of sciatic nerve pain. Building strength in the ankles, calves and tones the abdominal muscles. This pose is great for stretching your torso, thighs, and shoulders.
If you are a beginner and find this pose to be challenging you can hold on to a chair or do this position next to the wall for extra stability. After practicing this pose a few times you will see a huge difference in your strength and balance.
Image Courtesy of The Little Pipe Line
ResourcesYoga For Weight Loss
Jillian Michales winning trainer on NBC. Introduces a new yoga workout, hard-core yoga poses with dynamic training techniques. Yoga meltdown includes two complete 30-minute workouts that include warm up and cool down.

Yoga For Weight Loss by Michael Wohl (Deluxe 3 DVD set with over 30 Routines

Images Courtesy of Amazon
Weight Loss With Yoga
If you want to lose weight with yoga or add this routine to your fitness program you will see the results you are looking for. Follow a good sensible diet plan that fits your lifestyle and needs. Add a 30 to 60-minute yoga for weight loss program three times per week for the most benefit. Walk once per day for 30 minutes or more for extra cardo. You will see dramatic results in your health and weight as you progress in your practice. Tell me what you think about this article. What is your favorite yoga pose? Leave me a comment. Follow me on Facebook Join the Divine Weight loss group.
Stay Fit
Patricia Lynn
Images Courtesy of Kuhnaspix , Nentus, Sippakorn, Marcolm, Samarttiw, Sippakorn, Ambro, stockimages,
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