If you are hoping to survive the long holiday weekend without gaining a couple of Easter kilos you need to take control immediately.

First of all, try not to indulge until Easter weekend which means that that bag of tiny eggs you have in your desk drawer needs to go in the bin, right now! Considering a single small milk chocolate bunny has the equivalent number of calories that it would take an hour of treadmill running to burn off, the little bunny may suddenly seem far less attractive.
Unfortunately those little eggs are not much better either – just three mini Easter eggs contain more than 500kJ. And let's be honest, who can stop at three? Generally speaking, once we open a packet, we eat the packet. The same can be said for hot cross buns – a traditional bun contains just 600kJ compared to the mega chocolate chip varieties which contain more than 1000kJ – and that's without the butter. More importantly, trying to hold off these tempting treats until Good Friday is an even better idea.

Where possible, look for portion controlled treats: small individual eggs rather than an entire bag of minis and a packet of buns to share. When it comes to food, especially sweet treats, if they are there you'll be tempted to eat them. The fewer Easter treats you keep at home, the better.
Finally, go for quality over quantity. Enjoy a social Easter feast with plenty of good food and a small amount of good quality chocolate. And use the extra holiday days to embrace your training program to make sure that you survive Easter without a couple of extra kilos to boot.
Still looking for chocolate? Once you translate your Easter calories into workout unit the treats may no longer seem so appealing.

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