type 2 diabetes is a medical condition thatfrequently develops in people who have become overweight or obese. before people developtype 2 diabetes they usually have pre-diabetes, a condition where blood sugar is slightlyelevated but not enough to be classified as diabetes. a person with type 2 diabetes hasdifficulty using sugars from food to fuel vital bodily functions. as a result bloodsugar levels rise and body cells become starved

Victoza Weight Loss, of energy. all cells in our bodies requirea supply of the sugar called glucose for energy. for glucose to move from the blood into cellsa hormone called insulin is needed. insulin is produced by the pancreas in response toan increase in blood sugar levels after we eat. in type 2 diabetes your cells don’tuse insulin properly, this is called insulin
resistance. your pancreas will try to makemore insulin to overcome the resistance, but over time it becomes more difficult for itto produce enough to keep your blood glucose levels normal. elevated blood sugar will eventuallydamage other organs in your body and will increase your risk for heart and blood vesseldisease, kidney damage, nerve damage, eye damage, foot damage, skin and mouth problems,osteoporosis, alzheimer’s disease and hearing problems. pre-diabetes usually does not haveany symptoms and is diagnosed with blood tests, but if your type 2 diabetes has advanced recognizingthe symptoms and seeking early treatment is very important. common symptoms of type 2diabetes are: urinating frequently, feeling thirsty all the time, feeling hungry evenwhen you just ate, feeling extremely tired
and fatigued, experiencing blurry vision.treatment plans for type 2 diabetes vary between individuals but you will most likely haveto monitor your blood sugar regularly to ensure it is within healthy limits. it is also likelythat you will have to adjust your diet, and increase your physical activity. if you areoverweight or obese, reducing your weight by even a few pounds will help you maintainbetter blood sugar control, and reduce your risk for diabetes related complications. whilediet, increased activity and weight control maybe all that you need to control your diabetes,if it is not your doctor will prescribe oral medication or insulin to help you maintainhealthy blood sugar levels. i think what’s really sad is that so manypeople get the label of diabetes, but don’t
realize that this is something that does nothave to be a lifelong disease. it is something that is easily reversible with a little bitof weight loss, it doesn’t even have to be 30, 40, 50 pounds it can be as little asseven to 10 percent of the weight that they have. so for a three hundred pound personmight only be 30 pounds. and they’ll get off of their meds and they can control itwith diet, and then eventually not have it. a diagnosis of pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetesis serious. the good news is that with appropriate lifestyle changes and perhaps some medicationsdiabetes is manageable, and with a little help you can delay or prevent complications.
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