Realdose Weight Loss

alright fitlifer, drew canole, it's anotherexciting episode of this week's saturday strategy, i'm glad you're in my kitchen, at the endof this video, we're going to be giving away a four hundred dollar jay kordich powergrindpro, i'm going to tell you how to get that. and next week, we actually have somethingplanned, when you leave a comment below this video, we're giving you something really reallycool, something that i take every single day

Realdose Weight Loss

Realdose Weight Loss, that you need to be taking as well so you'regoing to believe it, by the end of this video, so let's get all of this. as you know fitlifer,i absolutely love juicing, one of the reasons is because it's loaded with phytonutrients,enzymes, amino acids, minerals that you don't normally get, so there's very few supplementsthat i actually need to take except for this

one and i take it every single day just becausemy body doesn't produce it on its own. so, i encourage you to watch this whole entirevideo. at the end of the video i'm going to share with you exactly what this supplementis, you're going to understand why you probably aren't getting enough and probably why youare getting it in the wrong form. so bear with me. why is it important? well, it's somethingthat has to do with the advice i got from my father a long time ago. he is a car guy.and i would drive around and he would tell me he's like 'son,' he goes 'make sure youput air in your tires.' and me being the 16 year old that i was, 17 year old, i didn'treally listen to him. so what happened? well, i got bad gas mileage, low performance onmy car and one day my car tire blew out completely

and unfortunately i had to spend my wholesummer savings on brand new tires. well, this nutrient is kind of like the same way. youhave to keep your tank perfectly full with the right amount of nutrients and the rightamount of air. before i tell you what this nutrient is. first, let me tell you what thisnutrient can do for you but only if you get the right amount in the right form. you canactually increase lean muscle mass and decrease fat mass without any dietary changes whatsoever.and i know it sounds absolutely crazy. how can you do this? but, something was studiedin the international society of sports nutrition it will only work if you get the right amountin the right form. it's actually true brain food in the right dose. so, when you get enoughnutrients it helps you with cognitive function.

and this helps with thinking ability, mentalsharpness; it is your recall would be a lot faster as well, age related memory loss. soif you're getting to that age, it's going to help with that. it's also been shown tohelp with absent-mindedness. so if you kind of forget things along or you don't rememberwhat you did 3 weekends ago whatever maybe it's going to help. now why does it do that?well because it helps with optimal blood flow to the brain. heart health and cardiovascularfunction in the right amounts as well but you have to have the right dose. i've checkedout a lot of the research on it. the american heart association, the australian nationalheart foundation and the international world organization actually given a big thumbs upas well. now why would they do this? well

because harvard, my friends over there dida little study and what they found is that actually reduced heart-related deaths by 37%.but finally, this nutrient simply makes you happier. so if you're feeling depressed, ifyou're feeling a little anxiety this could actually help improve your mood. one reallyinteresting thing that you're partner is probably going to enjoy about this as well is if youdon't get enough and you don't get it in the right dose. it can actually make you meaner.once you start putting the right dose in your bloodstream, it can make you a nicer person.what i'm talking about, can you guess what it is? what i'm talking about is omega-3 fattyacids. now before you say to yourself, i take fish oil, i take chia seed oil, i take krilloil or i eat a lot of fish. you need to know

something really important. there is somethingcalled the omega-3 index and what this tells you is this simple explanation. and now, there'sdifferent levels of omega-3's. now this is important because there is dha and there'sepa as percent of fatty acids in your bloodstream. and these simple results are with low omega-3percentages which is under 4% that means trouble. ok? now the opposite are the benefits above.but when you start getting your omega-3 levels higher than 78% this is when the benefitsactually start to appear. so, the question is how do you really get those omega-3's upto the most effective dose possible? you can do what i do every single day and take theright amount. i call it the omega-3 delivery system. and i do it every day. but first,let us talk about why you're probably not

getting the right amount in the right formof omega-3 fatty acids. fish oil. if you think you're covered by normal fish oil, think again.most fish oil you find in the store are in the esterform. see what this companies haveto do is they have to purify. because of the sad state that the oceans are in. and whenyou purify, you have to concentrate it. ok? they esterfy the oil. and i don't want toget too sciency but basically, what you have to do is mix the fish oil with what's calledethanol. if you know what ethanol is it's alcohol. pretty disgusting right? and theresult is the glycerol backbone of the fish oil is replaced with ethanol. what mattersto you is that this form is 70% less absorbable than the natural form which i take calledtriglyceride. it has also been shown to be

50 times more resistive to digestive enzymesthan the triglyceride form. 33% less stable meaning they get rancid faster and that'sone of the biggest problems. you have to eat it with a fatty meal. this is why it's essentialthat you take fish oil in the triglyceride form to get the most effective and efficientomega-3 delivery that you know you need. also, very few fish oils actually give you the rightamount of omega-3 fatty acids, per dose. if you want to get all the benefits mentionedearlier like fat loss, better brain, cardiovascular health and what you want 2.4 grams of omega-3fatty acids a day not just fish oil but the omega-3's themselves this is also why theconcentration is so important and i'll get in to that in a second. but first, let's talkabout krill oil. i know there's tons of advocates

online i see this blog post popping-up allover the place saying krill oil is the best thing ever and you got to be taking this foryour own omega-3 delivery system. and i've tried it. you know i've done krill oil buti absolutely don't have the benefits that i'm looking for or i feel it. ok? i'm verysensitive to that stuff. and the problem with krill oil is the highest dose i've seen anywhereis 420 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids. and if you remember correctly, that's notenough. remember what happened when i didn't put enough air in my tires? guess what thiscosts ok? to get 2.4 grams of omega-3 fatty acids with krill i added it up. you're goingto be completely blown away $9.51 a day. that's 270 dollars a month and the bestselling brandthe one that's others paying for the expensive

one is $14.66 a day over 300 bucks a month.four, what is it, 400 dollars something. crazy. as you will see later, the kind that i recommendis about $1.63 a day. maximum. it's less thing you pay for a cup of coffee at starbucks anda lot better for your health. now, flax seeds, chia seeds and other vegetarian sources ifyou're like me you sometimes add chia and flax to your juices. and i think that's know, keep doing it like chia seeds are one of the most amazing things ever. but theform of omega-3's from this vegetarian sources are broken down as ala and in your body youhave to turn that into epa and dha to get the benefits. remember what i talked aboutearlier? and sadly enough, a very small percentage of about 20% is converted to epa and lessthan 9% is converted to dha. so like i said,

i love chia seeds nothing against my wholemeals but you're not getting enough omega-3's which is why i take real dose triglycerideform fish oil. i take it every single day and this is the ultimate omega-3 fatty aciddelivery system. that gives me 2.4 grams of actual omega-3 fatty acids in the most absorbableform possible. so first, this fish oil pill simply make me feel better than any of thefish oil that i was taking before. i've tried them all. in liquid form, fermented fish oil,all these other things. second, they are the natural triglyceride form. meaning there'sno alcohol backbone so they are more absorbable and i can take them on an empty stomach. likeeating a fatty meal with my fish oil every morning. third, they provide the daily doseof 2.4 grams of omega-3 fatty acids. what

i need to keep it up on my blood levels. rememberwhat we talked about earlier? fourth the concentration, 80% of the fish oil gets absorbed. so, ittakes 3 grams of fish oil to get 2.4 grams. this means no horse pills. there's no currentprovider of the triglyceride form with this level of concentration. fifth, this one ofmy favorite things is that you know sometimes when we take fish oil and you get the fishburps. some people are sensitive digestion so they end up with an upset stomach as well.i don't get that with this. there's a special enteric coding on this pill as well that bypassesyour stomach and goes straight into your small intestine. so this is great for sensitivestomach and that further increases the absorbability. now, the sixth reason i love real dose isbecause its purity and also environmentally

sound. and i know you're into that as wellfitlifer. it's environmentally sound because they don't use chemicals to abstract the fishoil. they use a process that's called supercritical. so instead of using chemicals to separatethe valuable omega-3's from other contaminants. they use the result that is beyond purityits higher than pharmaceutical grade. what's even better about real dose is they get theoil from small anchovies of the waters of peru. and the waters there are really it's very clean ok? and they do it in a way that doesn't impact the environment. soa lot of fish oil companies they take as much fish as possible and they don't let it replenishthe environment, the ecosystem and that's another reason why i love this stuff. alrightfitlifer, if you're not convinced buy now

to really move forward and get this things,i don't know what to tell you. i think they're great. i've been taking them for a long time.i've done a lot of research as you can tell. i mean this isn't my normal video, i don'tgive you guys all this content as usual but i'm really passionate about this stuff andi wanted you to hear the facts. so, these are the facts. i've spoke to my friends overat real dose they put together a nice little package, little bit of discount for you startingout when you click the link below. you'll get this stuff there. and let me know howit goes, you know. start taking this. send me an email couple of months out let me knowif it's improved. maybe you've lost weight [for better]. you're cognitive function hasgone up. maybe you just feel like you're in

a better mood. whatever it is, click the linkbelow and get yourselves []. also, to the winner of the juicer is posted below thisvideo so hats off to you. we're awarding you a juicer because you've made an impact onthe fitlife community and that's where it's all about. drew canole. remember, we're allin this together. i'll see you soon.

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