>>heidi: hey guys, it is me, heidi powell,and i have one of my favorite people in the whole world right next me...>>chris: me, chris powell... >>h: for you guys, so we can answer some ofyour frequently asked questions. umm, i think one of the most often, most frequently askedquestions we get is about our relationship, and how we met.>>c: we actually met at a self-improvement

Extreme Weight Loss Where Are They Now, seminary, umm, of, of all places, which isso appropriate, cuz, sure enough, where we met translated into everything that we doin our lives, and so it was just umm, it was almost serendipitous, but i was in a, basicallyi was coming out of a pretty dark time in my life, and heidi was doing the same, andso it was just, it was a perfect place for
us to meet each other, to be completely openand honest and raw, which, a lot of times these self-improvement seminars, they do thatto you, umm, which is great, because then we could start with just a completely authenticfoundation for our friendship, which then turned into our relationship.>>h: you know, when i think, umm, it goes for any journey, any journey of transformation,usually at your darkest point in your life is when you are the most ready to make a changein your life, and chris and i both were in a really difficult point, i don't know ifyou want to go into it, but uh, for me personally, i was struggling with, i was a single momof two kids at the time, and i was [noise in background]>>c: [referring to noise] they're doing some
repair.>>h: uh, sorry, guys. >>c: [laughing]>>h: but anyway, i was a single mom of two kids at the time, and i had dealt with a prettylong battle with an eating disorder that, umm, i still hadn't totally captured, and,or totally conquered or overcome yet, and i was really in a place where i wanted change,i wanted to grow, i wanted to become a better person, and so i wasn't there to find a man,i, in fact, it was completely the opposite, i was there for myself, and i remember specificallywalking in the seminar day 1, 2 and 3, and not wearing any makeup at all, because i was,like, i don't want to like... >>c: she was puttin' out the vibes. the don'ttalk to me vibes.
>>h: i even had on sweats, do you rememberthat? >>c: yeah, of course!>>h: all three days, and this classroom was like a 150 people. i had on, like, no makeupand sweats, and i think i had a hat on one day cuz i was just, in a zone, i'd been througha rocky past few months, like really rocky, right chris?>>c: yeah. >>h: and i'm laughing because it's just, itwas so painful in my life, that, like i think the best way for me to deal with it now isjust to appreciate that i'm not there any more, and i'm past it, and, umm, i remember,i noticed chris a couple times, umm in the class, but we actually didn't talk until thesecond day. and, his very first words to me
were, are you ready for this? [chris chuckling]i was in the lunch room, getting probably chicken out of my tupperware container inmy cooler bag, and i was, cuz i packed my own lunch at the time, i wasn't, like everybody,i mean, i still do the same thing, and i picked up the chicken, and this guy was like, whatdid you do to get those biceps? and i'm like, oh no...>>c: it was totally sincere, it was... >>h: he complimented my biceps...>>c: it was completely sincere. >>h: so, immediately, i wrote him off! i did!because i assumed he was just some, like... >>c: it sounded cheesy, i know, but...>>h: it was cheesy. >>c: but look at her biceps, hold on, flex.>>h: oh, come on...
>>c: just flex.>>h: okay. i'm just joking. >>c: see? i'm sorry, but who wouldn't askthat same darn question, right? because i was like, holy smokes, her biceps are phenomenal,i want biceps like that, what do you do to get those biceps? i was totally sincere.>>h: i know. but at the time, it's because, i mean, i, most guys that ask what you doto get your biceps are using some cheesy pickup line, and he looked...>>c: maybe it was a little bit cheesy... >>h: it was cheesy, but it was a pickup line...>>c: but maybe it was a little bit of a pickup, maybe it was a little bit of a pickup up line.just a little bit. >>h: you know, that was the start of all ofit. two days later, at one of our other little
session that we had, he and i got to talking,and i remember thinking, he was one of the most brilliant, incredible people i'd evermet, and i knew then that i wanted him to always be a part of my life. always.>>c: thank you, babe. >>h: yeah. you're welcome.>>c: and here we are! >>h & c: six years later...>>h: two more kids, 4 total, powell pack. out.>>c: and a lot of stories in between. >>h: hope that answers your question, andthere are so many more stories to tell that happened between then and now, which we'llsave for another blog. but, if you haven't yet subscribed to my youtube channel, do itnow, and we'll see you next time! bye, guys!
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