>>jackie: hi, i'm jackie from highlands ranch,colorado, and we are literally on set for the finales, so it's really exciting here,all this hustle bustle, all the noise, sorry, so i hope you can hear me. the best part ofmy journey, losing the weight was amazing, but losing the emotional weight for me washuge. so seeing my son being able to get the answers that he wanted from the daycare providerhad to probably trump everything throughout

Extreme Weight Loss Show, this whole journey. there were so many difficultthings like, obviously losing the weight was tough. umm, my swim, my milestone, wow, thatwas incredible. not only was it a beautiful place to go to, but the swim was difficult,i mean, i had to go from one, a deserted island to, you know, the mainland, and i, you know,came across some sharks, and everything else.
it was spooky! but, umm, i would say goingand knocking on so many doors, literally, that i had to, like knocking on my parent'sdoors, knocking on the daycare provider's door, and mending all those relationships,learning how to be vulnerable like chris and heidi taught me, that was, it was difficult,but once i just trusted them, and embraced it, i was able to do those things, and itgot easier and easier as i did it more and more.>>team powell: what's one thing that people watching might not know about chris and heidi?>>j: wow. i think that, you know, a lot of people say, are they really as genuine asthey are, and do they care as much as they do? when they see 'em on tv, and, absolutely,i mean, chris and heidi, i mean, i can go
to their house in arizona and stay in theirlittle casita, like, they truly are family. umm, they are, you know, the people you'regonna' invite over, and you know, hey, let's go watch a ballgame together, they're so genuine,they love every single one of us cast members, they love my family, they, they'll, you know,text us, they're so real and, you know, i, i just, i mwah, love you, chris and heidi,i love you so much, and i mean that from the bottom of my heart. people, they are so real.they're as real as real can be, like, i'm wacky jackie crazy, and, like, they like me!they're so great. i love them! okay, so my favorite snack, umm, or meal, is taking thechocolate, uh, vemma bode burn, umm, not bode burn, uh, bode shakes, and making pancakesout of 'em. omg. so, i, umm, mix 'em up, and
it's a perfect serving, i've, i've got itdown pat, it is so great, i put some spray butter on, slice up some bananas, it is theperfect meal, it's delicious. and i can eat that almost every morning. love it. i thinkthe most fun is, umm, i love crossfit. and i love doing team wods. and i learned, like,i love crossfit because i learned like, all the acronyms, what's a wod, you know, workoutof the day, and umm, amraps, and, and emoms, and stuff like that. i love crossfit, youknow why i love it? because it's ever changing. you never know what you're going to come into,i'm not one of those people that go out and look at like, the gym's, uh, workout for theday, because i like that spontaneity of just not knowing, 'cuz then i'm like, hey, what'sup? but i love it when it's in a team atmosphere,
and doing those like, team workouts with chrisand heidi and all my cast mates, or just, you know, anybody in the gym. it's so funbecause you push each other, you challenge each other, and it's, it's just, it's a goodfeeling. one word that i could sum up chris would be compassionate. and one word thati could sum up heidi would be unconditional. like, unconditional love. that's two words.
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