dr tony huge here, enhancedathlete.com. today, i've got kirby quick here two months ago we connected and kirby was talking to me about maybe getting on a steroid cycle

Dnp Weight Loss, ...and i said whoah kirby, wait. give me a chance to prove to you that sarms are gonna be better than steroids, more sustainable, and without the side effects.
and kirby back then you weighed how much? (kirby): 168lbs (76kg) how much do you weigh right now? (kirby): 177lbs (80kg) did you put on any fat? (kirby): no fat. so that's 12lbs (5.4kg) in 2 months? (kirby): yes and how do we know it's pure muscle?
how do we know that it's not fat? (kirby): because i actually did a body-fat percentage test and... (kirby): ...no fat at all. show us your abs, prove it. haha no fat, look at that. how do we know you're not a beginner and you just built a bunch of muscle where were you two months ago? (kirby): two months ago,
(kirby): i was in shape, i had the muscle, (kirby): i just stopped, i couldn't get past it... (kirby): just couldn't get past it, and, (kirby): yeah i have, actually have pictures and videos of me, (kirby): and i compare 'em to today, and i'm blown away. you're a personal trainer and a calisthenics competitor, which means he does his body-weight exercise, he does the fancy pull-ups, the push-ups all these tricks on these bars that you see
it's becoming much more popular. that i actually did a video on... in philippines. a couple of weeks ago, with a guy that was doing some calisthenics stuff. and i did that as kind of an intro because i know you're going to show us some more advanced stuff in the future. ..but i remember you saying that you had tried everything to gain muscle, and you had hit your natural plateau...you had hit your genetic potential.
and so we used sarms... we gave you three different products to.. combined together as a stack, so, started off w/ ostamuscle. i had two. that was my first in the morning. i took two blue ox at night arachidonic acid, i would take two. that was my starting point for those three right there. i'll tell you right now, arachidonic acid was the one that did it for me
and brought that soreness back that i was not feeling it's amazing. so let's go down the line here. so the first one was the ostamuscle. that is a sarm (selective androgen receptor modulator) you took how many of those you said? (kirby): two. okay, so these are 10mg each, so you took 20mg/day. i told him to take them in the morning,
because that way the levels would be lower by the time his nighttime natural testosterone boost would happen. he took it in the morning. and then he also took the blue ox testosterone booster to maintain his natural testosterone. because the ostamuscle, depending on the dosage, could suppress the testosterone a little bit. but, since you took the blue ox with it, did you experience any testosterone suppression?
you would know that by, lack of sex drive, lack of energy. did you experience any side effects like that? (kirby): no side effects. okay, so we maintained the testosterone levels by using the blue ox with the ostamuscle and then the arachidonic acid, this one is a fatty acid that's stored inside the muscle that causes inflammation in response to exercise. ...and why do we want the inflammation?
...because that inflammation and soreness is a signal to your body to heal the muscle ...make it bigger, and stronger. so, for you, because you had hit a plateau and you basically weren't getting sore anymore, because your body was so used to training so much because you're a personal trainer, calisthenics competitor i think, i agree the arachidonic acid in your situation
basically fixes the bottleneck you were having. your body was so over-adapted that you needed to throw that extra stimulation into the muscle to make it grow again. so we're at two months right now, you gained 12lbs (5.4kg) of muscle, no fat, which is "steroid" results you realize that, when you came to me and i said we could do better than steroids,
if you would have been on steroids, the most you would've gained is 12lbs (5.4kg) and a lot would have been water and you would have lost the water when you came off and you would've had a crash of your natural testosterone when you came off too, and lost some of your gains, but instead, you're here, and you aren't going to lose any muscle, you're gonna maintain everything - it's permanent muscle growth.
so where do we go from here? you've got this stack again, are you going to repeat the same thing and just keep growing until you plateau? and we take it to the next level? (kirby): i think i'm actually ready to step it up (kirby): to the next level now. (kirby): i think all this is great, (kirby): but it's time to go ahead and step it up just a little bit more. okay, so the ways to step this up would be:
you could either increase the dosage on the ostamuscle, to even 3 or 4 capsules a day. the other way we could step it up is, we can step up to taking testolone (rad140) we can take ligandrol, and yk-11. these are all sarms that are stronger than ostamuscle. now, they have more of a likelihood of suppressing natural testosterone, that is the risk,
it's all in the dosage, right? and everybody reacts differently, so it's good to experiment across them, but ostamuscle is definitely the starting point, and from there we can talk more and see if you want to move up. thank you for sharing your story, give us one last ab shot, just 'cuz... ....that's amazing.. yep! nice... allright guys, hope you enjoyed it.
this video was in response to your questions and comments for "what is a good stack for a beginner's sarm cycle?" so this video is in response to your request. i look at all of your comments and your requests, i appreciate it. i do this because i love it, my goal is to get everybody off of steroids and onto sarms, so much as i can the biggest hurdle is that bodybuilders are really stuck in their ways on steroids,
they like their deca, they like their test, they like their tren... and, i am personally... i got off steroids myself i got on sarms, and i am personally proving that sarms can replace steroids with no side effects, and i've got a lot of athletes, a lot of bodybuilders and actually some you know that are also doing the same experiment with you we're actually going to go into the next bodybuilding competition with no steroids. only using healthy sarms instead.
so stay tuned for that, because i'm going to share all that information with you on this youtube channel which is all about openness, and honesty, and sharing information and value to each other, and thank you all for sharing your comments, talk to you soon.
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