Coffee Enema Weight Loss

the late dr. nicholas gonzalez: so to answeryour original question, the three components: individualized diet, individualized supplements,large doses of pancreatic enzymes. the third component is detoxification, which is oftenthe component of the therapy that elicits the most grins and mockery fromconventional doctors. but it’s really very simple. when kelly was treating himself hewas taking the pancreatic enzymes and tumors

Coffee Enema Weight Loss

Coffee Enema Weight Loss, were breaking down and that’s when he gotreally sick; almost life threateningly sick. first, they thought the enzymes weren’tworking anymore but then he realized the tumors are shrinking. i’m getting sick. and then he realized i’m reacting to the tumor waste.and indeed conventional oncologists know today

in 2014 that nothing is more toxic to thehuman than dead cancer. in fact, chemotherapy, though it doesn’t work for most cancers,does work for some like hodgkin’s and certain leukemias. and in a hodgkin’s patient, ifyou break a tumor down too fast with chemo you’ll kill the patient from the dead tumor.and they call it tumor lysis syndrome. it’s recognized in the textbooks, all my textbooks,conventional textbooks, talk about it. well, kelly recognized that back in 1963 when hewas trying to get over his own cancer. and he started going into the literature as healways did. he was a great scholar. he would go into the literature trying to find sometechnique that would help his liver and kidney work better. the liver and the kidney arethe body’s main detoxification organs. that’s

for environmental chemicals, our own metabolicwaste, the dead cancer process - neutralize and prepare for excretion. and he opens up the merck manual and lo andbehold, there are coffee enemas. you know, the interesting thing or the sad thing is,the ironic thing, kelly was brutalized in the media for his use of coffee enemas andwe get attacked about it today too. but they come right out of the conventional medicalliterature. he didn’t learn about it from alien space beings, you know, injected intohis brain through some mystic psychic experience. he didn’t learn about them through somealternative throw away journals or something else. he learned about them from the conventionalmedical textbooks. the merck manual is a

compendium of conventional therapies. andthey were in the merck manual. coffee enemas were in the merck manual right up until the1970s. and when i was doing my investigation of kelly, the trained investigative reporterthat i was, i called up the editor of the merck manual then and had a talk with him.and he said the only reason they were taken out is we get kind of folksy and we had allthis high tech stuff to use. and he had files on coffee enemas, which he sent me. and dozensof studies from the 20s and the 1930s and 40s at major institutions where they’reusing coffee enemas for a variety of things — arthritis, mental illness. i have a study from the newengland journal of medicine, the preeminent medical journal in the us, 1932 fromharvard medical school, a group of research

psychiatrists successfully treated what wetoday call bipolar illness, in those days they called it manic-depressive, with enemas. and their hypothesis was that there were toxinsfrom the intestinal track that were polluting the mind and that’s what was causing themental illness. and they put these people on enemas and colonics and they got well andthey got them off medication and out of the hospital. it was in the new england journal.i have a copy, 1932. i have a study from uruguay; just because its uruguay doesn’t mean theyweren’t serious scientists. and people downplay it if it's not from boston. it wasa good study. patients with septic shock. in those days septic shock occurs because gram negative bacteria produce a polysaccharide -

kind of a carbohydrate that’s toxic to thehuman and people die from that. the death rate today is still in the range of 40 to50 percent with septic shock. in those days, it was like 90percent. well, these people in uruguay at an intensive care, what we would call an intensivecare unit today, had learned about coffee enemas from the conventional medical world,started treating their patients with coffee enemas and had great success. we publishedit in a peer review journal. we have a translation that was originally published in spanish.almost like 90 percent reversal with septic shock. that should have changed the way hospitaliststreat septic shock all over the world. it was ignored because it was folksy. it wasn’thigh tech, even then in 1941–42. so we

have dozens of articles. kelly collected them,dozens of articles from the mainstream, peer reviewed medical literature and discussingthe use of enemas, coffee enemas, other types of colonics, and the successful treatmentof all kinds of illnesses. so he incorporated them into his practice and it helped and headded other things like liver flushes and colon cleanses and juice fasts and skin brushingwhich is an all naturopathic technique to get them the lymphatics to work better, kidneyflushes, all kinds of techniques that we still use today.

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