Christina Aguilera Weight Loss Diet

nichole: hello everyone!i am so excited you are here today because i have a dear and a special guest with us.her name is stephenie zamora, she's an 'loving your body' awesome woman who's on the coaching field of reallytaking the personal responsibilities which unfortunately is not the norm nowadays butthat's why i love her stuff so much. because it's really about taking your power back and'loving your body' not about giving it all the way or victimizing

Christina Aguilera Weight Loss Diet

Christina Aguilera Weight Loss Diet, yourself, and not letting yourself bury intodeep, dark ugly hole. it's about standing up and recognizing things in your life andabout yourself that you're not so keen on and shifting them and really making the changesin your life that you always wanted. so, stephenie. i'm so excited that you're'loving your body' here with us today.

stephenie: thank you. i'm so excited to behere. nichole: stephenie zamora is a life and businesscoach who help women transcend the core life prizes by translating their passion in theprofitable online businesses. she created her business with a simple philosophy'loving your body' - individuals who take personal responsibility for creating a life and jobs that they desireare happier, healthier and have a greater impact than those who don't.stephenie is going to share with us 3 tips or mind shift tips on how to feel better inyour bodies. so steph, let's go and dive into number one.stephenie: so the first one is the personal 'loving your body' responsibility piece. and i call these thenine words that will forever transform your

life and surprise absolutely any situationthat you're not happy with and that's asking yourself the question, "what did i do to allowthis to happen?" so taking responsibility on something thatyou're not happy with or situation that's causing you stress or frustration manifestedin your life but it's also really about the 'loving your body' mindset sometimes crappy things happened to us and we find ourself in a situation that'snot working or unhappy or being mistreated or whatever it is but really taking responsibilityfor how you respond that situation so you can choose to get frustrated and to be depressedand to beat yourself for being angry at someone or you can choose to say, "okay, what didi do to allow this to happen?" "what did i

do to invite this into my life?" "where didi not set a boundary?" or, "how can i respond more positive way s i don't get dragged downin this spiral frustration and depression or beating myself up in negativity? "'loving your body' nichole: okay. so, "what did i do to allow this to happen?" so those of you who are watching,i really want you to take a step back. we're going to use this tool in terms of weightloss in your body. but again you can use it in other aspects in your life that you'renot happy with. so, "what did i do to get into this body thati'm not happy with?" and recognizing that you did not set a boundary where you are giving,giving, giving, to everybody else and not yourself. were you just putting yourself onthe back burner and not taking care of the

'loving your body' one vital thing that we have for the restof our life which is our body. and learning from those experiences.i truly believe that every mistake is worth having if you learn from it. there was a lessonthat is handed to you and it's about taking you the lesson and instead of going to guiltand depression and shame. you look into your life and, "okay. it is what it is. my bodyis what it is." if you stay stuck in the past 'loving your body' and you keep blaming everybody else, you'renever gonna move forward. you're never gonna lose weight and you're body is not going tochange. but if you look at your body for what it is and say, "okay. it is what it is. idid realize that i did a, b & c wrong and i'm gonna change it and i'm gonna look forwardand i'm going to set my body the way it is

now so i can start making the changes."stephenie: right. choosing to respond differently rather than the blame and negative cycle saying,"okay, this is where am at. i'm gonna be okay with this and i'm gonna make better choicesgoing forward." 'loving your body' nichole: yeah. good. and so, those of youwho are watching. this first step, i know i can feel a little painful but we have toturn on our focus forward. we have to focus forward because if all you are doing is lookingat the past of all you did things wrong, it's never going to change. we have to shift yourperspective, keep going forward and so you can actually start feeling better in just accept it as it is, change your response, whatever you 'loving your body' mention that.

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