my friend is getting liposuction she'sin her early thirties and we were talking about it and i was like how muchis going to cost is she's just a little sucked out you know just like ten poundsworth and i was like tells kinda get sours she's not paying three thousanddollars to have all uh... ok uh... money but you know and
B12 And Weight Loss, so as the dividing that's kinda cool butthere's a obey alternative that i had never heard aboutand so now uh... there's something called b_-twelveinjections o how do you heard about this it sounds vaguely familiar but i don'tknow much about you
outdid twelve is and by that name so it's supplement injections right verysubtle ok but what it does know it's real because i found out that i knowthat this mail has been doing it and she's lost a rediculous amount away likeshe's lost thirty pounds within like three months of income now it's awesomeso listen on waves it it's a supplement that'sspeeds up your metabolism okay so you dieting exercise and you have thesupplement you take every three weeks to go to like a doctors willing to give youthe chechen every few weeks right i think that i think i'm gonna do ituh... b_-twelve injections
in is certainly sonnets totally unbelievable uh... the more you talk about it thoughand he said the measure christy's arguments out was was a maybe with simply combine is all thetime it's just you're taking a concentrated injection of it and youtake it a little or no actually i read about as side effectsand it's reported to have no side effects ofcourse you've speeding up your metabolism messing up her body is
that's gotta have consequences and whatdoes this response at one of them's when you get off at your gonna blow up acouple of other something upon got them back office not he always had an a for a second maddemocrats may change some of the card is in the easy way out i thought that it sounds like a simplefootball does c_b_s_ that the river bend oregonabout their initial credit default swap bethlehem staffordcredit default swap
night after a few bad tuesday for ahamburg today in the park at great
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