Armour Thyroid Weight Loss

your thyroid is a master gland that is foundin your neck and controls weight, metabolism, energy, and temperature among many other things.low thyroid activity is called hypo thryoidism. when the thyroid gland fails to function adequatelythe result is reduced hormone levels. *to determine the cause, see your doctor toconsider underlying health issues that may be causing your hypothyroidism. one thingto do, besides checking tsh, t3, and t4, you

Armour Thyroid Weight Loss

Armour Thyroid Weight Loss, should check your iodine levels and intake.consult with a nutritionist to learn whether you are getting too little or too much iodinefrom food, medications, and supplements. in the case of hyper thyroidism รข€“ which typicallyoccurs for reasons of auto-immunity- you should also ensure your doctor checks for antibodiesagainst your thyroid gland.

*the symptoms of hypothyroidism vary fromperson to person, but commonly include several of the following: fatigue, lethargy, intoleranceto cold, constipation, weight gain, depression, excessive menstruation, dry skin, hair loss,and hoarseness. the onset of these symptoms may be so gradual as to evade detection bypatient or physician. *preliminary studies have found an associationbetween multiple chemical sensitivities and hypothyroidism. occupational exposure to polybrominatedbiphenyls and carbon disulfide has also been associated with decreased thyroid function. *iodine deficiency and excessive iodine intakecan both lead to hypothyroidism, so ask your doctor if supplementing with iodine is rightfor you. bladderwrack is a type of brown seaweed

that contains iodine. hypothyroidism due toinsufficient iodine intake may improve with bladderwrack supplementation. *selenium plays a role in thyroid hormonemetabolism and people who are deficient in selenium may benefit from supplementation.thyroid extract is used by many integrative medicine and naturopathic doctors as an alternativeto synthetic thyroid hormones. *people with hypothyroidism may have an impairedability to convert beta-carotene to vitamin a. for this reason, some experts suggest supplementingwith vitamin a. it is important to note that vitamin b3 (niacin) supplementation may decreasethyroid hormone levels. as far as minerals go, in people with lowzinc, supplementing with zinc may increase

low thyroid hormone levels.

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