Fantastic Health Benefits of Using Banana Flour in Recipes

Benefits of Banana Flour Mimicks Wheat Flour
Banana flour in recipes defiantly has great health benefits for those looking for new recipes are being developed to incorporate better ingredients resulting in improved health.  

Researchers from around the world have come together to have discovered the benefits of resistant starch foods resulting in lower risk of cancer, obesity, and diabetes.

These benefits have medical professions advising individuals to consume more starch resistant foods in their diet to combat health complications.

Banana flour provides an all natural product for the gluten free community.  Learn how to make your own fresh flour free from chemicals, dyes, and preservatives usually used by manufacturers in the processing.

Banana flour is extremely nutritious containing potassium, vitamins, and minerals.  making your own banana flour sets new standards for how gluten free flour should taste in addition to delivering exceptional texture and flavor.
This type of flour naturally mimics wheat flour making the transition from wheat to banana flour effortless in your everyday recipes. 

Works well in recipes or in combination with other flours for creating unique flavors in your favorite baked goods.  Note that some recipes require using gums to obtain optimal consistency.

Bob's Red Mill Xanthan Gum for gluten free baking is a pantry staple.  Natural ingredient food additive found in many recipes from dressing, sauces, yogurt, ice cream and of course gluten free products.  

One of the trickiest things in baking is trying to create new versions of traditional recipes using new ingredients that taste great and still have the same consistency.

It is used as a stabilizer and thickening agent to prevent ingredients from separating like yogurt.  Add this product to your pantry for a natural alternative to other additives. Find Xanthan online or at your local supermarket.
Fresh Homemade Banana Four
Making banana flour is a simple process for anyone who wants to create wholesome nutritious recipes for yourself or others. Using a dehydration process to dry this amazing fruit. Both methods of dehydration are explained below using an oven or dehydrator.

 Follow the instructions below to create your own banana flour for favorite recipes using wholesome ingredients you and your family will enjoy!


1.) Start by peeling 2 pounds of bananas 
2.) Freeze the bananas for 10 minutes this makes  cutting easier
3.) Peel and cut the bananas into thin slices
4.) Place the bananas on a sheet in a single layer and then placing the bananas in a dehydrator set at 135 degrees for 6-12 hours 

Oven Dehydrated Bananas
Note:  if you do not have a dehydrator use a conventional oven to dehydrate bananas.
1.) Follow the process above to prepare the bananas for dehydration.
1.) Preheat the oven to 250 degrees 
2.) Cover a cookie sheet with parchment paper.
3.) Place banana slices in a single layer on the parchment paper.
4.)  Bake the banana slices at 250 degrees for 60 minutes or until the bananas are completely dehydrated.

After the bananas are dehydrated allow cooling completely.  Add the dried banana chips to a processor or blender using a dry mix blade and container.  Grind the bananas into a fine flour for baking recipes.

Alternative Use for Banana Flour
Use banana flour in more recipes for an additional nutritional boost including smoothies, baby food and as a thickener in sauces, soups and other baked goods.

Because of the high starch count using banana flour requires less to use in traditional recipes using 30% less flour in recipes.  
Banana Flour & Raspberry Recipe
Try this amazing healthy recipe using our key ingredient banana flour with its own unique flavor. Recipe

Health Benefits of Banana Flour
Banana flour is all natural containing no preservatives or harmful chemicals or dyes. High in potassium vitamins and minerals for a nutritious boost in health.

A number of academic researchers have been conducting studies on resistant starches and the effects of banana flour on the body.  There is a very strong interest on banana flour recently mainly due to its resistant starch compounds.
Disease obesity, cancer, diabetes are reduced by consuming more resistant starch foods.

Thai researchers found green bananas had the largest amount of starch resistant content as well as glass noodle products and legumes when testing and comparing numerous foods.

Resistant starch in banana flour is not digested in the small intestine resulting in numerous health benefits digestion resulting in more energy for the body.

Download your free 26-page free report and 15 Paleo recipes for beginners.  In this report, you will discover the 3 worst foods you should never eat, 2 best foods for the maximum fat loss your probably not eating and 15 delicious Paleo recipes.  

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Patricia Lynn

Images courtesy of Pdimaria  Alexas_Fotos ,Dustytoes, at

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