10 Ways to Achieve Six Pack Abs and Reduce Belly Fat

six pack abs
Abdominal fat is probably  the hardest area to tone and tighen.  With the right diet and fitness program, you can transform your abs with the right targeted exercises for the abdominal area.
There are so many people looking for different ways to achieve six pack abs and change the way their body looks and feels.  There are dozens of specific exercises that can tone your mid section while helping you lose weight.

There is a guide called The Truth About Six Pack Abs that explains how to use certified exercises to make a difference in your body shape and look.

The Truth About Six Pack Abs dose not promise an instant change however it will show you the steps you need to tone and tighten your abdominal area with the right exercises.

abdominal crunches

Abdominal Crunches is an isometric pose and can be done at home on a matt.  Lay flat on the floor and raise your head and knees in a crunch position.  Hold the pose for a few seconds to isolate the abdominal area and build muscles.  Do 25 repetitions and you will feel your abs tone and tighten.
Intensify the crunch by holding a 8-pound weight in your hands at chest level.  Do 25 crunch repetitions.  Adding weights creates resistance and builds muscle for added benefit.

leg lifts for abdominal exercises

Leg Lifts for sexy six pack abs.  This is a great exercise to do at home no gym equipment need for this fantastic  ab workout.  Lay on a mat and lift your legs up straight.  Place your hands under your lower lumbar area.  Keep your upper body on the floor and lift your legs and glutes off the floor.  Hold that position for a few seconds and lower back down keeping your legs straight up.  Do 25 Reputations and you will feel the difference in your abdominal area as you tone and tighten your abs.

Plank pose

Plank Pose is typically done in yoga routines and is one of the best exercises you can do anytime to tone your abdominal area upper chest and back.  Lay face down on a mat with your arms out to the side in a push-up position with your legs straight out.  Hold this position for a few seconds and lower your body to the floor.  Repeat this pose for 20 to 25 repetitions and you will defiantly feel the difference in your abdominal area.

Jillian Michaels has a great workout video called Yoga Melt Down.  This workout is a challenge and specifically targets the abdominal area using plank pose and taking it to another form of plank by going into Dolphin pose.  Are you ready for a challenge?  Work out any time at your convenience with this fantastic video that will defiantly tone your whole body.

side plank pose

Side Plank pose works on toning your obleaks on the side of your abdominal area by holding and isolating this pose.  This is a difficult pose and can be modified by keeping the bottom knee on the floor.  Start by extending your feet straight stacking the feet one on top of the other and extend your arm straight lifting your body straight.  Hold the pose for a few seconds isolating your abdominal area. Switch to the other side and repeat.  Do 15 Reputations.  This pose is not for everyone.  Always listen to your body and modify the pose if necessary.

abdominal crunches with leg lift

Abdominal crunches with leg lift is a great way to tone your abs and can be done at home or at he gym.  Lay down on the mat and lift your legs up straight.  Sit up and try to touch your toes in a crunch position.  Hold the crunch for a few seconds to isolate your abdominal muscles.  Repeate this pose for 20 to 25 repitations. keeping your legs straight will help isolate your abdominal area building muscle and toning your abs.  Modify this pose by putting your hands behind your neck, lift and crunch while not pulling on your neck.  This modification will give your neck added support while doing abdominal leg lift crunches.

exercise ball

Tone and tighten your abs using an exercise ball.  This is the perfect way to transform your abs without out putting pressure on your back.  This exercise will help you stabilize your core abdominal area without hitting the mat.  Simply sit on the exercise ball with your feet planted on the floor.  Cross your hands over your chest and gently lean back  and then sit back up in a crunch position.  Repeat and complete 20 to 30 repitations of this amazing core workout.  This is a low impact abdominal exercise that will deliver great results.

Try the Sexy Abs With Stability Ball Workout with Denise Austin   This abdominal workout will transform your core from aft to firm with targeted low-impact exercises.  Stability ball can be found online or your local retailer near you.

abdominal bicycle crunch exercise

Abdominal bicycle crunch exercise is a targeted to tone and strengthen your core muscles.  Lay on the mat with your hands behind your neck and your legs out straight at an angle.  Try to sit up in a crunch position.  Touch your right elbow to your left knee and then alternate touch the left elbow to the right knee.  This is using the same movements you would do while riding a bike.  Repeat the crunches while alternating from left to right for 25 to 30 repetitions isolating your core abdominal muscles.

knee lunge

Alternating knee lunge will use your legs to work your core abdominal muscles.  Place your hands on the floor in a pushup position.  with your legs straight out behind you.  Bring in one knee in a lunge position and then alternate legs.  complete 20- 30 repetitions on each side.  You will feel your abdominal muscles tone and tighten with this low impact knee lunge.

precore ellipictal machine

The Precore Elliptical Machine is one of my favorites for toning the entire body with a low impact workout. The Precore machine is available in gyms and online and is great for a cardo workout. If you want to lose weight and tone your legs hips , abdominal and glutes, this will defiantly help you lose weight and get in shape.  It is a good idea to warm up for ten minutes before using the Precore machine while riding a stationary bike or walking.

The Precore machine is fully adjustable to your personal fitness level.  Challange yourself by extending the duration time of your workout.  Listen to your body and either push harder or lessen the workout if you need a less intensive session.  The pounds will melt away with the right diet and fitness program.  Ask your doctor befor starting any diet or fitness program and see if this is right for you.

leg kicks

Lose inches off your waist by doing leg kicks.  Stand with both feet hip distance apart. raise one leg at a time and kick the leg out straight.  Alternate legs from left to right and do 20 to 30 repetitions on each side.  Using your legs for a standing crunch will melt the inches off your waistline.

For more detailed information read the ebook The Truth about Six Pack Abs a complete guide to toneing your abdominal area and losing inches and unwanted pounds.  This fantastic ebooks shows you how to follow a good sensible diet and illustrates the exercises you need to achieve your goals.  Learn the secrets on how to transform your tummy into a well toned six pack abs.
Leave me a comment.  What is your favourite abdominal exercise?  Share tis post with your friends.
Stay Healthy
Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of Pixbay.com

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