7 Essential Minerals You Need to Promote Weight Loss

herbs abd spices

Natural Minerals Needed For Weight Loss & Good Health

Minerals that act as nutrients are essential to a host of processes in the human body, from the formation of bone to the functioning of the heart to the digestive system to promoting weight loss and good health.   
Many essential minerals are necessary for the chemical reactions and enzyme production that acts as a catalyst in the bodies reactions. Recently scientists have been studying the importance of minerals in the diet and the link between mineral deficiencies and major chronic diseases, obesity, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and even cancer.  
This research has been very promising and encouraging for people who want to improve their health by supplementing their mineral intake with vitamins and food sources. 
 Some people feel if a little bit is good for you why not more?  How much minerals do you need anyway?
The number one factor is not taking too little or too much for proper bodily function. According to The Academy of Sciences has issued a recommended dietary allowance of (RDA's) just seven minerals for 5 others it has offered cautiously safe and adequate dietary intake. 
There is a chance of overdosing on minerals that can be fatal if taken in large doses. No one should ever self-prescribe mineral supplements taking more than is recommended. 
Eating the right foods can supply the minerals you need for optimal weight and good health.

There are millions of Americans are now taking a verity of mineral pills in large doses in the belief that some is good a lot is better. 
Most people do not need supplements if they have a good nutritious diet filled with rich organic foods, however some people could benefit from adding supplements to their daily regimen. Balance is key when adding minerals to your diet.  
The interactions between minerals, vitamins, and nutrients are so complex that taking too much of any mineral can interfere with the bodies use of other nutrients, absorption and utilization.
The best way to insure adequate supply of minerals with a few exceptions, are to eat a varied balanced diet packed full of  fresh organic nutrient rich foods.  
That way you will be getting enough fiber and nutrients your body can utilize for energy and vital bodily functions.
Do you want more energy and optimal health? The best way to insure adequate supply of minerals with a few exceptions, are to eat a varied balanced diet packed full of fresh organic nutrient rich foods.  
That way you will be getting enough fiber and nutrients your body can utilize for energy and vital bodily functions, weight loss, protection against bone loss and disease.
market herbs

Herbs Contain Vital Minerals You Need in Your Diet

Changing your diet can make a huge impact on your health and help you lose weight.  According to the Mayo Clinic it is advised you get your vitamins from  organic whole foods herbs, vegetable and fruits 
Adding foods rich in minerals and vitamins will transform the way your body process the food you eat on a daily bases. Look and feel your best on the right diet. Some individuals may be experiencing mineral deficiencies that can lead to a whole host of illnesses and weight gain.
 Most stores carry herbs in the produce section and can add nutritional value to any diet. Go to for a complete list of herbs http://www.naturodoc.com/library/nutrition/herbvit.htm 

8 Warning Signs of Mineral Deficiencies 

Mineral deficiencies can cause weight gain, bone loss and even cancers.  If your scale dose not refelect a healthy life style ther could be hidden reasons why you are gaining weight.

  • Selenium Deficiencies include, symptoms of hypothyroidism, tiredness, lethargy, hair loss, slowed heartbeat, intolerance to cold, dry scaly skin, constipation, menstrual irregularities, inability to concentrate, poor mood and depression. 
  •  Zinc deficiencies include, growth development problems, hair loss, diarrhea, impotence, eye and skin conditions, loss of appetite, weight loss, delayed wound healing
  • Calcium deficiencies include, depression, confusion, poor muscle contractions, poor blood clotting, heart function, mood changes according to LivingStrong.com
  • Mineral deficiencies can cause serious conditions that effect your digestion and health according to the University of Maryland Center
  • Magnesium deficiencies include muscle cramps, body odor, and constipation, insomnia, headaches and fatigue.
  • Phosphorus deficiencies include, loss of appetite, bone pain, stiff joints, fragile bones, numbness, weight change, fatigue, irregular breathing, anxiety and irritability
  • Zinc deficiencies include, growth development problems, hair loss, diarrhea, impotence, eye and skin conditions, loss of appetite, weight loss, delayed wound healing 
  • Iron deficiencies include symptoms of anemia, feeling clod, difficulty breathing, dizziness, headaches and feeling tired.
  • Potassium deficiencies include, weakness, fatigue, muscle cramps and constipation

Minerals Are Vital For Good Health & We Don't Get Enough

Minerals cannot be synthesized by the body and must be obtained through water, mineral baths or food.  

Replenishing your body on a daily basis to keep your mineral levels in balance.  Minerals from herbs and plants have a higher quality and are easier to absorb in the digestive system.  

They work optimally in the body’s enzyme production and process assimilation of nutrients.  High stress life styles that relay on tobacco, alcohol, steroids, anti-biotics and other drugs contribute to mineral depletion. 

To make matters worse many minerals and trace minerals are no longer sufficiently present in our fruits and vegetables.  

They have been leached out of the soil by chemicals, fertilizers used in commercial farming and by the sprays and pesticides on the produce.  

Research shows that testing on fruits and vegetables show a measurable amount of mineral competition have a lower quality and quantity then we are led to believe because testing was done decades ago when pesticides were not as prolific as they are now. 

Organically grown produce is expensive and hard to obtain high quality on a regular basis in some areas and supermarkets. Because of this herbs have become a reliable way of obtaining valuable minerals through food. 

Herbs are whole foods that the body recognizes and is easily digested in the body.  Mineral concentration in herbs is high and can be used for medicinal purposes as well as obtaining good nutrient levels in the body.  

Unlike partitioned or chemically formed supplements the minerals in herbs are cumulatively active in the body providing a strong solid base.

Minerals can give your body a great boost in your energy and good health.  For mineral strength, eat organically grown produce whenever possible and take a high quality herb or recommended amount mineral supplement.  
herbs shrimp and rice

Huge Benefits Of Adding Minerals To Your Diet

  • Minerals assist in most metabolic functions
  • Minerals transport oxygen through the system and regulate the heart rhythm
  • Minerals help regulate sleep patterns
  • Minerals are principle factors in emotional and mental balance
  • Minerals regulate insulin levels and help you regulate you weight
  • Minerals Are Essential & Most of Use Do Not Get Enough
  • Minerals keep the body PH balanced instead of acidic
  • Minerals are essential for bone formation
  • Minerals are vital for food digestion and helps reduce weight gain
  • Minerals regulate osmosis of cellular fluids electrical activity in the nervous system 

Is A Mineral Deficiency Making You Fat?

Minerals and trace minerals are the building blocks of life and are the most basic of nutrients and are the bonding agents between you and your food. (Allowing your body to absorb nutrients)   minerals are need by everyone for good health and an active life. 
 Minerals are especially necessary for athletes and active individuals that engage in sports because you must have minerals to run.  
All the minerals together make up 4% of the body weight and is responsible for major areas of human health.  Minerals keep the body PH balance - alkaline instead of acid.
There are more than sixty minerals in the body making up 4% of its weight, but only 22% are considered essential for good health.  
Of these seven minerals chlorine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and sulfur are called micro minerals because they are found in relatively large amounts in the body. 
Other essential materials are deemed trace or ultra-trace nutrients due to the minute quantities.
Minerals are basic elements of the earth's crust and in comparison to vitamins the are inorganic matter. (They contain no carbon) minerals are carried into the ground soil, water and into the sea by erosion.  
The minerals are taken up by plants and animals and then eaten by people.  The minerals in food are stable and easily absorbed by the body however if you boil your food some of the minerals can dissolved into the water and be discarded.
 Minerals can also be eliminated out of food as in the refinement of making flour and other processed foods.
add minerals to food

The connection Between Weight Gain And Mineral Deficiencies 
Overweight people who have been suffering from gross malnutrition and fiber deficiencies can develop serious diseases. 
Weight gain in individuals, generally has less fiber in their diet due to eating more processed food that has had the fiber, minerals and vitamins removed.  
 Excessive calorie intake can create insulin resistance and magnesium deficiencies from eating too much junk food and not enough organic fruits and vegetables. 
 Many people today are eating processed foods that have been stripped of vital nutrients, fiber and minerals leaving a huge population of individuals internally starving for nutrients.  
Disease’s diabetes, heart disease, insulin intolerance, osteoporosis, cancers and obesity are directly attributed to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. 
Malnutrition has become part of our fast passed society and is directly responsible for the health decline of many men, women and children  Decline in nutrimental values in our food supply over the past 50 years is due to commercial farming and pesticides leaving our food source void of the essential minerals and vitamins need in our diet.
Eating a diet high in carbohydrates and procced foods will actually make you hungry and wanting more of the same. 
Changing your diet by adding lean proteins and organic foods will give your body the nutrients and minerals you need for digestion and good health.
 When the dieter starves their body of vital nutrients you are also starving your brain. Your metabolism slows to an all-time low working less effectively at burning calories. 
Your brain tells you to eat more food to replenish your reserves. Obese people usually have hyperinsulinemia (high levels of insulin) in their blood causing fat to be stored in fat cells.  
Obese people cannot satisfy their body’s demands for energy and nutrients by eating.  In this scenario people are left with malnutrition, stress, hunger and weight gain due to internal starvation.  
Syndrome X also known as metabolic Syndrome is leptin resentence, insulin resentence and glucose intolerance. All are precursors to obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

Magnesium is an essential mineral that is vital to using and utilizing nutrients in the body.  Without magnesium the body cannot process carbohydrates, proteins and fats we eat every day.  When we don’t get what we need from our diet we crave more food.  

Adding magnesium in your diet helps your body by supporting leptin levels and nutritional absorption of the food you eat. 

By activating hundreds of enzymes in the body, magnesium helps you to be more satisfied with the food you eat and crave less junk food.

How To Get More Minerals & Magnesium In Our Diet?

Eating a diet rich in magnesium is a great way to help you lose weight and control insulin levels. Herbs offer a Concentrated high quality of minerals as well as other foods.
 Eating a diet rich in magnesium is a great way to help you lose weight and control insulin levels.  The top magnesium rich foods are spinach 1 cup 157 milligrams (40% DV), Chard 1 cup milligrams (154 milligrams (38% DV), Pumpkin Seeds 1/8 cup 92 milligrams (23% DV), yogurt-kefir 1 cup 50 milligrams (13% DV), Almonds 1 ounce 80 milligrams (20%DV), black beans ½ cup 60 milligrams (15% DV).  Adding an assortment of foods and nuts containing magnesium can benefit your health and help you lose weight.
bowl of mixed nuts

 Top 7 of The Most Vital Minerals and Trace Minerals

Chlorine- naturally occurring chlorine stimulates the liver activity, gastric juices and soothes joint tendon operation. 
This mineral is an important electrolyte that helps maintain body fluid osmotic pressure and acid/ alkaline balance. Effective food source: seaweed, plantain, kelp, salt and seafood. 
Herbs that contain chlorine are: parsley, Alfalfa, Dandelion, Dill stems, Fennel stems, Goldenseal, Myrrh, Nettles, Uva ursi, Raspberry, Watercress, and Wintergreen. 
Sodium- an electrolyte that helps regulates kidney and bodily fluids.  How much salt do you really need for optimal health?  
According to The American Heart Association the average person should aim to eat no more than 1,500 milligrams of sodium per day.  
That level is associated with a reduction in high blood pressure and as a result which in turn reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. 
Here are the approximate amounts of table salt by measurements, ¼ teaspoon = 575 mg of sodium, ½ teaspoon = 1,150 mg of sodium, 3/4 teaspoon = 1,725 mg of sodium, 1 teaspoon = 2,300 mg of sodium. 
We need some sodium in our diets for proper bodily function however too much sodium could be harmful and can be involved with high blood pressure only when calcium and phosphorus are deficient in the body. 
Beneficial food sources are: seafood, celery, sea vegetables, dairy products and cheese. Herbs that contain sodium are Apple tree bark, Alfalfa, Dandelion, Dulse, Fennel, nettle, Parsley, Thyme and Dill.
Phosphorus is the second most abundant mineral in the body. Occurs in the ratio balance with calcium and is necessary for the formation of skeletal teeth, bone info structures, cell reproduction, and brain oxidization.  
Increases muscle performance while decreasing muscle fatigue and helps maintains acid/ alkaline balance.  Excessive antacids deplete Phosphorus in the body.  
Effective food sources: eggs, dairy products, organ meats, legumes, nuts, fish and poultry. Herbs that contain Phosphorus are: Alfalfa, Blue Cohosh, Cayenne, Dandelion, Nettle, Clamus, Caraway, Chickweed, Garlic, Burdock, Rosehips, Watercress, Yellow dock, Parsley.
Sulphur is considered the beauty mineral for smooth skin and glossy hair, hard nails and collagen synthesis.  
It is critical for protein absorption and part of many amino acids. Vital amino acids are made from sulpher and used to create protein for cells tissue and hormone, antibodies, production and enzymes for digestion. 
This mineral is put in joint formulas in combination with Chondroitin Sulfate, Glucosamine Sulfate, MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) and is used for the treatment of joint disease. Sulphur is the third most concentrated mineral in the body’s muscles, skin and bone and is essential for life.  
Effective food sources are: onions, garlic, eggs, Kelp, fish, hot peppers and horseradish.  Herbs that contain Sulphur are Alfalfa, Cayenne, Nettle, Coltsfoot, and burdock, Parsley, Sage, Fennel, Garlic and Irish moss.
Magnesium- is the critical mineral for osteoporosis and the skeptical formation of bone. This vital mineral is necessary for healthy blood vessels, balanced pressure, nerve and muscle function.  
Athletes need extra magnesium for strength endurance and exercise capabilities. It is an important part of tooth, bone formation, restful sleep, and heart and kidney health. Counter acts irregular heartbeat, stress, nerves, emotional instability, and depression.  Calms hyperactive children.  

Supplemental success with the treatment of alcoholism, asthma and diabetes. Magnesium is a cofactor for the absorption and metabolism of carbohydrates, Vitamins C, B complex, and other minerals.  
Eating the correct amount of magnesium and helps maintain a normal body weight and will give you more energy.  Deficiencies result in muscle cramping, spasms and gastro-intestinal disturbances.  
Effective food source: Nuts, legumes, seafood, whole grains, dairy foods, dark green vegetables. Herbs that contain magnesium are: Alfalfa, Blue Cohosh, Carrot Leaves, Cayenne, Dandelion, Dill, Kelp, Peppermint, Primrose, Walnut leaves, Nettle, Wintergreen.
Calcium- the most abundant mineral in the body and need vitamin D for good absorption and is necessary for the synthesis of vitamin B-12.  Works with phosphorus to form bone and teeth with magnesium for skeletal strength and cardiovascular health. 
Prevents low blood pressure, helps blood clotting, muscle cramping, maintains nervous system health, controls anxiety, depression, and insure good quality sleep. Helps prevent osteoporosis and colon cancer. 
Aluminum based anti-acids interfere with calcium absorption.  Cortical-steroids and antibiotic drugs increase the need for more calcium. The best calcium for absorption is calcium citrate on record. (Calcium Citrate is the calcium salt of calcium) and is used in food as a flavor or preservative and is in the class of minerals and electrolytes.  
Effective food source shellfish, Plantain, green leafy vegetables, milk and dairy products, tofu, sea vegetables and molasses. Herbs that contain calcium are Chives, Chamomile, Caraway seed, Dill, Dandelion, Nettle, Parsley, Silverweed, Yellow dock, Horsetail.
Potassium- is an electrolyte mineral found in the body fluids and balances the acid/ alkaline system, transmits electrical signals between cells and nerves and enhances athletic performance. 
Works with sodium to regulate the body’s water balance.  Potassium is necessary for good heart health (stroke and hypertension) Normal energy storage, brain function, muscle function, nerve stability, the production of vital enzymes and hormones. 
Helps oxygenate the brain for clear thinking and controls allergic reactions. Deficiencies in potassium can be caused by stress, hypoglycemia, diarrhea, and actuate mental anxiety. 
One of the best ways to restore potassium balance is a vegetable broth made from organically grown vegetables and is one of the greatest natural healing tools available for returned energy and cleansing.  
Effective food sources are: lean poultry, fish, dried fruit, seeds, legumes, whole grains, dairy foods, organic vegetables.  Herbs that contain potassium are: Alfalfa, Blue Cohosh, Birch, Chamomile, Comfrey, Dandelion, Dulse, Fennel, nettle, Parsley, Peppermint, Primrose, and Wintergreen.

It is vital to get minerals into your diet on a daily bases to promote weight loss and good health.  Just making a few dietary changes can make a huge impact on your weight. 
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Stay Healthy

Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of Pixbay.com

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