Top Superfoods That Will Change Your Life

super- foods

Super foods are easy to find in any grocery store and are packed with vital nutrients your body needs to fight off weight gain and disease. Certain foods boost your immunity while increasing your energy and stamina though out the day. 

Super foods provide your body with the necessary vitamins and minerals to protect you from free radical damage on a molecular level. 

Choosing the right foods will enable your body to burn more calories more effectively without draining your reserves.



  Avocado The avocado is packed full of phytonutrients and antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids that boost your brain and memory function while increasing your energy level throughout the day. 

Consuming avocados on a regular bases will lower your triglyceride levels, nourish your brain and prevent wrinkles.

 This is one of the best anti-aging foods in the market today. Add avocados to smoothies, sandwiches, low fat vegetable dips, and even chocolate pudding. 

Avocados are buttery and smooth antioxidant rich fruit are the perfect complement for a verity of dishes. Natural oils give avocados it’s rich nutty texture and is a satisfying protein in any meal and provide good nutritional value. 

Eliminate your cravings by adding delicious avocados to your favorite recipes

Chocolate The health benefits are both positive and negative when it comes to eating chocolate. Unconstrained consumption of large quartiles of energy-rich food without corresponding an increase in activity will promote weight gain. 

Eating a small amount of dark Chocolate without sugar contains polyphenol and contains Flavin 3 oils ( catechins and flavonoids that protect your body from free radicals and oxidation. 

Eat 2 oz. of dark chocolate once per day to see the benefits of flavonoids containing contain compounds rich in antioxidants.

 Flavonoids can reduce blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, prevent inflammation, modify blood lipid levels, regulate carbohydrate and glucose metabolism, modify mechanisms of aging, reduces oxidative stress in signaling pathways of blood vessel cells, improve endothelial and capillary function and inhibit the formation of platelet aggregation.

 Get the full benefits of flavonoids from just 2 oz. of unsweetened dark 100% chocolate, every to get the full benefits.

Find unsweetened chocolate in your local grocery store. Coco Nibs found online at are peeled and crumbled from the whole coco bean. Natis Coco Nibs are natures chocolate chips and are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber. 

Chocolate has also been known to boost your mood. Go ahead and enjoy a small amount of dark chocolate once per day to improve your health in many ways.

According to Michigan State University in East Linsing, a study shows women who ate 3 to 4 servings of cabbage per week reduced breast cancer risk by 50 to 70 present.  Cabbage contains high amounts of phytochemicals that reduce free radical damage and ward off disease, and it may reduce cholesterol levels as much as a serving of oat bran.
Reap the rewards of eating cabbage.  Serve cabbage steamed, raw or in coleslaw, phytochemicals are only released when the cabbage is chewed or vigorously cut.  This allows you to absorb more of the nutritional benefits of eating cabbage.


Beets are root vegetable, dark red or purple in color and eaten raw, boiled or roasted.  The green leafy part of the beet is also edible and eaten steamed or in a fresh salad and has the taste and texture similar to spinach. Beets can be prepared in many ways such as beet juice drink, pickled beets, grated beet and apple, rosoilli, borsht, sliced pickled beets and more… 
 Find beets fresh or canned in your local grocery store.  Historically beets have been used to treat illnesses of the blood and digestion.  Research shows that beet juice reduces blood pressure in hypertensive individuals and also has an effect on mechanisms of cardiovascular disease.  
 Beets contain a compound called betaines that reduce the concentration of homocysteine levels in your blood, a homolog of the naturally accruing amino acid cysteine.   High circulating levels of homocysteine may be harmful to blood vessels and contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease. 

 Beets contain vital vitamins thiamine B1, Riboflavin B2, Niacin B3, pantothenic B6, Foliate, C, minerals calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, prosperous and potassium.  Beets are a great supper food and should be eaten on regular bases.  
Try Supper Beets the natural circulation supper food.  Promote improved energy naturally and support blood pressure levels and increased stamina.  

Find Super Beets on line at   Supper beets is high in nitric oxide a singling molecule the master regulator of your cardiovascular system that tells your blood vessels to relax supporting natural blood pressure and circulation which boosts your energy level naturally. 
 This discovery won the Noble Prize in 1998.  If you are under stress, chronic fatigued, over medicated, and lack exercise than you natural ability to produce nitric oxide needs to be

Historically beans are one of the longest cultivated plants.  Currently the world gene banks hold about 40,000 bean verities although only a fraction are massed produced for consumption.  Some beans contain harmful, tasteless toxins, lectin, and phytohaemagglutinin when eaten raw.  It is recommended to cook your beans for ten minutes to remove any toxins before eating.

Beans are a good source of protein, soluble fiber, fiber, complex carbohydrates, folate and iron.  One cup of cooked beans provide between 9 and 13 grams of fiber and soluble fiber that can help lower blood cholesterol levels.  

Beans can be put in soups, stews and added to meatloaf for extra protein.This figure shows the grams of fiber and protein per 100 gram serving of each legume. The size of the circle is proportional to its iron content. From this view, lentil and kidney beans are by far the healthiest while soybeans and peas have the least nutrients per serving.

Berries Fresh & Frozen

Berries are the healthiest foods in the world.  Strawberries being number one and blueberries came second on the nutritional charts.  The consumption of this delectable fruit has gained popularly over the years for it’ taste and versatility in recipes as well as the nutritional value.  

Research shows that blueberries have the highest anti-oxidant compounds against free radical damage among other fruits and spices.
  Antioxidants are essential to optimizing good health by combating free radicals that can create cellular damage to the DNA cell structure.  

It is recommend eating raw organic strawberries and blueberries to reap the full benefit of their nutritional value.  Studies show that blueberries are good for your brain and memory by reducing free radical damage on a cellular level and reducing cognitive problems associated with aging. 
 Blueberries contain vitamins K,C Copper, Manganese, fiber and antioxidants anthocyanins’, delphinine, Maldivians, petunidins, and the flavonoids quercetin, Kaempfevol, Myricetin, Phytonutrients, petrostilbene and resveratrol, Hydroxycinnamic, Hydroxybenzoic acids in combination act as an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory compound. 
 Blueberries are good for your heart, brain and digestive system making this a super food with great nutritional benefits.  Reap the full benefits of organic blueberries by eating 2 to 2/12 cups per day, fresh or frozen.  

Blueberries have cardiovascular benefits by protecting the vascular cell walls from free radical damage and the reduction of total triglycerides HDL cholesterol levels. 

 Routine intake of blueberries has shown to reduce blood pressure in individuals of all ages with systolic and diastolic blood pressure. 
 Blood sugar benefits for individuals that have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance or metabolic disorder and obesity.  Eating blue berries on a regular basis can provide 4 grams of fiber per cup and can be helpful in blood sugar regulation.

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Apples have been cultivated for thousands of years worldwide as a fruit trees and is the most widely grown species in the genus malus.  

There are more than 7,500 known cultivars resulting in desired characteristics.  Different cultivars are bread for various tastes and uses including, cooking, baking, eating raw and cider production. 

 Worldwide production of apples in 2013 was 80.8 million tones with China counting as 49% of that total. The tree originated in central Asia where it’s ancestor malussieversil is found today.  Apples have been grown for years and brought to Asia by North America by European Colonists.
An apple serving weighs 242 grams and provides 123 calories with moderate content of dietary fiber.  Apples are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, phytochemicals, catchins, flavonoids and quercetin, phenolic compounds, epicatechin and procyainidins found in the skin, pigment and core of the apple.  They have known health value to humans.
Eating a diet containing flavonoids a compound quercetin found in apples, onions and red wine, have been shown to reduce heart disease cancers and inflammation buy protecting the cell lining of the blood vessels. Consuming quercetin rich foods including the apple peel also contain vitamins C, E and beta Carotene and have a direct positive correlation between lung function and good health.
Phytonutrients regulate blood sugar levels.  Studies show that polyphenols prevent spikes in blood sugar through a verity of mechanisms. Flavonoids and quercetin found in apples inhibit the enzymes like alpha-amylase and alpha- glucosidase.  

These enzymes are involved in the breakdown of complex carbohydrates your body has less simple sugar to deal with to deal with when these enzymes are inhibited.  Eat one organic apple per day to get the full benefit of vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, and quercetin and fiber

Chia Seeds Energize Naturally

Most people eat unhealthy foods high in sugar and carbohydrates when they are lacking energy resulting in unwanted weight gain.  Chia seed proved a natural energy boost without
Caffeine, sugars or carbs.  Chia is grown commercially for it’s seeds that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and linolenic acid.  A 100 gram serving of chia seeds contains B vitamins thiamine, riboflavin, foliate and minerals calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, manganese, iron and zinc.  

 Chia seeds can be added to smoothies, cereals, granola bars, juices, protein bars, yogurt, and tortillas.  Chia seed have been established as a super food due to its high vitamin, mineral and omega 3 fatty acid and linolenic compounds that work in unsent giving consumers an energy boost naturally. Eat 1 or two table spoons of Chia seeds in your food to get the full impact of their nutriment's benefit.
Super Seedy Granola Bars packed with 5 heart healthy ingredients.  This is a super simple recipe that is quick, easy and satisfying.  Go to  Chia Seed Recipe Pudding at Delicious and healthy chia seed pudding packed with protein, omega 3 fatty acids, and anti-oxidants and calcium.
Weight loss 101 with chia seeds.  A balanced diet is essential to losing weight and keeping it off.   One ounce of chia seeds provides 138 calories per serving witch is a significant amount of calories for a daily diet consisting of 1500 calorie diet or 2000 calories.  Chia seeds contain powerful compounds that will increase your energy level naturally and are a valuable source of nutrients
Find quick and easy Chia seed recipes at whole wheat pancakes with Chia seeds, Cinnamon chia seed granola, chocolate chia seed pudding, chia seed smoothie bowl, cucumber chia seed salad, chocolate peanut butter protein pudding with chia seeds, chia soy glazed salmon and peanut butter chia seed banana roll up.


Eggs are an inexpensive source of high quality protein.  More than half of the protein is found in the egg white along with vitamin B2 and lower amounts of fat and cholesterol than the yolk.  

The whites are a rich source of vitamins A, K, D, B6, B12, lecithin and minerals, zinc, iron, selenium and copper. Both the white and the yoke are a good source of essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals and protein. 
 Eggs a used in baking and cooking as the glue or emulsion to hold ingredients together.  Some eggs now contain omega 3 fatty acids depending on what the chickens have been fed.  

Free range chickens seem to have a better diet and therefore their eggs will have a higher nutritional value.  Eggs are considered a complete source of protein and 8 essential amino acids. 

 Eggs are rich in nutrients that promote heart health, Betaine and choline.  The traditional Chinese medicine has recommended eggs to strengthen the blood and aid in digestion, kidney and liver function.  

Eggs are versatile and easy to prepare in many recipes.  Try boiled, poached eggs, eggs Benedict with a low fat sauce and chives to garnish, omelets, quiche, egg salad with low fat mayonnaise, egg drop soup are some recipes you can try at home.

Super Green Foods

Green and blue algae (photo Plankton) have been called the perfect super foods with abundant amounts of high quality of digestible protein, fiber chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals and enzymes.  They are the most important source of carotene available in the world today.  

They are the most potent source of vitamin B12, higher than liver, chlorella or sea vegetables.  Their protein is greater than soy beans corn or beef.  They are the only food that contains GLA (gamma linolenic acid).  

Gamma Linoleic Acid is essential fatty acids that are a precursor to the body’s hormones.  Deficiencies in GLA can contribute to obesity, heart disease and PMS.
Phytoplankton is used therapeutically for detoxification and to stimulate the immune system, improve digestion and assimilation, accelerate healing and enhance growth, protect against radiation, helps prevent degenerative disease and promote a longer life. 

 You can find powdered green drinks online or at your local drug store.  Super foods area natural way to give the energy we need to support our busy life style   

Book Club

Super food Recipes:  Super Food healthy recipe book by Gloria Richardson and Lewis Julie  Supper foods recipe book covers two super food diet plans with loads of recipes.  Each recipe features one super food that you can incorporate in your diet.  

Enjoy weeks of meals without repeating a single recipe.  Super foods are packed with nutrients, anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals that are nature’s way of strengthen our body and immune system
Everyday Super food by Jamie Oliver:  This is a complete journey through the world of health and nutrition.  Everyday Super food was written to educate, empower and inspire you to live your healthiest most productive life you can.  Using simple ingredients with a high nutritional value in your recipes will reduce inflammation, prevent disease and improve your health.  

Food is there to be enjoyed, shared and celebrated and healthy, colorful, nutritious and delicious.  This book is full of well-rounded and balanced recipes perfect for adding superfoods to your diet.
Heart Healthy Meals by Jennifer Sather;   Nutritional benefits of super Foods and a gluten free diet.  Lean how to prepare delicious nutritious meals for everyday living.

This book of heart healthy creative meals is designed to satisfy your hunger with these delicious mouthwatering recipes.  Get step by step instruction on how to cook your way to a better life

Articles Worth Reading

Why Do We Need To Eat Supper Foods Today.  Some history of why we need to take back our health and eat the foods to ward of disease and illness.
What Are The 14 Super Foods:  There are 14 supper foods you need to consider adding to your diet to maintain good health though out your life.  Choose foods rich in nutritional value, protein and low in fat for a balanced diet plan
Supper foods give us a natural way to enhance our health lose weight and live a longer more fulfilled life.  

Maintaining good health has to be considered a number one priority in in our daily life and the lives of our family members though diet, fitness and education  

Weight loss dieting plans detigated to helping you lose weight with a sencible diet and fitness program.

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Patricia Lynn

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