Top 10 Yoga Asanas for Rapid and Permanent Weight Loss

                   Top 10 Yoga Asanas for Rapid and Permanent Weight Loss

Have you tried everything to lose weight and failed? Well, we have the answer for you – yoga. This method of exercise mixes the best of both worlds – fitness and meditation. The best part about it, is that no matter what your weight is or where you want to get rid of flab, you can do it with aasanas in yoga. It is light on the joints and the chances of injury – if done initially under the guidance of a trained professional – are minimal. Moreover you don’t have to waste thousands on that expensive gym membership; yoga can be practised from the comfort of your home. All you need are some comfortable clothes and a yoga mat and you are good to go. So to start you off on your holistic weight loss journey here are 12 yoga exercises you can practice to melt away the pounds.

1. Setu Bandh (Bridge Pose):

For doing this, you have to lie down on your back and bend your knees in such a way that your feet rests on the floor. Now the distance between your feet & buttocks should be the same as your hands. Now, try to lift your body in the upward direction. Try doing this 5-10 times & then release. This asana gives a good massage to your thighs & lower back.

2. Mandukasan:

Sit down on the floor in Vajrasana position. Now make fists with both your hands & place them on your stomach in such a way that the joint touches the navel. Press both the fists against your abdomen. Now try to touch the ground with your forehead. Try bending downwards as much as you can. Hold this position for 20 seconds & then release. Practicing this yoga asana daily will help in reducing belly fat.

3. Dhanurasana:

This is also known as Bow pose. All you have to do here is to lie down on the floor with your belly touching the ground. Keep your hands besides your chest. Now take a deep breath and lift your legs & thighs up. At the same time, you have to try to catch your legs with your hands. Remain in this position for 30 seconds & release

4. Shalbasana:

Lie on your belly with your hands resting below your thighs while forehead and chin are resting on the floor. Now try to raise your left leg up to 10 inches. Keep your leg straight. Do not bend your knees. After that, try doing the same with your right leg too. At the final stage, do this with both your legs.

5. Chakki Chalan (Grinding Pose):

This is again a very effective exercise & asana for reducing belly fat. For this, you have to sit in a comfortable position & spread your legs straight in front of you. Both your legs should touch each other. Do not bend your knees. After that join your hands & move it in circular motion over your legs. This gives a good massage & stretch to your stomach, hands & legs. Do it 10 times in clockwise position & 10 times in anti-clockwise position. Release slowly.

6. Nauka Chalan (Boat Pose):

For this, you have to sit down in a straight yet comfortable position. Spread your legs straight in front of you. Your legs need to be joined to each other. Do not bend your knees. Place your hands besides your body. Now try to move your hands forward & backward. Also, move your body in the same manner as you move your hands. They should move as if you are riding a boat. Do it 10 times in clockwise position & 10 times in anti-clockwise position. Release.

7. Pavanmuktasana (Wind-releasing Pose):

Lie down on your back in straight position. Now lift up your left leg & bend it from the knee. Now, try to press your left leg towards your stomach. Try to touch your chin to your knee. For this, you will have to lift up your head a little. Try doing the same with right leg as well. Once you successfully do this, try doing the same movement with both the legs at the same time. This gives a good stretch to your stomach & helps in reducing unnecessary fats.

8. Ardha Matsyendrasana:

 Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you. Bend your knees, put your feet on the floor and then slide your left foot under your right leg. Lay the outside of the left leg on the floor. Step the right foot over the left leg and stand it on the floor outside your left hip. Pressing right hand against the floor just behind your right buttock, and set your left upper arm on the outside of your right thigh near the knee. The right knee will point directly up at the ceiling. Here, you have to exhale & turn towards the inner side of your right thigh. Remain in this position for about 30 seconds & then release. Try doing this the other way too.

9. Vakrasana:

For this, you have to sit in a comfortable cross-legged position. Now, keep your right hand on your left hand on your left knee. Try to twist your body in the left direction. Do not forget to keep your posture straight. Try doing this in the right direction too.

10. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose):

 In this pose, you have to position yourself into a curved pose which resembles a snake. Sleep on the ground in such a way that your forehead touches the ground. Now place your palms under your shoulders in a manner that it gets tucked close to your body. Stretch your legs in a way that the top of your feet presses down into the mat. Now inhale & slowly press your hands to stretch your arms, sending your chest upwards. This pose looks like a snake & hence it is called the cobra pose or the snake pose.

Top 10 Yoga Asanas for Weight Loss Video