The Mentality To Weight Loss Success

Allows weight loss conversation , which is the life of many more independent individuals . Aesthetics aside , lets talk about health. In my experience , this is not a priority in the life of a person . We all know how to be healthy ( eat in moderation , fill your plate with fruits, most vegetables , eat lean meats , exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, a workshop on the perimeter of the grocery store, etc. ) , though not executed. While how-to weight loss for our presentation , we are not able to move on .

This is where my passion fixed : the psychology behind weight loss . Success by Tony Robbins is 20 % ( the mechanics of how a) and 80% mechanical . We all know how to reach the goals, whatever they may be, but the execution is where we fail.

Another obstacle that I have found is that we live in a world of comfort , if not easy, we do not. Conversely, if it is easy, we spend endless money to ease a new diet program. God wants us to do the work and put in the time . As a society , we have not even like to think of ourselves . We want answers immediately , and if not provided , we go . However, what happened in the blood , sweat and tears ? What happened to the direction and make a difference for yourself with your expectations? We will discuss the success mindset .

Why are you happy with your body? Most likely it is due to the idea of ​​the body you want for yourself does not coincide with the body you see in the mirror . Perception and reality are not rushing . If your idea of ​​what you want is not what you have done , we become unhappy. This is true in all ares of life, not just weight loss goals . If this is your case , you have two options. Make a change in the idea of ​​a perfect body, or make a change in the body itself .

I love the long torso and was always unhappy with my body because I do not have much chest. Because this is something I could not change , I had to change my idea of ​​what looked like a beautiful look of the stomach. I think around images or mentors that you have what you want or what is a great way to set yourself up for success. Thus, instead of idolizing the stomachs of Victoria Secret models , I would look for women like Beyonce .

She's still sexy as hell, but their path. She cradles a tone , short bowel , and the woman is sexy. Thank you and relate to it , and in turn , chose to imitate his face a Victoria Secret model . This is an example of the evolution of the idea instead of the body.

My arms are not what I want . I see strong arms like Cameron Diaz and love. I love the look of toned arms , the muscles around the chest, and a strong position . Do I need this course ? No, and I 'm sure Cameron is . But I can change my body to match my idea.

When I imagine myself with a strong posture and structure that I want to achieve , I have some questions for me :

How will this affect my purpose in life?What will not achieve this for my happiness ?What emotions will follow the success of this goal?I'll get back into question the results of its objective to stimulate how you would feel if you achieved them. How is the outcome affect your life ?

Now, if their answers are not so inspiring , the chances of achieving this goal is unlikely. You need a passion for the motivation to stay on track in difficult times . If you ask these questions and it is not inspired by the outcome, it does not matter ! Your goal may be due to the wrong place. For example, if your best friend is an avid yoga and trying to make you go, you can not meet the schedule as it is not their own passion. If you do not care about nature, stay motivated when the challenge of dressing on the door and in the yoga studio .Inspiration is what will stay the course.  

How do you feel inspired to its objectives rolls real life? Easy , raising the optimal mental state. How did you feel to ask questions about how it would affect the outcome of your life? Are you inspired ? You Spark ? In these moments of being "high" as I call it , I think you can achieve any goal . When I think toned arms and how much I love , I experience an inspiration "high." No way you could get me to eat a cheeseburger at that time , my approach to my goal is too high . The satisfaction I feel for my goal is greater than any satisfaction of a burger could provide. I become a bulldozer for success, out of my way because I have things to do.

Have you ever had a conversation with a friend or mentor, so that leaves you feeling inspired ? This is basically what you do, but learn to do it yourself .

Throughout the day, as "high" decreases, it is necessary to get another "hit" . Refocus your thoughts on returning to this state, " getting high " again. Get "high" in the morning is great, but by focusing all day is what creates success habits . You can have the habit of hitting a drive through lunch. But with this approach that stimulates every day, the habit will change effortlessly. We chose to make better food choices based on "high" targets or possible outcomes. 

 Generally, decisions are made on the basis of comfort, which is not a good decision when you try to lose weight. His habit will change because you want to maintain this high , and I also have a reality and not just a thought. Honestly, I think you're the best habits you have good intentions for you. This approach is what gives success, and the approach is driven by his mood. Who would have thought to get "high" that would bring so much success ?

This state of mind and concentration is what will keep you from eating chips. This is what will push not only go to the gym , but the rock in the gym. Furthermore, I think focuses on opportunities immediately brings a smile to your face. Knowing that you can change and change brings out his euphoria , even without tangible success.

My passion for weight loss is actually derived from the psychology behind it , because the weight loss is very simple : calories in versus calories out. However, it is a multi- million due to the absence that we all feel. This is , I think, because people do not have the mental control over their goals, even if they know how to perform them. In addition, the application of this theory to one of your goals and achieve the success you can have. Human potential is amazing , so we'll use .

Let's review the steps to achieve your goals from the psychological point of view :You set goal to ensure that your target is very specific. As in the example I gave , I do not like my arms. He could have said "I want to lose weight" , but success should be specific : "I want to tone my upper body so that you have solid muscle definition and a great attitude that I want to achieve this by 1 April ." .

Focus: Why do you want this? How can it affect your life if you meet this goal ? Why do better / happier? How can I achieve this causal relationships / work / social life? How to improve their quality of life ?

To do so focused on this point. Imagine the feeling . Look at a beach with a sexy body could imagine how it would look in pictures or how would this sexy dress you like . Feel it .At this point , I hope you feel "high". If not , perhaps this goal is not as important to you. In this case , you should change your mind , not his body . I hope you are inspired by the " maybe it is ," Now we are going to stay high throughout the day!

Staying motivated : Begin each morning with this approach , " get high ." But to maintain this " high", you have to take shots frequently throughout the day. Take your time , your office , between classes, while driving or working , before lunch , before the gym , to regain focus . This is what I call taking "hits" . This motivation is tunnel vision towards your goal. This motivation acts as an impetus for their development , to stay focused throughout the day.

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