The 7 Key Questions to Weight Loss

No matter what area of life issues yourself is the key to their success (or failure ) and it could not be more true in the field of weight loss and diet. Our minds are in charge of the questions we ask , internal and external, and the mind can not fail to answer a question , right?

I know that you said that because you can not stop, because it's like our minds are set and when they take control of the questions we ask we take control of our successes. So what are the questions you ask every day when it comes to losing weight? Are negative questions? The guy who asks ;

• Why is it so difficult to lose weight? 

• Why can not I lose weight? 
• Why do I always put the weight back?
• Why I can not go on a diet ? 
• Why do you always fail in this area?

Do these questions sound familiar ? I bet they do because they are the questions that most " popular " people are overweight wonderment . What kind of response is what happened when you ask these questions? It is true that if you have questions get answers poor in poverty is also true that if you ask questions, you will get positive positive responses.So what questions should you ask on a daily basis ? Here are seven questions you should ask yourself each and every day and pay attention to the answers ;

1 . What can I do today to reduce my weight and I feel amazing? 

2 . What foods can I eat to help me reduce my weight and I am full of energy and vitality? 
3 . What are the reasons that I have to reduce my weight today and always surprising ? 
4. What exercises should I do today to help me reduce my weight and I feel full of energy and joy? 
5 What is my goal weight loss this week / month? 
6 How can I achieve my weight loss goals ?
7. What I can find help and resources to help me reduce my weight?

You can imagine the answers will come to you that you ask these questions, large positive, you can not! ( That's not a question but a statement! ) Take time each day to ask these questions and , if possible, write down the answers . You can see that every day that you ask yourself these questions to get the most fantastic responses and therefore more reason to reduce your weight forever.

Other reasons why you have the more that create the most and why you believe that the higher their action to be. When you get a big enough why you set your mind to achieve weight loss that you absolutely want on autopilot .

Try this exercise interesting ;

Write seventy-seven (77) reasons why it is absolutely necessary to lose weight .

Now write seventy-seven (77) ways to lose weight.

You now have a big enough why and how to do.

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