Give Yourself A Break!

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
This losing weight thing isn't for the faint of heart. It's true labour! It's hard work and sometimes diets are heavy laden! Anyone who has tried to lose those extra pounds know how difficult it is.
I've been on this ride for many years. Diets are hard on me, I hate to be told, "You can't have that." Ask my mother, my first instinct is to say, "Oh yeah?"
So when I started this journey, I told myself I can have whatever I want.
Did I just hear a gasp?
Yes, I can eat whatever I want. But I don't want everything the way I thought I would. When I realized I could eat potato chips, bread, candy and even my favorite cake, I didn't want it as much. I believe that is another gift from God. He gives me freedom to eat and the Holy Spirit gives me guidance. Now to some that sounds far fetched.
And yes, I am an unruly child of God sometimes and I don't always listen when the Holy Spirit tells me it's time to stop eating that favored treat. (Moderation is the name of that wisdom) And I never said I was wise.
But, I digress.
Back to my point... Just like God doesn't want us to live in bondage to food, He also doesn't want us to live in bondage to diets. So what am I trying to say? I'm saying give yourself a break! When you are craving that special dessert or favorite food, go get it. But, use wisdom and listen to the Holy Spirit. When he says stop, stop.
I hope this post will help someone and that you will remember Matthew 11:28 as you struggle to stay on task.
Warmly, Rhonda

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