The First Lady Michelle Obama spoke publicly about combating childhood obesity in November 2011. We applaud her efforts in reducing the number of children who are overweight, obese, or at risk for being overweight. She has encouraged companies and organizations to get on board in solving this epidemic. Her main focus of the talk was physical activity, which we know is the number on indicator for weight management, not weight loss. Sure, that's a huge issue right there, but let's focus on what good actually came out of the press conference. The YMCA committed to advancing the First Lady's initiative by doing the following (to read the entire press release click HERE):
-swapping juice for water
-including vegetables & fruits as snack options
-limiting the amount of time spent on "screen time" (TV, computer, etc)
-establishing physical activity minimums that are expected for children enrolled in their programs
-committing to conducting parent education sessions so parents can include healthy alternatives at home
A tough battle Mrs. Obama faces, but at least she is providing publicly a step in the right direction!

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