Water Intake & Your Body

Our bodies are made up of 60% water or about 11 gallons-most of which is found in our cells.  Adequate water intake helps to cool our body with sweat, circulate oxygen & provide fuel to our organs, and excreting waste products through the blood.  At HNT we encourage 2 quarts of water and another quart of any non-caloric beverage. Here are some benefits of drinking adequate water:
  • MOUTH: prevents dry mouth which can cause bad breath, unpleasant taste or even promote cavities
  • BRAIN: ensures adequate oxygen is delivered to the brain which helps with memory, mood and motivation
  • HEART: keeps blood volume up so that your heart doesn't have to work as hard to get enough oxygen to your cells
  • SKIN: promotes elasticity
  • KIDNEYS: filters waste from the blood and excretes it through urine to prevent toxins from building up
  • BLOODSTREAM: helps to expand blood vessels close to the skins surface to dissipate heat  into the air to keep your body cool
  • LIMBS: perform muscle contractions better because limbs are getting adequate nutrition and waste is being removed readily

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