Mo Nique Weight Loss

come home from disney worldexhausted. [call to 911 reporting fire] the smoke alarms - everything was this like, well, she woke me up everything was just loud and she said"mom, the house is on fire and i'm going to phone 911 we have to go. {darrell} i was in myroom, asleep, and alarm worked me up. and the fire. as he's down there. the firestarts moving up the stairs to us. we use

Mo Nique Weight Loss

Mo Nique Weight Loss, my neighbor's air conditioner. armani,i propped half my body out the window and i used as much grip as i could to get themonto the air conditioners at the top of it. [sound of struggling to get on the air conditioner from the 911 call] and armani helped me like push arielup there, she got up there fully and now

i'm holding armani and trying to help herget up there and it was like the fire is up on us as we had to like let go. [sound of people falling on 911 call] i jumpdown instantly i got back up and i caught armani first she was the one thatwas barely on there so she came down first and then i convinced arielseconds later to get her to jump down [darrell} then you you don't know gonna happen toyou but you better be ready, and they help me be ready, those smoke detectors helped me be ready. every year, about 3,000 people are killed in fires. in many of them, ther were no working smoke alarms.

monique's family is alive today because the smoke alarms installed by the philadelphia fire departmetn were still working three years later. smoke alarms, a sound you can live with. thanks to monique, her family, and the philadelphia fire department for making it possible to tell this story.

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