are you one of many people who are choosing a weight loss program at this time of year? are you trying to figure out the benefits of the one versus the other? i'm sharon lacroix, owner and coach that bonvie weight loss
Ideal Protein Weight Loss Program, and nutrition wellness and i'm going to explain what to expect with the ideal protein diet which we've been using in our portland, oregon and santa monica,
california clinics for over seven years. here's a quick summary of the five reasons you want to choose this program. benefit one, rapid fat loss, particularly belly fat, without sacrificing muscle mass, we never want to burn down muscle on a diet because muscle uses fat for fuel. in fact, muscle compromise is the biggest reason for weight regain after
most diets, the yo-yo effect. two, you'll learn how food affects and utilized by the body and the causes of fat storage. this is all about how we process and use the three sources of body fuel for energy. these fuel sources are glucose, which help from sugars and carbs, muscle which is made up a protein and fat. now, we burn those available fuels in that order.
in other words, as long as we eat excess carbs which turn into glucose, will burn glucose not fat. ii you reduce carbs, the body will next turn to muscle stores only by reducing carbs and by maintaining muscle with high bioavailable protein will the body turn primarily to fat stores for energy and that is what the ideal protein method is all about. three, utilization of
fat for energy, usually by day four. with the body being forced to turn to fat stores, most people get into ketosis (fat burning) within the first week of the program, for very overweight people who have a large savings account of stored glucose in the form of glycogen, this may take a bit longer. but once in ketosis and as long as you are following the protocol,
you will stay in that state of fat-burning until you overinduge in carbs which are sugar. four, increased energy and appetite control and reduce cravings, this usually happens within the first week. once our bodies are rid of excess glucose and our insulin levels come down, the cravings begin to subside. we also begin to notice we feel better
with more energy and sense of confidence in regaining control over our eating. five, many people experience improved blood sugar and cholesterol levels and reduced blood pressure, in fact, we ask our new dieters who are on medications to get their blood work done at the beginning of the program because within a few week or months they will want to be checked again, most
often, have their medications reduced or even eliminated by their physician. you can see that we love to share information about diet, weight loss, and health. you can receive a lot more detail on how to maximize weight loss and improve your health, just by pressing that subscribe button now. we'll send you tips and resources on
optimizing fat loss and overall good health.
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