hey, guys, dr. axe here. i'm going to be talkingabout how to lose weight and burn fat today and the topic is cla; that's conjugated linoleicacid. it's a sort of fatty acid that's been shown to help burn up fat cells in your body. if you're looking to really burn body fatand get some weight off right here for the new year's, you're going to want to consumehigh amounts of cla. in fact, cla is one of

Dr. Oz Weight Loss Supplements, the number one compounds or supplements today.if you go into your local health food store, you'll see cla all over the shelves becausethere's so much research showing that it helps your body burn fat and lose weight. in fact, there are over 35 clinical medicalstudies showing that if you consume cla, your
body will burn fat and lose weight. now ido want to mention this. rather than taking in pill or supplement form, the best formis in its food form, in its raw form like you're going to find cla in large amountsin raw dairy and in grass-fed meat and in pasteurized cheese. now i want to mention this. cla, when youget it from, let's say something like grain-fed beef, you're only getting anywhere from 0milligrams to 20 milligrams. so if you're eating conventional beef that's been fed grainor even organic beef that's been fed grains, you're getting virtually no cla. however, if you're eating grass-fed or a cowthat's fed grass 100% of the year, you're
going to be getting 300 to 500% more cla,anywhere from probably 250 to 500 milligrams and things like raw cheese and grass-fed beef. now for years i've heard things from peoplesaying red meat is bad or most dairy is bad. yeah, red meat and dairy can be bad if it'sconventional. but if your cheese is raw and pasture-fed, comes from a pasture fed cow,and if the beef has been fed grass, it has high amounts of cla. again, one of the numberone compounds to help your body burn fat and lose weight. so i recommend if you want toget the great impact here of cla doing about one ounce of raw cheese daily. now remember this. it can't be just be rawcheese. you need to know that it's fed grass
during the year, and typically most higherquality cheese will have that. also, if you go to a place like whole foods you can lookfor lamb cheese and cheap cheese. my favorite brand of raw cheese, though, is from a companycalled beyond organic. we have links here on the website. my friend jordan rubin isfounder of the company. but we know that these cows are fed grass 100% a year, so it willhave the largest amounts of cla in it for helping your body burn fat. again, getting grass-fed beef is good anddoing it certified organic. there are companies like beyond organic that do it where it'sfed grass 100% of the year. so when you're buying grass-fed, you want to look for onthe label to say 100% grass-fed. that way,
you get higher levels of cla. so again, if you're eating conventional grain-fedbeef, you're getting almost zero cla. if you're doing grass-fed beef and raw pasture-fed cheeseslike this, you're getting probably 250 to 500 milligrams of cla that's going to helppromote fat loss. we've got some of this raw cheese here. theother thing i love about this is it's delicious. and if you want to get double the effects,got a quick recipe for you, do a grass-fed cheddar burger. this is actually what i didlast night for dinner, sautã©ed up, actually cooked up some grass-fed beef and topped itoff with a bunch of raw cheddar. it's absolutely delicious. again, you'd think, "well, burger,that's going to cause me to gain weight."
no, if you're doing a grass-fed cheese andbeef, it's going to help your body burn fat and lose weight. this is just one of the health tips, eatingmore cla i'm going to have for you this month in terms of weight loss, so be watching thatupcoming videos and be checking for articles on more tips to burn fat and lose weight fast. also, i'm teaching a webinar on january 19th.mark your calendars. i'll be talking about a super smoothie to help your body burn fatand lose weight. i'll be going over five of the top foods to consume to help your bodyburn fat and lose weight. i'll also be talking about the number onesupplement and compound you can take. actually,
there's a supplement and compound out therethat has helped people lose 28 pounds in a 10-week period. so if you want to burn fatand lose weight fast and get all those health tips, make sure you set up for my webinar,january 19th. thanks for watching another episode. thisis dr. axe signing out.
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