veda day three! hey, so as your may or may not know, i actually won't know, cuz i haven't told you, so why would i even say that. i'm low key on a hair growth regimen, the whole idea behind doing this was to in three months show you all how much my hair has grown

Biotin Weight Loss, since march till then. and say definitively the msm & biotin helped my hair grow an extra inch more, or extra half inch more or whatever. but you know like it's veda and i need content idea so i'm gonna
talk about it now. i've been on msm & biotin for like i said two weeks. msm is supposed to help with the carotene levels in your hair, nails and skin, and it's also supposed to help with inflammation, arthritis, pain. blah, blah, blah, blah, allergies, they say it cures cancer, whatever.
[sound] you know it's supposed to do a lot of cool stuff and then i also hear biotin helps with hair growth and all of that jazz. so i've combined the two and i'm taking them together. the whole reason i even got into it also was because my local grocery was having a sale on the supplements, and that is why i decided to hop on it and try this idea for you.
one thing i will say about taking supplements in general that i find that a lot of youtubers that talk about taking supplements and how it's helped them don't mention, is some of the side effects. so with biotin, specifically, i know, that if you are generally a hairy person, if you are generally a hairy person, biotin will not only make the hair on your head grow, it will make all of the hair, all of it grow. also a side effect that i'm noticing with msm which i've never taken
before, is my first go with msm, is that msm does some weird stuff to women specifically hormonally. because my period is late, which is a little weird for me. my period's usually pretty predictable, and i started looking online on different forums about msm and found out that this is a common thing. a lot of women have gone online and talked about how msm has thrown their cycles off and made them,
in some cases i saw that women talked about how they'd skipped an entire period while other women said that their period was maybe 10 days late. i don't know how committed i would be to this msm biotin thing that i was trying to do, which is also why i'm talking about it in this veda video instead, just because the whole being off on the period thing i really don't like that mostly because it's just like then, you're like how late i'm i gonna be?
do i just need to carry my menstrual cup with me everywhere? can i sleep on these sheets tonight, should i be concerned? i don't know, so yeah. if you're trying to grow your hair out, just know what you're doing, do your homework, blah, blah, blah. i don't know maybe i just won't, i don't know. i'm just over having short hair guys,
i'm over it already, i'm over it, i don't know. in the comments below let me know if you like my short hair, i don't know, i'll see you all tomorrow, i don't know, i'm already over this. [music]
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