hey, what’s up guys. sean nalewanyj herejust got back from the gym and i wanted to put up a quick video here, just showing youa simple whey protein shake recipe that’s pretty much been my go to combination forprobably six or seven years now. obviously there are tons of really good protein shakerecipes out there but i’ve always defaulted back to this one because it’s easy to make.it taste really good as long as you have a

Best Protein Shakes For Weight Loss, decently flavored protein powder to work withand it has good balanced macros too. so nothing fancy but i was going to come home here andmake one right now anyway, so i’ve figured i just pull up the camera and show you guys.so the base of the shake is almond milk and i’ll use one cup for that, you can use anytype of milk you want. so if you prefer like,
regular skim milk then that’s fine too buti prefer the almond milk. and then i throw in a little bit of ice here, so there’sthree ice cubes there. the fat source, i use natural peanut butter and i’ll throw inone table spoon of that. first carb source is oatmeal and i’ll put in half a cup ofthat. and then for the second carb source i’ll throw in, like a medium size banana.for the protein i’ll just use basic chocolate whey protein powder, you can use any flavoryou like and i’ll also put my recommended protein powders in the description box below.and to finish the shake off i’ll just throw in a little bit of cinnamon just for someadded flavoring. then i’ll pull out my trusty hand blender and thoroughly blend up all ofthe ingredients. and then there’s the finished
shake there, the nutritional break down is522 calories, 36 grams of protein, 61 of carbs and 15 grams of fat. and i’ll put the macrosand the recipe in the description box below. so that’s all there is to it. high qualityprotein, good nutrient, dense carbs, some healthy fats and you can put this altogetherand drink it down in just a few minutes without a bunch of preparation, chewing, clean upand all that. it’s just a really convenient way to hit your nutrition for the day moreeasily. and if you want that shake to be higher or lower calorie depending on your needs,then you can increase or decrease the amounts of the ingredients pretty easily. it’s notset in stone, so just play around with it and see what you like best. so just the quickwhey protein shake recipe idea for you and
if you have a recipe of your own that youpersonally really like then feel free to share it in the comments below. so thanks for watching,the official website is www.seannal.com. you can follow me on facebook, twitter and instagramfor more free tips if you weren’t already. my body transformation blueprint can be accessedat www.bodytransformationtruth.com by clicking here or using the link below and make sureto like, comment and subscribe to stay up to date on future videos. talk to you guysagain soon.
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