hey everybody it's your personal trainercoach kozak and i'm claudia and this is 20 min fat burning workouts to do at home without equipment for men women to lose weight fast our fat torching workout this workoutdoesn't require any equipment whatsoever just your own body weight we're going topump up the pace tonight i'm going to be doing theadvanced variations and claudia's going to be doing the intermediate andbeginner modifications we're going to do
Belly Fat Burning Workouts, the whole thing with you we're going toburn a bunch of calories i'm excited if you can't tell alrightwe're going to jump into and start with i'm going to do a lateral broad jumpclaudia's going to do a lateral hop side to side so again my versions are theharder versions i'm jumping side to side
with both feet big power jumps claudiais hopping side to side give it a little bend in your knees you decide whichversion is right for you we're going to keep this pace up throughout the wholeworkout today we're not going to count any repetition so it's really all aboutyou and moving at your own pace and pushing yourself nice work making sureto breathe throughout putting that weight in your hips we got five moreseconds on this one and four three two one okay we're going to the ground forthe next one we're gonna do a couple push-ups variations claudia is going todo hers from your knees i'm doing them from upright we're going to do a widepush-up and then a close crip push-up
with your elbows in you're going to walkout and walk in with your hands so we're going between a close grip and a widegrip and each time taking those two steps one with each hand and switchingyour position keep your core tight and straight throughout the whole move niceagain you're getting is it many reps in as you can in this a lot of time periodwhew we got five more seconds on this one right through it guys and three twoone zero okay we're going to your legs next we're going to do either a reverselunge or a reverse lunge plus knee raise you decide which oneis right for you stepping back drop him back that back knee at a 90-degree angleand alternating hitting the other side
keeping good posture keeping the coretight core tight can keep on moving that's the name of the game keepfighting don't slow down nice work we got just 10more seconds on this one and five four three two one and we're going back tothe ground we're going into a high plank position either from the knees or fromupright we're going to reach through and fly reach through and fly call the highplank wing or uplink from your knees wing and pardon me i was just doing oneside instead of alternating yes we're back at nope that's probably coach'sfault not giving proper instructions alternate between side to side pull backuse that back and keep your body
parallel to the ground nice for thatback squeeze up at the top feel that core working we're breathing rememberany time you do something from a plank position got a really focused on thatbreathing so you're not holding your breath because you will pay the price ifyou do nice not much left on this one and five four three two one and we're upwe're going to move into either a standing elbow to knee or a standingtwist again decide which one's right for you i wantyou to keep that pace up let's go remember you doing this for you not foranybody else focus on what motivates you and what brought you here today nicework bri you got it you got it not much
left on this onelet's go ten more seconds almost there and five four three two one and donenice and next we're going to move on to a combo movement it's a squat plus sumodeadlift so i'm going to do with the jump touching in between my legs andthen the outside of my legs and notice mine i'm not jumping like coach cossackis i'm just moving my feet so my legs my feet are just slightly outsideshoulder-width apart and i'm just driving my hips back and i'm touchingthe outside of my feet and just moving them for the sumo squat see point toesout a little bit remember to keep your knees out pointedout we don't want them collapsing in
exactly driving those knees out manyreps in as you can nice work i don't have many left on thisone and five four three two one all right i apologize for this next one inadvance we're going to the ground we got ballistic push-ups either fromyour knees you weight up claudia's favorite or from position we're gonna dofive in a row one two three four five and then come back down to your knees orstay on your knees relax breathe next set right into it let's go one two threefour five good relax these are horrible and breathe got it you can do itlet's hit it let's go we're all feeling it together all feeling it together fourfive nice deep breaths you got this you
got this fighting through itwe're hurting too let's go next set one two three four fivecome on fight through we got one more everybody one more let's hit itready go one two three four and five alright nice we're headed over to yourback do a lying leg raise plus crunch o'clockclaudia is going to a lying knee raise plus crunch again you're deciding whichone of these is going to be right for you today we're coming up bringing thoseshoulder blades up off the ground every time we're keeping our legs undercontrol try your best not to bring your feet down to the ground in betweenrepetitions good good good
keep driving them out how many can youget let's go let's go go go moving moving moving moving nice work not manyleft give me five more seconds and three two one okay we're up on our feet we'removing into either a crossover jump or a just traditional jumping jacket so thisone's a little bit harder crossing over opposite arm and feet at each timethought he is doing the traditional jumping jack whichever one you're doingstay light and on those balls of the feet breathegood job guys come on you're a flight or not a quitter show me what you got let'sgo remember this is for you put it all out there not cheating yourself todaylet's go go get it almost there
give me just five more seconds on thisone and three two one to the ground we go four last one in this first roundwe're gonna do sprinters they're a modified sprinter or a normal sprinterthey're both hard leaning back on a 45 degree angle only difference isclaudia's gonna rest her feet and leg down in between where i'm gonna keepmine up really moving don't worry after those flying leg raisesyou're still gonna feel it on these uh-huh yes and we're feeling i'm feelingoh ab workout we did yesterday - we're all feeling it we're all hurting morefighting together let's get it guys come onget after get after
almost there last five seconds on thisone three two one zero nice end of the first roundall right so taking a quick breath only 20 seconds in total i want you to get adrink of water you got his arms shake everything loosebecause we're getting right back into it we only have five more seconds well i'mdoing lateral bounce claudia's doing the lateral hops let's get it going fire itup guys three two one let's hit itremember what you came here for focus on it guys focus on it so mental that's allthis is it's all in your head breathing fight that's all you got to dokeep moving forward put one foot in
front of the other so life's all aboutno different here let's hit it come on let's go how many can you get let's gofive more seconds and that's it three two oneokay we're going to the ground i know brings me push up now by the end of thisbut you're going to be stronger for it we're going push up plus close grip pushup walking in walking out move at a pace that you feel comfortable with rightthat allows you to get through this set i'm trying to keep up with us just dowhat you can you want to be better than the best version of you getting betterevery day don't worry about competing with us soworried about getting better and beating
yourself come on let's go what do yougot guys what do you got run it all out there almost there and five four three two oneand we're up we keep this pace up we're going to reverse lunges with yourreverse lunge plus knee raise or just a reverse lungeeither way one right into the next you got this you got this positive mindsetright here growth mindset getting better every day every rep let's hit it guyslet's hit it nice nice come on move those legs move those legs it's feelinggood burns oh so good ah ah ten seconds guys ten secondswhat do you got what do you got put it
out there goodfive four three two last one zero to the ground we go going into that high plankposition don't forget to alternate arms on these if you're on your knees andwe're going me the last one left arm right arm rowing and pulling back absare tight and as claudia said alternating those are opposite nice workguys keep it moving - name the game today don't slow down if you got to dropto your knees that's okay they do not give up come on let's go let's go whatdo you got i want you to impress yourself today you'd be thinking yoursub man i didn't i didn't know i had that in me what a pleasant surpriseput it out there guys put it out there
last ten seconds last ten seconds righthere nothing that's nothing you got it in five four three two one and we're upwe're going standing elbow to knee or standing twistbut either way wrap them out right here whoo keep your knees a little soft onthese if you're doing the standing twist that's right with your weight back andyour hips good twist that core come on keep itmoving keep it moving don't slow down you can't speed it upthat's right it's time to speed it up not slow it down and three two one nicework all right we're moving right in to that sumo deadlift plus squat combowhether or not you're doing the jumps
either waytime to get moving let's go put the weight back in the hips on every repdon't forget to adjust your feet on these keep those knees out breathe andfight that's the name the game right there breathe in a fight let's go comeon gotta go to your happy face on me yes you dowe're fighting through that burn that's what we're doing or just try to smilethrough it like i am that's it hey it's all mental you start sending thosepositive signals to your brain you must start thinking you're actually enjoyingthis let's go five four three two one okay we're going to the ground for ourlast set of push-ups try to smile
through this we're going into aballistic push-up ready big power five times go one two three four five andrest you guys if you're not feeling theseballistic push-ups even from your knees hey don't hesitate to just do regularpush-ups two three four five that's right get what you can cuz these are alot even for me so that's right you might see me just do some push-ups herein a minute okay ready hey we're stepping it up todaybut you know what we can come back repeat this workout get a little bitbetter every time knock out a few more reps every time okay couple deep breathsand we're in it let's go one two three
four five nice we got one last oneone last one breathe i can do it i can do that's it hit it that's the spiritgotta have that positive attitude come onha okay turn into our bat either a lying leg raise crunch or line knee raisecrunch you decide which one is right for you todaypush yourself because nobody else can or will do for you nice breathing movebreather move one into the next we're helping a pop here with you that's rightthousands of you maybe even millions doing this at home all feeling that sameburn fighting together right here getting better at by rep rep by rep hereit is come on no giving up no giving up
no pausing this video not do not cheatyourself and five four three two one and we're up i'm going into the crossoverjumps claudia is hitting good old-fashioned jumping jacks gonna pieceaha that's right go kicking it back old-school this is been take you back toelementary school gym i don't know about we'll come on back to simpler timeslet's hit it trail breathe and keep pushing not many left let's go come onhot feet hot feet you know they probably still do these in the military don'tthey yes ma'am okay maybe not all the way back toelementary but okay five four three two one to a ground we have sprinters get itmodified or little fashion leaning back
kind you decide but get it moving ican't break claudia can break so you can pick up the speed on these a little bithere we go isis spirit one into the next opposite arm and leg working togethergood stay back on that 45-degree angle good breathealmost there ten seconds on this one last ten almost there five four threetwo one nice alright so that's the end of the normal workout now it's time forbonus okay we're gonna give you one more 20 second break but while you're doingthat we're going to show you the three bonus move pay attention so i'm gonnaget i'm gonna go draw jump plus burpee claudia is going to show you a squatthrust squatting down kick her legs back
out and back up no jump then she's gonnado a fast feet well i'm doing jump rope full jump ropeand lastly we're getting to the ground for a plank either from the knees orfrom up top okay don't worry we'll tell you as we're going on because that'swhat it's show time this is it right heredon't hold anything back let's get it you ready claudia ready or not let'shear it big jump and then burpee and then turn around hit it the oppositedirection yeah it's just one right into the next with these either way we'regiving it everything you got for these last couple minutes this is itright here no holding back you versus
you on this one remember what i saidearlier i want you to impress yourself that means doing more than you thinkyou're capable of pushing past your perceived limits those limitationswhoever told you that you're not good enough they're not worth it that youcan't do it this is for them right here lay it out there give it to us let's gobri come on don't slow down don't slow down almost done almost done last tenseconds that's it and five four three two onewe're up i'm into a faux jump rope claudia's doing fast feed and you're notstopping come on let's go you got it picking up the pace hot feet hot feetari nice work everybody this is it right
here put it all on the line no hold themback you got it moving moving moving let's golet's go oh let's go yeah pump it up well we're here with youwe're here with you not alone you're a fighter not a quitter come on on hereyou're a fighter not a quitter that's it let's go 10 seconds almost there let'sgo speed it up speed it up five four three two one to the ground last hit apoint you decide if you're high or low on this one but get there and holdbreathe that core nice and tight as you're tight that's itback is straight you guys you can do anything for a minute that's rightanything that's right
fighting through that pain it's allmental don't listen to that burn you're better than that stronger than thatlet's hit it you can do this you can do anything do you hear that you can doanything here it is right here hold the hold it hold it don't you give up don'tyou hit pause and don't you stop let's go come on come on this is it right hereyou got 30 seconds for the end of the day that's it you've come this farthrough my crazy but routine you're not gonna give up right now you got ityou're stronger than that you guys i just moved up to my feet like coachkozak just for myself it's up to you you decide which one's right for you ifyou're not ready for it on your knees no
worrieswhat you can do be the best version of you right here you got last 10 secondsthat's it 10 seconds and you're done that's it you can do anything for that10 seconds like claudia said you can do this come on 3 2 1 ah you're done nicework girl thank you so much for working out with us today without you and all ofyour hard work we're just a crazy married couple hanging out in the garagecamera which we kind of are anyway but hey you know what that's wrong becausewe give it all that you guys thank you so much if you like this workout be sureto give it a big ol thumbs up and subscribe to this youtube channel reallythe main thing that helps us keep this
great service free please also don'tforget to visit our website has fit comm we have free workout programs 30 days 90days 60 days we have recipes we have our motivation we have everything thatyou're looking for all for free make sure to check us out on whatever socialmedia platform you're on we are where you are thank you so much for giving usthe privilege to work out and serve you today i'm coach kozak i'm claudia and wewill see you your next workout
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