you know, i know we all struggle in thesedifferent areas. i struggle with sleep. i mean, there’s just too many things to doin a given day, right? but i just want to take the opportunity, since we’re talkingabout things that promote health, to really focus on sleep. we really do need seven tonine hours of sleep a night. back in the day, we all got nine hours of sleep typically.we have a very artificial lifestyle these

Alpha Lipoic Acid Weight Loss, days, and we have a lot of work to get done,and we’re up at the crack of dawn half the time. but there are a lot of really greatsleep studies out now that just show how important sleep is. number one: you will have an improvedimmune system if you sleep, and this makes sense. all of our anabolic, so processes thatare building regenerative in the body take
place during sleep. when you look at aging,slowly, you'll start to see the elasticity of the skin changes, and you'll see a littlebit more dragging here, and the eyelids will slowly start to come down, and all of thesethings happen. this is reflected by a lack of growth hormone. growth hormone slowly declineswith age. sleep and exercise are the two times that we make more growth hormone, so justsleeping more, seriously, can keep us younger because we’re just doing the repair processesat night. sleeping more, you will actually keep weight off more easily. our hormone profileschange when we don’t sleep enough so that we’re constantly craving more starches,more fats, and we overall eat more when we don’t sleep. so sleep’s a really importantone for lots and lots of reasons.
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