
If you need to lose a lot of weight very quickly that there are many ways to do this . This article will show banana island diet you a way that you can lose up to 7 pounds of body weight or more within 7 days . Now, just before entering the practicalities of this scheme is important to remember that this is not something you should do for more than a week banana island diet .
This is a great way to lose some weight fast. Say you have a high school reunion coming up in a few weeks and want to look your best, so that the banana island diet is an easy way to lose those extra pounds quickly.
In addition, as a precautionary measure , it is not a bad idea to take a multivitamin every day while on this diet. Okay, so banana island diet , what diet really means. Blandness of a thing , if only because it is redundant. But boy it works like a charm banana island diet.
As the name of the food probably gives a strong idea, the banana island diet revolves around , you guessed it , bananas . Another great thing about this is that it cost less than twenty dollars for the whole week banana island diet .
You do not have to think about what you eat each day or how .Banana island diet you can focus that extra time on a hobby or reading that book you wanted to read for so long. In addition , bananas are quiet satisfying and keep you full, so you might think that the diet is monotonous, which will keep you full , which is the key to being able to lose weight. You do not have to fight against hunger.
Okay, so here it is. In the banana island diet you can eat eleven bananas , a cup of soy milk and a half cup of cooked rice. Eat 3 bananas for breakfast . Have a banana and soy milk smoothie as mid-morning.
Combine soy milk, a banana and half a cup of ice. It is delicious . For lunch enjoy 3 more bananas and for a lunch snack have a banana over medium banana island diet. Dinner will be in the other three banana slices on a half - cup of cooked rice.
Add a pinch of salt for extra treats . Yes , this diet is monotonous , but it works like a charm. Drink plenty of water and tea and pure coffee what you want and do not go over 1300 calories. Add to that a little exercise for additional effect banana island diet. | |
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