Absence and Searching

"Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16
Have you wondered where I've been? Maybe, maybe not. I'll tell you anyways, I've been fighting the good fight.
What does that mean? well, it means I've been fighting this battle of losing weight and becoming healthy. I've been listening to Satan tell me, "nothing I do is going to work." I've been having pity parties for myself and I've been crying out to God and saying, "Why me?"
I am here to tell you today that I haven't been following my life style of eating, I don't want to say diet, because saying "diet" makes me think that I can soon go back to my old ways, and I can't.
To be honest, I wasn't looking to scripture to help me and that's where I started losing my battle. I've been avoiding this blog because I felt like a hypocrite. But, I never stopped praying and asking God for help. You see, the problem wasn't with God. It was with me. I quit using the scripture to help me.
I come before you now confessing my faults: I haven't been following my lifestyle of change, I haven't been exercising and most importantly, I haven't been studying the scriptures to keep me on the straight and narrow path. 
I'm here to tell you today: Confession is good for the soul!
I'm here to ask you to forgive me, don't give up on me, and to please continue doing this with me. God has a purpose for this blog...
I believe it is to help both you and me.

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